D&AD Talks/Opinion
Earlier this year, I attended the D&AD Awards at Southbank in London, I considered this to be a privilege. Not one of the lucky few invited to the ceremony itself, but instead immersing myself in a series of live talks on day two of the event. I attempted, at least, to form an opinion of the short lectures held by industry leaders, covering a range of subjects related to their professional and personal life experiences.
I have worked within the brand design industry for thirty years, at many of the top agencies and with some exceptional creative thinkers.?At times however, I have felt as if I am somewhat on the periphery. I have never been a ‘designer’, but I do consider myself a creative, and now I feel I have a voice, thanks to the position I find myself in here at Pearlfisher.
I will be sharing four short articles/opinions very soon. Feel free to scroll past if you are disinterested, otherwise I would love to hear your thoughts and comments, hold tight!