D36, No. 45: Last Year is History, Next Year Is A Mystery. 2025 is Here. It's Project Planning Time!
James O'Flanagan, MS, FRSA
Your Personal Engineering Guide ?? | Oapsie.com | Top 100 Innovators 2024 | Marquis Who’s Who | EastRimTrail.com | Stow.Mortgage | jamesoflanagan.com | MS | FRSA | F:??♂???♀???????????♂????
Carpe Diem, Baby! Reflecting on Wins, Lessons, & Growth of the past year while building a roadmap for the future. Let’s make 2025 count????
Author’s Note: Themes That Guide Our Vision
At OAPSIE?Inc. , each year begins with a guiding theme that sets the tone for our actions, projects, and interactions. In 2025, our theme is “Conciseness is Kindness”, emphasizing the power of clear, intentional communication. This mantra guided everything from our project management strategies to our interpersonal relationships, helping us focus on delivering impactful work with efficiency and clarity.
In 2025, our theme is “Conciseness is Kindness.”
This year’s theme builds on a foundation laid in prior years:
Each theme has shaped OAPSIE?Inc. ’s culture and priorities, reflecting our shared values and collective goals. For 2025, the theme remains “Conciseness is Kindness”, continuing our commitment to clear communication and purposeful action.
A Note On The Article Title: This article's title is a play on my favorite scene from Cool Runnings, which is a hilarious John Candy movie about the true story of the Jamaican Bobsled team at the 1988 Winter Olympics in Calgary, Alberta, Canada. Highly recommended!
Feel the rhythm, feel the rhyme, get on up, it's bobsled time!
Video Reference: https://youtu.be/kUPG9Wd44JQ?si=nfJbGw_h4yGpOBlb
Thank you everyone for taking the time to read my content. I really appreciate it!
Article Summary
Article Playlist
Music by: Metallica, "Carpe Diem, Baby!" (1997)
Theme song for this Deck 36 Newsletter Article.
Link Reference: https://youtu.be/tb6CnztUvDk?si=lA00XusZbEJL7-uA
As 2024 comes to a close, I’m reflecting on the challenges, growth, and achievements that defined the year. This article offers a brief review of my 2024 goals and a preview of what's to come in 2025. Along the way, I’ve learned valuable lessons, celebrated milestones, and encountered obstacles that have shaped both my personal and professional journey.
Here’s a glimpse of my new school at sunrise, captured in August as we kicked off the school year. This past year, I became the Engineering, Manufacturing, & Robotics Instructor at Bedford High School .
Music by: Billie Myers, "Kiss The Rain." (1979).
Video Reference: https://vimeo.com/1005193770
Guided by our 2025 theme, "Conciseness is Kindness," we focused on simplifying processes, enhancing communication, and prioritizing clarity in all we do. As 2025 begins, I’m excited to share what worked, what didn’t, and how these lessons are informing our bold goals for the year ahead. ??
Oapsie Inc.'s and James O'Flanagan's 2024 Goals
2024 was a year of progress and learning. Although not all goals were met, the experience provided important insights that will guide my decisions in the future. Here's a look at my key goals for the year and how they played out.
Here are OAPSIE?Inc. 's 2024 Goals:
Deck 36 Article Reference: https://www.dhirubhai.net/pulse/deck-36-14-summary-oapsie-incs-2024-strategic-plan-james-o-flanagan-et9dc/
How We Did On Those Goals
In this section, we'll review the progress we made toward the goals we set, highlighting the achievements and challenges along the way. We'll reflect on how our efforts have shaped the outcome and what we've learned in the process.
1. Engaging with Engineers Without Borders
In 2024, I aimed to engage in community service through organizations like Engineers Without Borders (EWB). While I wasn’t able to participate in an official EWB project, I explored remote opportunities with EWB data science projects, which will support Oapsie Inc. in 2025. These experiences reaffirmed my commitment to using engineering for social good.
I also engaged with The RSA (The royal society for arts, manufactures and commerce) and pursued social entrepreneurship goals. You can see my RSA Fellowship Profile Here:
Link Reference: https://www.thersa.org/fellowship/find-a-fellow/profile/203183
Additionally, I was honored to be listed among the Top 100 professionals in my field—an inspiring reminder of the power of socially responsible work. This is my 2024 placement in The Official Top 100 Magazine :
Link Reference: https://www.thetop100magazine.com/james-o-flanagan
Looking ahead, 2025 will focus on environmental and conservation service, with key efforts like the USGS naming project and other conservation initiatives central to our mission.
