DACC Honor Society Inducts New Members
Danville Area Community College
Alumni Relations at Danville Area Community College formerly Danville Junior College
DACC’s Pi Omega Chapter of Phi Theta Kappa International Honor Society inducted new members on Thursday, March 3, during its Spring Induction Ceremony. State Senator Scott Bennett was the keynote speaker. The complete list of inductees is attached.
Also recognized at the ceremony was Rachel Cyphers, recipient of the?PTK?Officer's Membership Scholarship, and ?Levi Heaton and Hoang Nguyen, members of the All Academic Team from DACC.
Pi Omega Chapter officers are President- Laura Duncan, Vice President- Jenesis Maynard, Officer- Kalia Mason, and Officer- Lindsey Fran. In addition to the officer team, the Induction Planning Committee included Chloe Brandt, Hoang Nguyen, Ainslee Johnson, and Caleb Kelly.
Phi Theta Kappa, the International Honor Society of the Two-Year College, has recognized academic excellence in the two-year college since 1918. Membership is based primarily upon academic achievement. The organization offers myriad opportunities for scholarships, intellectual enrichment, and personal development through programs based on the Society’s Hallmarks. Phi Theta Kappa is the largest honor society in American higher education with more than 1.3 million members in the United States, U.S. territories, Canada, Germany, and Japan. Pi Omega Chapter members at DACC must be in the top seven percent of their class and must maintain a GPA of 3.5 or higher to qualify for membership. They must have accumulated 12 college credits before they are eligible for membership.
Despite the Greek letters, PTK is not a social fraternity or sorority, though fellowship is encouraged. Pi Omega chapter at DACC focuses on community service and volunteerism. Members have assisted with tornado/storm clean up in neighboring communities, regularly pick up trash on their “adopted” portion of Main Street between Virginia and Brewer Road, have assisted with foodbank food distributions, have worked with Habitat for Humanity, have mentored at local k-12 schools and have raked leaves for senior citizens.
PTK members are given the opportunity to attend conferences and seminars on topics ranging from environmental issues to leadership. To offset the cost of travel and activities, Pi Omega members conduct several fundraising events throughout the year. Members also have access to scholarship opportunities for transfer students through both the International association and individual 4-year institutions.
Phi Theta Kappa Inductees:
Caroline Bogan
Danville, IL
Schlarman Academy
Jenna Bryant
Catlin, IL
Salt Fork High School
Brycie Carnahan
Danville, IL
Schlarman Academy
Rachel Cyphers
Oakwood IL
Oakwood High School
Tyler Danzl
Catlin, IL
Salt Fork High School
Ella Dixon
Danville, IL
Schlarman Academy
Jarron Fleming
Oakwood, IL
Oakwood High School
Makenna Fletcher-Champion
Danville, IL
Danville High School
DeJuante Forman
Danville IL
Danville High School
Olivia Fritz
Fairmount, IL
Salt Fork High School
Thomas Geno
Cairo, NY
Cairo Durham High School
Megan Gross
Terre Haute, IN
Terre Haute South Vigo
Gage Hopkins
Hoopeston, IL
Hoopeston Area High School
Brynlee Keeran
Catlin, IL
Salt Fork High School
Olivia Logue
Armstrong, IL
Armstrong Twp High School
Mason McMasters
Potomac, IL
Armstrong Twp High School
Jasmyn Meeker
Westville IL
Westville High School
Tongalene Miller
Grand Rapids, MI
Richards Career Academy
Emma Myers
Westville IL
Westville High School
Kylee Pate
Catlin, IL
Salt Fork High School
Samuel Pollard
Tilton, IL
Danville High School
Montana Reitsma
Danville, IL
Bismarck-Henning-Rossville-Alvin Coop High School
Jeremy Roberts
Danville, IL
Bismarck-Henning-Rossville-Alvin Coop High School
Rebecca Rogers
Catlin, IL
Salt Fork High School
Mea Sparling
Westville, IL
Westville High School
Linda Trammell
Danville, IL
Andrew Jackson High School
Sheryl Walsh
Danville, IL
Centennial High School
Madison Watson
Danville, IL
Schlarman Academy
Madison Wilson
Westville IL
Westville High school