CZECH BEER WEEK in London to uncover Real Bohemian Lagers

CZECH BEER WEEK in London to uncover Real Bohemian Lagers

Starting today, the Bohemian Beer Bonanza is to showcase Czech traditionnal (Real) and Craft lagers from up to five Czech breweries - Kutna Hora, B?eclav, Cvikov, Albrecht and Bohemia Regent - all of these on tap at the Red Hound pub in East London.

The Czech Beer Week is co organized by Czech Trade, Czech Embassy and the hi quality UK beer distributor Euroboozer Ltd - We can′t thank the latter enough for passionately working with us and launching a range of Real Bohemian Lagers in the UK to be enjoyed by local beer afficionados who were longtime calling for this to happen.

The flagship event is the 19th June Czech Beer Day showcasing not less than 12 breweries, being thus the biggest Real Bohemian lager B2B festival in Europe outside of the Czech Republic!

see more here:


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