D Day-10 (Jour J-10) (Faltan 10 días...

D Day-10 (Jour J-10) (Faltan 10 días...

On next November 24th in Busan, Korea, the last meeting, or what is intended to be the last meeting of the INC against plastic pollution, the sadly famous and fateful INC-5, will take place. I think that from my point of view, this INC should simply be called the INC against plastics and the materials that modern societies use and need. At least that way we would save ourselves a lot of trouble and false ideas of good will.

There are 10 days left to destroy a global industry - at least in the post-industrial west and the rest that is the poor-west but depends on that west that is already without dreams, poor of good ideas and quite defeated...

I don't want to write an obituary yet; I don't want to start lamenting already. It is already quite obvious the immense disproportion, the infinite clumsiness, the short-sightedness and the immense resentment and selfishness with which this whole process of destruction has been developed, orchestrated by that thing that once claimed to be something good for the world, which is the United Nations... Its main spokesman, who is quite small, has already made clear the objective

I have always tried to understand the reason for this attitude, and I can never escape the idea of retaliation. A revenge against the global petrochemical-oil industrial conglomerate for the general failure of the COPs. As well as the immense amount of money that has been lost in things that have given us very little...

It is difficult to talk -here and now- about the problems of modern engineering materials, which exist and are many; when one feels an immense steamroller, often with mob-like attitudes that tries to crush everything. I have no doubt that destroying the global plastics industry is seen by many as a way of damaging another industry, which those same people who insist so hard on not wanting to understand what all this is about, blame for their idea of defeat in the construction of a different world, supposedly less aggressive to the environment, that is, with less fossil fuels...

I am not given to great rhetoric. I do not think it is worth talking about chemical processes, or the ethylene production chain, and the problem of the turndown rate of ethyllene refining. Nor about geo-economics and the evolution and destruction of markets by the clumsiness of the UN and its green branch, the UNEP...

Plastics are simply a human creation (not of the oil industry); Perhaps, along with semiconductors, the most important creation of solid state physics, chemistry and engineering... That is to say, if plastics (and semiconductors) have been able to radically change the world we live in -and only for the better; it is because they are solely and exclusively the product of science and the hard work of very honest people (also in the oil industry)

There are 10 days left to begin destroying something that cost a lot to build, and at least 100 years. The next #INC_5 will be a party of ignorance, blindness and clumsiness...

For some who have never understood anything, and others who were too poor to know how to defend themselves... The result is that we are all going to lose and there will not be a better planet... for anyone

Thank you very much

To be continued...

MG Polymer Eng.

The Soft-Recycling(R) Project

Ciudad de México


I should apologize to all the honest and well-intentioned people on the other side, those who want to destroy us - because there must be some - but it is very difficult for me.

For more than five years many of these people with or without nuances have accused us without foundation of being dishonest, selfish, irresponsible, and of having deliberately or unintentionally tried to harm other people and society.

They have accused us of being professionally irresponsible and of having no ethics; in addition obviously to being immensely bad engineers, physicists and chemists... Perhaps the worst that the Universities of the whole world have been able to produce...

That is why I do not apologize to anyone today; I am very proud and happy to be a Polymer Engineer. One of the most wonderful inventions of humanity: Polymer Science & Eng

And please do not tell me that the problem is that we use too many polymers and we do not know how to use them well. Don't be even more clumsy and falsely naive... Plastics are good because they are cheap; because we use them a lot and overall because we use them very well...

The world needs more plastics. Better, cheaper and more abundant plastics for the good and happiness of all... and we are not going to run out of planet because of that...


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