Dad, Stop Saying No One's on Google+
Shaun Jamison, JD, PhD, CIPP
Higher Education Leader | #AILaw #DataPrivacy #LegalTech #AccessToJustice
I was chastised by one of the teenagers in my home the other day. She said "Dad, stop saying no one's on Google+. There are thousands of us out there." So true, I was stuck in the bubble of my own experience. It's a lovely platform, but outside of interacting with people at the school, it's been pretty much dead for me.
I'm a member of a group of techie type lawyers on Google+. Every once in a while, the moderator will stir up some activity and then it promptly dies. It's a beautiful platform with neat features. And yet, it doesn't seem too social. Until...
Until you find the niches of people truly enjoying themselves as communities. In an article about the twenty-five biggest communities on Google+, I noticed groups that appeal to young people such on gaming, hunger games, and a place to talk about being a teen. But there were also quite a number of places to talk about science, the environment, and inspiration. Just nothing at all about the law and lawyers in the top twenty-five.
But lawyers don't need to spend all day with lawyers and wouldn't some of the people in these groups make great clients? It's especially helpful to compete if all of the other lawyers in your practice area think Google+ is dead and stay away? Shhhh. Don't tell anyone, Google+ still lives. And there are people there.