"Cypress Bay Solutions":How To Protect Yourself After A Considerable Data Breach.

"Cypress Bay Solutions":How To Protect Yourself After A Considerable Data Breach.

Brought to you by Cypress Bay Solutions, have you ever considered if, it is never too late to look into a 1stPayPOS business credit card charge payment system, building your company/ business on a nickel to a dollar for the purpose of your business owning life? 1stPayPOS offers perhaps the most rugged security of any form of payment, just a different context, largely because of your legal rights to dispute a charge, getting into the sales pitches and the forks of the information that is being spewed for the future of your business to become more. Under the Fair Credit Billing Act of 1974 (FCBA)/ Durbin Amendment to manage your burn/ Return On Investment with the 1stPayPOS, being an entrepreneur is a different game, you can dispute charges to your business credit card carrier for a number of reasons, including fraud, products and services not received, and products that are not delivered as specified at the time of purchase for the compelling future. Nevertheless, it is often unclear how long business cardholders have to exercise this right, in a target rich eco system, in a variety of ventures.” I am very comfortable, using my very good stuff as my public conversation, simply because, my colleagues, and “I” am (we are), a salesman, we paint the big picture to good business people”. I’ll be happy to answer your questions or you can get started today by contacting us([email protected]). Alternatively, call me at (706)-290-4869 and I can get your service started immediately. Visit our website at www.cypressbaysolutions.com By appointment only.


How to Protect Yourself After a Considerable Data Breach

Clothing retailer most notably has joined the long list of business organizations that have experienced a credit card data breach. The various business locations announce yesterday that an unauthorized business party was able to access their payment card system from the month of  March until the month of October of this year.

The notable business location reported hackers were able to gain access to their system because the encryption on these device units that should have prevented such an incident were “not operating properly.”

In the past, when this type of breach took place, business organizations would offer free credit monitoring to those clients. When Target was hacked in the year 2013, the company gave affected consumers one year of credit monitoring and theft protection in order to assist clients but also to earn back client confidence. However, these services cost business organizations a lot of money, and since many clients now seem unfazed by data breaches, some business organizations have stopped offering credit monitoring.

What can you do if you think your credit card data may have been stolen in a breach?

First, consider using a mobile payment wallet, such as Apple Pay or Android Pay. Since these payments are completed utilizing a unique token, your credit card data will not be transmitted through the payment card system, meaning you may not be affected by future breaches.

Follow the news. It is not a bad idea to type “data breach” into Google News once a day to see who the latest victim have been. Then if you shopped at that store or restaurant, you know to be extra vigilant about your business credit card activity.

Check your business credit card statements regularly. Even if you have auto-payments set up with your card issuers, you will still want to open your statement (or log-in to your account online) and make sure you review all the charges. If you notice fraudulent activity, contact your business credit card issuer immediately, and they will reverse the charges and likely issue you a new business credit card.

Set up text or email alerts for your business credit card. Then, every time a charge is made, you will immediately receive a text or email. You will know right away whether a charge is fraudulent.

Consider a fraud alert. Contact one of the three major credit reporting agencies (Equifax, Experian, TransUnion) and place a fraud alert. It is free and lasts for 90 days but can be renewed. The credit reporting agency you call is required to contact the other two agencies. This makes it harder for an identity thief to open an account in your name. When you have a fraud alert, a business is supposed to verify your identity before it issues credit, so it may contact you.

Consider a credit freeze. This may cost you up to $10 at each credit reporting agency, but it prevents a fraudster from opening up any new account in your name. The freeze has to be lifted in order for a new account to be opened. It may also cost you up to $10 per agency to unfreeze your account to unify stability, in the process of conducting business.

It is free to check your credit report every year, so take advantage of this. Carefully read your credit report to make sure you recognize all of the business accounts. When Equifax was breached earlier this year, criminals likely gained access to the social security numbers (and other private information) of about 143 million Business Americans. With this information, unauthorized parties could open credit card accounts in your name. Thus, it is important to check your credit report to ensure this hasn’t happened, a level of constant verification.

Cypress Bay Solutions sells it’s celebrated 1stPayPOS and low merchant processing rates to traditional business owners. Many of the businesses that Cypress Bay Solutions sells to have sustainability goals and we expect to outgrow that number so that you are not caught at that commodity end of the spectrum , and Cypress Bay Solutions utilizes its promotions to sell it’s efforts to promote it’s sustainability. The overall promotional challenge is called ” An Idea Is One Thing, But Implementation Is The Objective.” Under that diversification, Cypress Bay Solutions promotes it’s challenge to utilize a lower merchant processing rate to save it’s clientele “money”, and utilize it as a cash infusion marketing mix for your business to assist you, to get the most out of your daily business process engineering.


 Marketing campaigns is limited and Cypress Bay Solutions assists by lending it’s clients with their criteria to reduce their rate to generate more internal motivation (ROI) for internal business process engineering which is ideal for a new digital series. Cypress Bay Solutions utilizes several means, methods to get it’s message across: direct sales, direct mail, print, print media, and a website www.cypressbaysolutions.com that explains our position on sustainability and our activities, such as lowering electronic payment processing rates so that businesses have a larger ROI base, for a larger bottom line.


Presently it is said strategic plans are to expand in even more countries in the year 2017. These benefits are iron-clad for the length of your service. I’ll be happy to answer your questions or you can get started today by contacting us([email protected]). Alternatively, call me at (706)-290-4869 and I can get your service started immediately. Visit our website www.cypressbaysolutions.com By appointment only.


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