2. Conducting an Environmental Impact Study
In 2024, I set out to conduct a pro bono environmental impact study as part of my sustainability commitment. What started as a small project grew significantly in scope. The time invested far exceeded my initial plan, pushing other priorities aside, but the results were worth it.
This experience underscored the importance of combining technical expertise with environmental stewardship and laid the groundwork for future contributions. Our work, including insights from the #QuarryYesMore, led to key milestones, such as a published article and a bonus "Day Nine" discovery.
It was a rewarding challenge, and I look forward to its lasting impact. Let's take a look at a few of the projects:
#QuarryYesMore is an exciting initiative aimed at preserving the legacy of The Peninsula Quarry should it ever be developed. As part of an environmental impact study, one key component is our U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) naming project, which aims to assign names to previously unnamed water features in the Cuyahoga Valley Watershed.
Our working thesis is that naming these features helps protect them, as it becomes harder to destroy something once it has a name.
Link Reference: https://www.dhirubhai.net/pulse/d36-issue-38-quarryyesmore-bonus-day-9-james-o-flanagan-ms-frsa-l00qc/
The article outlines the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) Water Feature Naming Project, emphasizing its significance in preserving natural landmarks and enhancing environmental awareness. It highlights how the project aims to name unnamed water features in the Cuyahoga Valley Watershed to protect and sustain the area's ecological legacy.
Link Reference: https://www.dhirubhai.net/pulse/d36-19-conservation-oapsie-inc-files-usgs-bgn-naming-james-o-flanagan-5fw8c/
As part of our ongoing efforts, I submitted a proposal for new names to the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) , which were included in the meeting agenda. The linked PDF contains the official meeting minutes, outlining the proposed names and their discussion during the session.
Document Reference: https://d9-wret.s3.us-west-2.amazonaws.com/assets/palladium/production/s3fs-public/media/files/DNC%20863_Apr11%202024_Minutes.pdf
We've proposed the naming of Sylvan Run, a key tributary to the Cuyahoga River south of Deep Lock Quarry. This video highlights its unique features and significance to the local ecosystem.
Sylvan Run was one of the success we had for conservation in 2024. It is a primary tributary to the Cuyahoga River and was officially submitted to the USGS for naming, celebrating its natural beauty and historical significance.
Music by: The Irish Rovers, "The Unicorn," (1962).
Video Reference: https://vimeo.com/954816712?share=copy#t=0
This article outlines a practical, cost-effective plan for the Peninsula Community for the old Brandywine Golf Course Site, focused on achieving real impact through thoughtful engineering solutions. We hope to see this plan implemented in the near future.
For more info:
Deck 36 Newsletter Article Reference: https://www.dhirubhai.net/posts/jamesoflanagan_brandywine-community-deck36newsletter-activity-7261339320345636864-V6ac
Once a power source on the Cuyahoga River, is being removed to restore the river ecosystem and uncover Class 5 rapids. This restoration will reveal a hidden natural treasure. (In this video I am standing where the main rapids will be.)
I’m excited to see how the dam’s removal will enhance outdoor recreation and environmental education along the river.
Down Goes Dam IV: In this short video, I discuss the Gorge Dam removal project, highlighting how on-site collaboration and strategic social media engagement are driving awareness and support for this critical environmental initiative.
Link Reference: https://youtube.com/shorts/BHKLKetjPyk?si=uPuiSrVaHzIcjRRk
Here's a much longer explanation from a previous LinkedIn post:
Music by: Don McClean, "American Pie." (1971).
Link To Full Post: https://www.dhirubhai.net/posts/jamesoflanagan_conservation-spillway-conservation-activity-7226239875191128065-VXHx
This project tracks the impact of dam removal on local fish populations in the Cuyahoga River. Researchers count fish and monitor their migration patterns to better understand how restoring natural waterways can support biodiversity and improve ecosystem health. While this isn’t my own project, I came across it and found it inspiring—an excellent example of how environmental conservation can create meaningful, lasting change.
?Here is a video I took of the equipment on the Cuyahoga River in Cuyahoga Falls, OH:
Music by: AD/DC, "Back In Black." (1980).
Video Reference: https://vimeo.com/1004907417?share=copy#t=0
3. Expanding My Circle of Competence
In 2024, I exceeded my goal of expanding my circle of competence, achieving a notable increase through industry events, specialized training, and teaching. Teaching alone significantly boosted my growth, while pursuing master’s classes at Kent State and maintaining an A average further enhanced my skills.
The concept of the circle of competence, introduced by Warren Buffett, refers to the areas where you have deep expertise. Expanding it means acquiring new skills and venturing outside your comfort zone, unlocking opportunities for innovation and leadership.
