D0 We Really Love Children As Jesus Did
Bethel Evangelistic And Rehab...Centre
Director & Senior Pastor at Bethel Evanggelistic And Rehabilitation Centre
Jesus Cares More About Children.Do You Care??
May -2023- Ministry To Children Month?
Our Target is to reach 3000 to 3500 Children
Dates: 1st May to 27th/ May-2023
This is a Faith Venture?
Children Ministry and Ministry to children are Two Different Things 80% Of These Children are non-Church going ones.?
Will you Support us Generously? And Urgently?
We Are A Registered, TAX-Exempted And an Accountability Oriented National NGO, and we possess FCRA - license to receive Foreign Donations.
we are an Indian Indigenous Mission and Ministry And you can trust us as you would trust Jesus our Lord.
26th/ May -2o23
Dear Brother in Christ Jesus, our Saviour and Lord!
I render unto you our sincere love and greetings from the bottom our hearts, for your prayers and support, every once in a while. Perhaps you may have never sent any donation to support our ministry; but it is O.K, still we love you and remember you in our intense time of prayer. This is a common but an urgent appeal for prayer and monetary support for the up coming “Kid’s summer Camp”; in the month of may -2023.
Jesus Spoke about Children, and He gave them the front row seats, called them the greatest in heaven, warned sternly against leading them astray and told the adults to be more like them, defended them against injustice and associated them with himself. Scripture also repeatedly takes up the cause of the fatherless, which could be interpreted; not only orphans (no parents) but neglected and mistreated children.
There are children who never know which version of his/her father (or) mother they would meet at home, when they arrive home from school- angry, drunken, or sober or noisy. ?And there are other kids who know their fathers. Their dads either died or divorced their mothers.?The mothers of such children work from dawn to dusk, to meet their needs. Such children end up with wrong group of kids and become victims of abuses, drug addicts, and commit criminal acts. Satan has chosen schools, colleges and other institutions to lead children to a doomed life.???
Lord Jesus is THE ONLY answer and Real Father, who can save them and re-create them to bless their families and their communities. I can give hundreds of living witnesses of such a transformation because of our Summer Camps. We have been doing this for over 35 years or more. This is a tough, challenging and a hard work.
We take the Camps to their door-steps; yes! to their village where there is no church. We conduct 3- 5days camps in each villages and in 35 villages. Our volunteer teachers are trained to prayerfully teach these precious children. We support these camps by providing study materials, jotter pen, charts, snacks, cool drinks and lunch and prizes. etch. We provide 5,000 INR to each Camp centers and the rest will be met by small local independent churches.
Kindly Pray for this sensitive issue and donate as unto the Lord and bless the kids. The Lord will do his part in saving some and bringing them to eternal life. You will see souls that are drawn to the living God because of your Prayers and Sacrificial Donations. Write to me soon! E-Mail: [email protected]
Arvind Mohan Dass. T