A Cynic’s Guide to Sharing His/Her/Their opinions — Or Not

A Cynic’s Guide to Sharing His/Her/Their opinions — Or Not

On my most cynical days, I refrain from sharing an opinion and I can find at least twenty-six reasons for refraining.

Of course, I am not always cynical.

As a result, here is my opinion of what my opinion is on the days I am.

On my cynical, silent days, I read the news, and I have comments and I just decide to keep them to myself because:

A. Opinions are like eliminations systems. Everyone has one, but most produce undesirable … well, you know.

B. It won’t change anyone’s mind.

C. Why should I let what is popular select what is most important for me and drive the agenda of my discourse?

D. I am tired of the subject.

E. Those who agree with me already agree and those who don’t won’t or may not have any idea what I am talking about or what paradigm I am using to formulate my views.

F. It plays into mass hysteria.

G. It is too easy to “label” a view and dismiss it.

H. I don’t have enough information.

J. I am exhausted.

K. It goes without saying.

L. I have already addressed the subject repeatedly.

M. More from me and you get numb.

N. I am a wimp.

O. It is much ado about nothing.

P. I have some other reason.

Q. I don’t have time.

R. I don’t have enough words.

S. It is too complicated.

T. I did and you missed it.

U. I don’t have an opinion, even though I said I did at first, upon reflection and internal dialogue, I realize that I am still arguing with myself.

V. Some combination of above.

W. I fell asleep.

X. I wrote 1000 words on it and my computer crashed and it takes 1000 words to do it justice.

Y. Why?

Z. I know that you do not care what I think.

Take your pick.

Better still, ignore this passing list of opinions and form your own. Then, share it.

It takes all of us openly sharing to access and evaluate truth. We need each other and each other's perspectives.

I will try to be less cynical and more courageous.


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