Book Reference: https://www.amazon.com/dp/0553384619?ref_=cm_sw_r_ffobk_cp_ud_dp_2Y0DAP2NQPMR7WNKMAA4&skipTwisterOG=1&bestFormat=true&newOGT=1
In August 2024, I was honored to be recognized in The Official Top 100 Magazine as one of the leading innovators and entrepreneurs shaping the future. This recognition highlights the ongoing expansion of my circle of competence, as I continue to engage with diverse industries and tackle new challenges.
I was recognized in Top 100 Magazine, highlighting his innovative application of social media and AI techniques to advance conservation efforts.
Music by: Seal, "Crazy." (1991).
Video Reference: https://vimeo.com/1005193335
4. Securing Speaking Engagements
Public speaking was once a personal challenge, but after decades of practice, I’ve grown more comfortable and confident in my delivery.
I’ll never forget my first presentation at a department meeting at 固特异 , where I completely froze. Fortunately, my colleagues offered immense support, which I truly appreciated.
(Some of you reading this might actually remember that particular TVET Department Meeting!)
Practice Run: My practice-run lecture, where I explored the intersection of 2 Live Crew's McCuff and AI training datasets, discussing how music and data influence machine learning models and the potential implications for both fields.
Link Reference: https://youtu.be/HivlkJOBPmo
By 2024, speaking had transformed from a challenge to a strength. Over the year, I delivered more than 400 hours of lectures & webinars, plus speeches on topics like Artificial Intelligence , Engineering Management and Servant Leadership .
These opportunities allowed me to share valuable insights, connect with diverse audiences, and establish myself as a thought leader in my field. I quickly learned that effective communication is not just about sharing knowledge—it’s about building trust and inspiring action.
In addition, we I speaking engagements at ASME (The American Society of Mechanical Engineers) . Unfortunately, I couldn’t attend due to my new role as the Engineering, Robotics, & Manufacturing Instructor at Bedford High School .
For more information on material the was accepted by ASME (The American Society of Mechanical Engineers) for publication in the Spring of 2024:
Link Reference: https://www.dhirubhai.net/pulse/d36-42-asme-imece-zonular-curvi-linear-coordinate-eye-james-gvywc/
In this article, I explore how Deck 36 leveraged generative AI to optimize the setup and execution of experiments. Both this and the above presentations were accepted at ASME IMECE 2024.
Link Reference: https://www.dhirubhai.net/pulse/deck-36-41-asme-imece-using-generative-ai-set-up-run-james-o-flanagan-lycac/
I've also recorded some lectures on various topics to support my teaching efforts.
Link Reference: https://youtu.be/LoDc84jTFbU
As part of the delivery of my curriculum at Bedford, I set up new web properties for Bedford Engineering, Robotics, & Manufacturing.
Here is a link to the Youtube Channel:
YouTube Video Reference: YouTube.com/@BedfordEngineering
...And to an Intro To Robotics on Bedford Engineering's Channel:
Video Reference: https://youtu.be/l4WFsOsbkzM?si=crMUhHPoQhNTj-jR
5. Fostering Brand Partnerships
In 2024, I aimed to form five new brand partnerships that aligned with OAPSIE?Inc. ’s mission and values. While I secured three partnerships—falling short of the target—the depth of these collaborations exceeded my expectations. These partnerships have opened doors to new projects and resources, strengthening OAPSIE?Inc. ’s ability to innovate and deliver value.
Link Reference: https://stow.mortgage
Link Reference: eastrimtrail.com
Link Reference: https://oapsie.com
Plus three more in earlier stages of Design & Development:
2025 is shaping up to be a busy year for us and our brand partners, with exciting opportunities and continued growth on the horizon.
6. Expanding Oapsie Inc.'s Coaching Business
Looking ahead, expanding OAPSIE?Inc. 's coaching business will be an area focus in 2025. Coaching continues to be one of the most rewarding parts of my work, and is totally congruent with my role as a high school engineering teacher.
I’m eager to build on the momentum from this year. I plan to welcome even more clients and expand our services, including bringing on another teacher as a software coach to further grow our reach and impact.
I also aim to connect with the next generation of engineers at the 72nd Annual NORTHEASTERN OHIO SCIENCE AND ENGINEERING FAIR, where I have been a judge for the past several years.
Link Reference: https://www.dhirubhai.net/pulse/d36-23-after-action-report-71st-neo-science-fair-james-o-flanagan-rfq6c/
tailored workshops and mentorship programs. While the goal of onboarding five new clients wasn’t fully met, the relationships I’ve built with existing clients have been incredibly fulfilling.
