D365 BC - Master Data Management Setup
Master Data Management Setup

D365 BC - Master Data Management Setup

In the eagerly awaited Dynamics 365 Business Central 2023 Wave 1 release, the Master Data Management feature takes center stage, addressing a longstanding request from numerous customers. This feature empowers users to seamlessly transfer master data and setups between companies within the same environment, functioning as a robust data synchronization engine.


Before initiating the synchronization process, it is crucial to adhere to the following prerequisites:

  1. Unified Environment: Ensure that all involved companies operate within the same environment. Synchronization is designed to function seamlessly when all entities are within a unified business environment.
  2. User Permissions: The user responsible for configuring the subsidiary company must possess the "Master Data Mgt. – View" permission set. This permission set is a feature of both Premium and Essential licenses. Notably, the Team Member license grants access but does not permit modifications to records, rendering it unsuitable for setting up synchronization.

By meeting these fundamental requirements, users can establish a solid foundation for successful and effective data synchronization between companies.

Key Capabilities of Master Data Management:

  1. Moving Master Data: The feature facilitates the synchronization of tables and fields data from a designated source company to a receiving company. Users have the flexibility to define specific tables and fields for synchronization, applying advanced synchronization couplings.
  2. Real-Time Updates: Changes made in the source company are promptly pulled to the receiving companies through the job queue, ensuring timely data updates across the environment.
  3. Transparent Tracking: Users in the receiving company can effortlessly review synchronization logs, enabling them to track changes and address any potential issues.

Configuration Steps:

  • Open Business Central in the company you want to synchronize with a master company.
  • Use the search function to find "Master Data Management Setup."
  • Select the "Master Data Management Setup Administration Task" from the search results.


  • On the Master Data Management Setup Page:

Master Data Management Setup

  • Choose the source company for master data synchronization.


  • Set the value to enable data synchronization.

  • After enabling synchronization, a notification or message will guide you through the remaining setup steps for Master Data Synchronization.


  • Access "Synchronization Tables": Click on the option labeled "Synchronization Tables" to define the tables and fields for synchronization.

  • Once the Table is Open then there are few fields are present in that.

  • Status: Specifies if synchronization is enabled for this table. If you make this Enabled then it will eligible for the Synchronization and if disabled then it will not.
  • Table: Specifies the table caption.
  • Overwrite Local Changes: Specifies if the synchronization engine should overwrite local changes that are done since last synchronization.
  • Synchronize Changes Since: Specifies a date/time that is used to determine which records to synchronize from the source company. Only records that have System Modified At value greater than this value, will be synchronized. This value keeps changing with every synchronization job.
  • Table Filter: Specifies a filter on the table in the source company to control which records should be synchronized.

  • Once it is done then there is an option in the Top named as the Fields. Click on that and then there are further more fields which needs to discuss.

  • Status: Specifies if field synchronization is enabled or disabled.
  • Field No.: Specifies the number of the field in the source company.
  • Caption No.: Specifies the caption of the field.
  • Validate Field: Specifies if the field should be validated during assignment.
  • Overwrite Local Change: Specifies if the synchronization should overwrite the local change that was done after the last synchronization.

Once satisfied with the setup, proceed to click on "Start Initial Synchronization" to kickstart the synchronization process.

Master Data Initial Synchronization Page:

Upon initiating synchronization, navigate to the Master Data Initial Synchronization page. On this page, observe the list of tables that are part of the synchronization process.

Choose Synchronization Type for Each Table:

Tailor the synchronization process for each table by selecting the appropriate type.

Full Synchronization:

  • In this mode, the system generates new records for all entries in the source company that are not currently associated with the subsidiary company.
  • Ideal Usage: When the subsidiary company lacks any data in the specified table. When the objective is to incorporate records from the source company into the subsidiary without the necessity of matching.

Match-Based Coupling:

  • This synchronization mode is the preferred choice when there are existing records in both the source and subsidiary companies.
  • The process involves Business Central matching records in the subsidiary company with those in the source company based on user-defined matching criteria.
  • Key Characteristics: Enables a precise alignment of records between the source and subsidiary companies. Defined matching criteria guide the system in identifying corresponding records for synchronization.


  • Clicking Start All will initiate the initial synchronization.

Start All

  • It can take a bit time. Once the process is done then you can check that it is Completed or not.
  • Table Name: Specifies the name.
  • Job Queue Entity Status: Specifies the status of the job queue entry.
  • Job Status: Specifies the status of jobs for data coming from the source table.
  • Synchronization Method: Specifies the recommended action for the initial synchronization.


Reviewing Synchronization Log:

  • Access the synchronization log either by searching for “Integration Synchronization Jobs” or by directly clicking on “Synchronization Log” from the “Synchronization Tables” page. The “Integration Synchronization Jobs” page provides a comprehensive overview of each instance when a job queue entry ran. Detailed insights into the addition of new records or reasons for synchronization failures can be explored by selecting the numbers in the “Inserted” or “Failed” columns. This page is a valuable resource for investigating and understanding the synchronization process.

Job Queue Functionality:

  • Master Data Management heavily relies on Job Queue functionality. Explore new Job Queue Entries specific to each synchronized table in the “Job Queue Entries” page. These entries are scheduled to run at regular intervals, typically every minute. This functionality ensures a systematic and timely execution of synchronization tasks.

Manual Synchronization Option:

  • Users have the flexibility to manually trigger synchronization by clicking on “Synchronize Modified Records” under the Master Data Management Setup. This option provides a means to initiate synchronization outside of the scheduled Job Queue runs, offering control over when the synchronization process occurs.

Synchronization and Deletion:

  • Importantly, the synchronization process does not extend to deletions. If a record is deleted in the source company, it will not automatically be removed in the subsidiary company.
  • This precautionary measure is in place to prevent inadvertent loss of data in the subsidiary company.
  • Manual intervention is required for any record deletions in the subsidiary company.


  • In summary, the Master Data Management feature delivers robust functionality for synchronizing and managing data between source and subsidiary companies.
  • The need to create a separate application for this purpose is now obsolete, streamlining the data management process.
  • The feature enhances efficiency and accuracy by providing a centralized mechanism for data synchronization without compromising data integrity.


