Dad's Rules
Sometimes, your voice screams make time today for some love. Richard Kutner, one of my childhood friends exemplified perfection of a no filter conversation. You see, we all have struggles. We will all die at some point, some of us will be given a warning and for others it will happen in a flash.
Richard and I were discussing life, death and legacy. He was sharing some of his recent stuff as was I. He began to rattle off his rules and they were so simple and to the point. I asked him to send me his wisdom which he calls “Dad’s Rules”.
Dad's Rules
1. Life is not fair. Life is not unfair; it is just not guaranteed to be fair. When you get more than you expect or think you deserve, be generous. When you get less, address the issue courteously for future such occurrences and move on graciously.
2. If something is bothering you, change it. Address issues as directly, effectively and efficiently as possible. Think things through with an eye to positive results. Apply the lessons from the past to the present and the future. Wherever possible, transform challenges into opportunities and positive outcomes. Be accountable to yourself and others.
3. If you can't change it, stop letting it bother you. Once you have given your best and done your all to make a situation as good as it can be, live comfortably with the outcome, whatever it may be. Then, move on to whatever is next.
4. Always treat others as you would wish to be treated by them. What you do is who you are. Strive to do good and to be good. When others let you down (and many will), refer to Rule #1. Stay true to yourself, your beliefs and your values.
Thanks Richard, as these words are cherished, respected and now shared.