Looking forward, OAPSIE?Inc. will continue to evolve and expand its service offerings in 2025. We’ve built a robust suite of services, including:
While the goal of onboarding five new clients wasn’t fully met, the relationships I’ve built with existing clients have been incredibly fulfilling. These connections form the foundation for continued success and deeper impact in the year ahead.
Link Reference: https://oapsie.com/contact
7. Writing and Publishing a Business Book
Although I didn’t meet the goal of publishing a book in 2024, I made substantial progress toward it. My book, Engineering with Heart, is based on nearly 1,000 collaborative LinkedIn articles I wrote throughout the year. With the help of generative AI, transforming these articles into a book draft took just a weekend—something I never would have attempted before. While the next step involves a thorough human editing process, it’s incredibly rewarding to finally hold a book draft in my hands.
Deck 36. Issue No. 27, which focused on business books, played a key role in shaping my approach and inspiring the writing journey. Although the book won’t be published until later in 2025, I’m excited to share the finished product soon.
This is my most popular post from 2024 on all platforms. Takeaway? This article is almost 100% about helping other people, rather than talking about myself. I am taking notes ??
Link Reference: https://www.dhirubhai.net/pulse/d36-27-deck-36-newsletter-article-business-books-james-o-flanagan-ivy1c/
I currently have two manuscripts in editing, both moving toward publication.
One of them is a student project called The Boiler Room Chronicles, where we used generative AI to bring our story to life.
The other is my engineering book discussed above.
In preparation, I also explored storytelling on YouTube and reviewed several books in a Deck 36 newsletter article focused on book recommendations.
We plan to publish both manuscripts on Amazon KDP, available in both Kindle and paperback formats.
8. Increasing Digital Engagement
In 2024, I focused heavily on digital engagement, particularly on LinkedIn and Facebook . Through consistent posting and meaningful interactions, I grew my online presence, increasing my follower count by 4X—an achievement I’m proud of and expect to be hard to surpass.
Being featured in Marquis Who's Who this year for innovation and entrepreneurship is a key milestone, expanding my circle of competence by connecting me with new networks, perspectives, and opportunities. It highlights the value of digital engagement and networking with like-minded professionals.
Honored to be recognized by Marquis Who's Who for contributions to engineering and social entrepreneurship. View my profile here.
Link Reference: https://badges.marquiswhoswho.com/Badge/honoredlistee/f7352e95980a4dca9989b901a957eb997ac74ebd1ee6485395522c2a5c8abe00
Over the past year, I contributed to more than 1,000 collaborative articles on LinkedIn , focusing on topics that bridge Engineering Design , Business Development , and Leadership Development .
This effort not only expanded my knowledge but also allowed me to engage with a wider network of professionals, further enhancing my expertise.
Music by: Montell Jordan, "This Is How We Do It." (1995).
Link Reference: https://vimeo.com/995447999/3b2d2177d8
9. Advancing Pennantview
In 2024, I made significant strides with Pennantview , focusing on research, patent work, and refining the technology. While data collection didn’t happen last spring, I'm excited to partner with a baseball team in 2025 to gather valuable insights and take the technology to the next level. With ongoing efforts to find a buyer, I'm optimistic that 2025 will be a breakthrough year for Pennantview, both in terms of development and potential opportunities.
P03: James O’Flanagan, “Ballparkview: A Baseball Stadium Predictive Performance Platform”
Numerous stadium effects impact the outcome of a baseball game – variations in both the in-play and out-of-play areas of the ballpark; weather and wind conditions; and lighting conditions. O’Flanagan presents a predictive sabermetrics model leveraging data science, Ballparkview, that uses CAD models for the stadium, Computational Fluid Dynamics simulations, National Weather Service data, ray tracing technology and game statistics. This model generates a large new dataset of simulated stadium days, with a new set of 30 equations that describe ball flight characteristics at each stadium. This model is encapsulated in a predictive software application.
Link Reference: https://sabr.org/convention/sabr51-posters
The Pennantview homepage, hosted by OAPSIE.com, provides an in-depth look at the innovative technology and its potential to enhance baseball data analysis and performance.
Link Reference: https://pennantview.com
10. Securing Funding for Pennantview
Although I wasn’t able to secure funding for Pennantview in 2024, the groundwork laid—including technology development and stakeholder engagement—positions us well for success in 2025. The patent filing at the end of 2023 has set a solid foundation for the upcoming year.
Further used to explain the technology in 2024.
Due to scheduling conflicts, we were unable to instrument players and gather force and moment data during the spring baseball season to further validate the Pennantview model. However, we plan to focus on this crucial task in the spring of 2025.
