Cytidel Intel Insights - CVE-2022-30190
In the ever-expanding landscape of IT Security and vulnerability management, there is always a new threat to be on the look out for. This week’s Cytidel Intelligence Insight is about CVE-2022-30190, dubbed “Follina”, the Microsoft Support Diagnostics Tool zero-day that allows Remote Code Execution by simply opening the wrong Word or Excel file.
What Is It?
On 27th May 2022, a Japanese cyber security research team, Nao_Sec, observed a recently discovered exploit of Microsoft’s Support Diagnostic Tool, which allowed PowerShell code to be executed in Micosoft Office documents. This exploit was a zero-day vulnerability in one of the most widely used products in the world, Microsoft Office.
Why Should I Care?
Remote Code Execution can be one of the most devastating outcomes from malicious threat actors. An RCE vulnerability essentially means that a threat actor can run their malicious code on your devices without your knowledge, potentially leading to ransomware, identity hijacking or data exfiltration. In short, a vulnerability like this is one of the most likely to lead to a breach.
What Can I Do?
Thankfully, the fix for CVE-2022-30190 was released in Microsoft’s June 2022 Security Updates on 14th June 2022 (
To ensure you and your organization are not at risk to this vulnerability, upgrade your Microsoft Office and Office 365 Applications to the latest version as soon as possible
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