"Cypress Bay Solutions": Thanks To A New Business Partnership With Apple, PayPal Clients.
Brought to you by Cypress Bay Solutions, have you ever considered if, it is never too late to look into a 1stPayPOS business credit card charge payment system building your company/ business on a nickel to a dollar for the purpose of your business owning life? 1stPayPOS offers perhaps the most rugged security of any form of payment just a different context, largely because of your legal rights to dispute a charge, getting into the sales pitches and the forks of the information that is being spewed for the future of your business to become more. Under the Fair Credit Billing Act of 1974 (FCBA)/ Durbin Amendment to manage your burn/ Return On Investment with the 1stPayPOS, being an entrepreneur is a different game, you can dispute charges to your business credit card carrier for a number of reasons, including fraud, products and services not received, and products that are not delivered as specified at the time of purchase for the compelling future. Nevertheless, it is often unclear how long business cardholders have to exercise this right, in a target rich eco system in a variety of ventures.” I am very comfortable, using my very good stuff as my public conversation, simply because my colleagues, and I am (we are), a salesman, we paint the big picture to good business people”. I’ll be happy to answer your questions or you can get started today by contacting us([email protected]). Alternatively, call me at (706)-290-4869 and I can get your service started immediately. www.cypressbaysolutions.com By appointment only.
Thanks to a new business partnership with Apple, PayPal clients can now make purchases on iTunes, Apple Music, the App Store and iBooks with their PayPal business accounts. Currently, this feature is only available in Canada and Mexico, but is expected to soon come to the United States as a service.
Clients choose the item to purchase on the App Store or similar cyber platform, and then select “PayPal” in the checkout area. PayPal will ask for basic data to authorize the business transaction.
The new system utilizes PayPal One Touch checkout. One authorization lasts up to six months, which means you only have to verify your identity one time during that time period. If you want to quickly make several purchases from your Apple device unit, you don’t have to log into PayPal for each initial purchase. The payment processor will remember your data and fast-track you through the checkout system platform. One Touch can be disabled at any time, so your security is protected on shared device units.
PayPal can be utilized to pay for e-books, apps, music, TV shows, cloud storage and more. Clients can download the PayPal app on their device units to monitor business account balances and transaction histories, and can dispute unauthorized charges through PayPal’s fraud protection division.
PayPal and Apple have been expanding their combined services for quite some time. In the month of November, in the year 2016, PayPal’s iOS app was updated to utilize Siri voice commands. If PayPal is installed on your Apple device unit, you can ask Siri to send money to friends, business partners, and family members for you.
Cypress Bay Solutions sells it’s celebrated 1stPayPOS and low merchant processing rates to traditional business owners. Many of the businesses that Cypress Bay Solutions sells to have sustainability goals and we expect to outgrow that number so that you are not caught at that commodity end of the spectrum , and Cypress Bay Solutions utilizes its promotions to sell it’s efforts to promotes it’s sustainability. The overall promotional challenge is called ” An Idea Is One Thing, But Implementation Is The Objective.” Under that diversification, Cypress Bay Solutions promotes it’s challenge to utilize a lower merchant processing rate to save it’s clientele “money”, and utilize it as a cash infusion marketing mix for your business to assist you, to get the most out of your daily business process engineering.
Marketing campaigns is limited and Cypress Bay Solutions assists by lending it’s clients with their criteria to reduce their rate to generate more internal motivation (ROI) for internal business process engineering which is ideal for a new digital series. Cypress Bay Solutions utilizes several means, methods to get it’s message across: direct sales, direct mail, print, print media, and a website that explains our position on sustainability and our activities, such as lowering electronic payment processing rates so that businesses have a larger ROI base, for a larger bottom line.
Presently it is said strategic plans are to expand in even more countries in 2017. These benefits are iron-clad for the length of your service. I’ll be happy to answer your questions or you can get started today by contacting us([email protected]). Alternatively, call me at (706)-290-4869 and I can get your service started immediately. www.cypressbaysolutions.com By appointment only.