In this research, we examine how computational biomechanics can be applied to optimize the baseball pitching motion, enhancing performance and reducing injury risks.
Here is the full paper published on ResearchGate :
Link Reference: https://www.researchgate.net/publication/380577271_Pitcherview_Using_Computational_Biomechanics_To_Optimize_The_Baseball_Pitching_Motion
Though progress on this goal was limited in 2024, it remains a priority, and we are committed to advancing it in 2025.
Challenges Overcome in 2024
2024 presented its share of challenges, particularly balancing my roles as a teacher, entrepreneur, and mentor. Time management became crucial, along with the ability to prioritize and delegate effectively.
Several years ago, I implemented a routine of blocking out two hours every Monday morning, from 8 a.m. to 10 a.m., dedicated solely to weekly project planning. This uninterrupted time has been invaluable, and I plan to apply similar thinking to spend more quality time with my wife in 2025.
Technical setbacks and funding challenges also tested my resilience, but each obstacle offered opportunities for learning and growth.
One of the personal challenges I overcame this year involved navigating tricky boundaries with friends in both personal and professional settings.
Link Reference: https://www.dhirubhai.net/pulse/d36-30-blurred-lines-navigating-personal-ties-james-o-flanagan-bjmyc/
Celebrating Milestones and Takeaways
In 2024, I published over 40 issues of my newsletter—a significant milestone.
Highlights of the year include:
These accomplishments reflect the efforts made throughout the year, backed by a solid team.
Key takeaways include the importance of continuous learning, collaboration, and maintaining work-life balance. These will shape my plans for 2025.
Setting SMART Goals for 2025
SMART goals are designed to help you achieve success by making your goals clear, achievable, and time-bound.
The SMART acronym stands for:
This framework ensures that each goal is clearly defined and has a realistic timeline for completion.
As I focus on my personal and professional growth in 2025, I’m setting the following SMART goals to guide my actions and track progress.
OAPSIE?Inc. & Business Goals
Teaching Goals
Personal Development
Digital Presence & Networking
Student Projects
Other Goals
?? Divest from one brand partnership to free up capital by June 2025 Free up capital by divesting from one brand partnership.
This is one we're looking to sell:
Link Reference: https://stow.mortgage
?? Explore water features near the Route 8/303 interchange and complete a feasibility study by October 2025 Investigate water features in the area and complete a feasibility study to guide future decisions.
I have already gotten started with research about Orchard Park, which was in this area until the 1980's. I remember Orchard Pond being drained, because my mother took me there to see it happen. I think that's the feature we intend to name.
More info on that here:
Link Reference: https://www.facebook.com/share/p/15v1jusoa5/
Reflecting on 2024, I feel both grateful and energized by the progress we've made and the opportunities ahead. With "Conciseness is Kindness" as our theme, I’m focused on keeping our goals clear and purposeful. This approach isn’t just about achieving milestones—it's about maintaining clarity in every step. Thank you for being part of this journey. I’m excited to see what we can accomplish together in 2025.
This process is more than just setting goals; it’s a practical framework for how I project plan, and it will form the basis of a lesson plan for my students, too.
Call to Action
As we embrace the theme of "Conciseness is Kindness" for 2025, it’s time to act decisively and with focus. Setting clear, measurable goals and pursuing them with purpose will not only streamline our efforts but also honor the time and resources of those around us.
This year, let’s cut through the noise, focus on what truly matters, and make meaningful progress. I’m committed to turning my goals into reality—now, I challenge you to do the same. Let’s be intentional, concise, and kind in how we work toward our shared success.
It’s time to make 2025 a year of impact.
While some items didn’t fit into the main article, they remain valuable in their own right. Here are a few updates and interesting tidbits:
?? Thank You! ??
Thank you, Dear Readers, for your continued support and engagement with our content; I really appreciate it.
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Artist at Self Employed
1 个月Does this cost money to subscribe sir?
Artist at Self Employed
1 个月I'm very new to this platform does it cost to subscribe to this newsletter?
Your Personal Engineering Guide ?? | Oapsie.com | Top 100 Innovators 2024 | Marquis Who’s Who | EastRimTrail.com | Stow.Mortgage | jamesoflanagan.com | MS | FRSA | F:??♂???♀???????????♂????
1 个月Someone had a question about conciseness, and what that actually means. For me, isn’t so much about having a lot or a little to say, It’s about delivering the content efficiently and succinctly. B/c respecting someone else’s time by being concise is the ultimate kindness, IMHO. That’s how we intend to approach our communication across all channels this year. And #kindness is the reason why! Thanks everyone for reading the article. ??
Producer | Innovator - Travel Marketing
1 个月Love the title!