D?nü?üm Piramidi - Transformation Pyramid
Dr. ?mür Benek, PMP
Project Management Office Director @Halkbank Platform ?deme A.?. | Y?netim & Strateji Doktoru | Board Member @Bitekder | Past President @PMI Türkiye | Author @HBR Türkiye
Pandemi ?ncesi 2020 y?l? ba??na kadar tüm sunumlar, payla??mlar endüstri 4.0 ve dijital d?nü?üm üzerine idi. O kadar ?ok payla??m yap?ld? ki herkes ayn? bugünlerde yapay zeka / metaversede oldu?u gibi dijital d?nü?üme doymu?tu. Malum pandemi ve sonras?nda geli?meler farkl? kavramlar? ve yakla??mlar? getirdi hayat?m?za.
D?nü?üm ise "yeni normal" d?nemi hatta bundan sonras? i?in "post normal" diyece?imiz d?nemin kilit kelimeleri aras?nda yer alacak. Ayn? strateji, sürdürülebilirlik ve biraz da ?eviklik gibi.
Gelelim d?nü?üme ve bu yolda kar??la??lanlara;
- Koca koca kurumsal yap?lar dahi olsa bir d?nü?üm kolay olmuyor hatta daha zor oldu?unu s?ylemek laz?m,
- D?nü?ümden kast?m?z salt teknoloji d?nü?ümü bile olsa bunun sadece %21'i teknoloji ile ilgili iken %70'i kültür, organizasyon yani ?al??anlarla ilgili (Bkz Brightline Stratetegic Trasformation Survey, 2019),
- D?nü?ümü ?al??anlardan ?ok üst y?netim istiyor gibi g?rünüyor :(,
- D?nü?üm ayn? strateji gibi ?al??anlarca i?selle?tirilmedi?i müddet?e sonu? hüsran,
- D?nü?üm sürecine y?n veren bariz bir ?ekilde kültür olsa da bunu besleyecek sistem, süre? ve ara?lar? da haz?rlamak ve geli?tirmek ?nemli,
- D?nü?üme yol veren stratejilerin kurumsal yap?larda dahi belli olmamas? daha da vahim olan?,
- Sekt?rden iyi ?rnekleri almak mümkün ama kendi organizasyonunuzda ayn? üst y?netim deste?ini ve bilinci yaymak daha ?nemli olan?,
- Piramitteki en alt basamak olan say?ca ?o?unluktaki ?al??anlar?n temel korkusu d?nü?üm ile beraber i? kayb? korkusu iken geli?im, e?itim deste?i ve motivasyon ile ??züm mümkün.
- D?nü?ümün ayn? ya?ayan bir canl?n?n hayat? gibi ini? ??k??lar?n?n yani h?zlanaca?? yava?layaca?? hatta duraca?? bilincinde olmak da ?nemli.
- Ana ama? stratejiye uyumlu uzun vadeli dü?üncelerle destek ve takip olmal?.
- D?nü?üm?ve projelerini takip edecek proje ekibi de organizasyonda konumlandirilmasi ve etkin olmasi da süreci tamamlayacakt?r.
Ba?ar?l? d?nü?üm projelerinde bulu?mak dile?iyle...
Not: Baz? sa?l?k sorunlar? ve ?ncelikli i?ler nedeniyle ara verdi?im yaz?larak kald???m yerden devam ediyoruz :)
#teknoloji #strateji #yapayzeka #motivasyon #d?nü?üm #proje #strategy #e?itim #kültür #sistem #süre? #projekültürü #stratejikültürü
Before the pandemic, all presentations and posts were on industry 4.0 and digital transformation until the beginning of 2020. There was so much sharing that everyone was full of digital transformation, just like artificial intelligence / metaverse these days. The known pandemic and the developments after it brought different concepts and approaches to our lives.
Transformation will be among the keywords of the "new normal" period and even the period we will call "post normal" for the future. Just like strategy, sustainability and a little bit of agility.
Let's come to the transformation and those encountered on this path;
- Transformation is not easy even if there are huge corporate structures, it should be said that it is even more difficult,
- Even if we mean pure technology transformation by transformation, only 21% of it is related to technology, while 70% is related to culture, organization, that is, employees (See Brightline Stratetegic Trasformation Survey, 2019),
- It seems like the top management wants the transformation more than the employees :(,
- As long as the transformation is not internalized by the employees, just like the strategy, the result is frustration,
- Although it is clearly culture that directs the transformation process, it is important to prepare and develop the systems, processes and tools that will feed it,
- What is worse is that the strategies that lead to transformation are not clear even in institutional structures,
- It is possible to take good examples from the sector, but it is more important to spread the same senior management support and awareness in your own organization,
- While the basic fear of the employees, who are the lowest level in the pyramid, is the fear of job loss along with the transformation, a solution is possible with development, training support and motivation.
- It is also important to be aware that the ups and downs of the transformation, like the life of a living creature, will accelerate, slow down or even stop.
- The main purpose should be support and follow-up with long-term thinking in line with the strategy.
- The project team, which will follow the transformation and its projects, will also complete the process if it is positioned and effective in the organization.
Hope to meet you in successful transformation projects...
Ps: We continue from where I left off by writing that I took a break due to some health problems and priority works :)
Project/Program Management Expert, Integrated Management System Developer
1 年Temel fizik kanunu: kütle ne kadar büyükse onu devinime ge?irmek i?in uygulanacak kuvvet miktar? artar. Bu temel yasadan dolay?, büyük de?i?imleri daha kü?ük stratejik d?nü?ümlere b?lüp bir yol haritas? ??karmak daha ger?ek?i bir yakla??m olurdu san?r?m. Payla??m i?in te?ekkürler ?mür Benek.