Here's the next 10 advantages of cypress for Web automation and API testing.
- Flake Resistance / Retries: Cypress is intelligent to detect flay test executions, which helps the developers to write more suitable scripts.
- Retries: Cypress comes with retry feature which makes the execution to retry the failed test case. This is useful to deal with flaky tests.
- Parallel Test Execution: To reduce the execution time of multiple test files, cypress also supports parallel test execution resulting in less execution time and improving efficiency. This feature benefits when there are huge number of test files.
- Cross Browser Capability: Cypress is compatible with all chromium based browsers. This enables testers to test the scripts on different browsers without any additional setting.
- Automatic Screen recording and screen-shots: Cypress comes with the feature to capture the screen-shots and record the videos of the test executions. This again helps in identifying, if any issue occurs in the execution or script failures. This can also help in showcasing the execution of passed and failed test cases.
- API Testing: Cypress support API testing by default and Web & API tests can be used within same tests.
- Documentation: Cypress has nicely documented library of all its features on its official website. Information is available with details and examples that makes easier to learn and look for required information.
- Active Community and Support: As cypress gained the popularity, it’s community has become bigger only. You can easily get your problems answered somewhere on the internet.
- Locator identifier: Cypress app can also helps in identify the css locator of a web element by just clicking on it.
- Cypress IDE: Cypress has its own IDE to use record and play. It is good to start with.
All above modern features of Cypress has made it a preferred choice for Automation QAs. This makes one to choose this tool over any other, when your need is to test web and api automation.