Cyfle i gyfarfod a Rheolwyr y Clystyrau Allforio / Meet your Export Cluster Managers
Business Wales / Busnes Cymru
Business Wales is the Welsh Government's business support service for businesses.
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Bydd y gyfres hon o erthyglau yn rhoi gwybodaeth ichi am ddiben a gwaith Rhaglen Clystyrau Allforio Llywodraeth Cymru ac am sut mae'n helpu busnesau yng Nghymru ar eu taith allforio. Byddwn yn mynd ati hefyd i gyflwyno Rheolwyr ein Clystyrau Allforio, gan fod ganddyn nhw ran ganolog i'w chwarae wrth roi'r rhaglen honno ar waith.
Beth yw Rhaglen Clystyrau Allforio Llywodraeth Cymru?
Mae'r Rhaglen yn hoelio sylw'n benodol ar gefnogi a gwella perfformiad allforio'r cwmn?au hynny sydd yn y pum sector allforio sy'n cael blaenoriaeth yng Nghynllun Gweithredu Allforio Cymru, sef:
·???????? Cynhyrchion ar gyfer Defnyddwyr
·???????? Technoleg Feddygol a Diagnosteg
·???????? Technoleg
·???????? Ynni adnewyddadwy ac Ynni Glan
·???????? Gweithgynhyrchu uchel ei werth
Bydd pob clwstwr yn dod a busnesau o'r un anian at ei gilydd i ddarparu ecosystem gefnogol a fydd yn hyrwyddo twf allforio ac yn rhoi cyfle i gymheiriaid ryngweithio. Bydd Rheolwr Clwstwr penodol yn cael ei neilltuo i gefnogi a gweithio gydag aelodau'r clwstwr ar sail unigol ac mewn grwpiau, ac i gynnig cyfleoedd i feithrin sgiliau, gallu a galluogrwydd ym maes allforio.?
Beth yw manteision ymuno a'r Rhaglen Clystyrau Allforio?
Mae'r Rhaglen yn cynnig amryfal fanteision i aelodau'r clystyrau, gan gynnwys:
·???????? Cymorth un-i-lawer ac un-i-un sy'n canolbwyntio ar ddatblygu a gwella perfformiad allforio.
·???????? Cefnogaeth Rheolwr y Clwstwr.
·???????? Cyfleoedd i gydweithio ag aelodau eraill y clwstwr.
·???????? Cyfle i ddysgu oddi wrth gymheiriaid a busnesau o'r un anian.
·???????? Mynd i ddigwyddiadau a gweithgareddau y bwriedir iddynt eich cynorthwyo ar eich taith allforio.?
Rheolwr Clwstwr
Mike Rundle , Kinetic Cubed
Pa Glwstwr Allforio rydych chi'n ei reoli a pha fath o gymorth rydych chi'n ei roi i aelodau'ch Clwstwr?
Fel Rheolwr Clwstwr y Clwstwr Technoleg Feddygol a Diagnosteg, fy r?l i yw cefnogi gwaith yr Ymgynghorwyr Masnach Ryngwladol rhanbarthol sydd ynghlwm wrth bob cwmni a chynnig cefnogaeth ar y cyd ac yn unigol i aelodau'r Clwstwr ar bob agwedd ar allforio.
Mae'r Clwstwr yn cynnwys 45 o fusnesau sy'n gweithredu mewn ystod amrywiol o is-sectorau sy'n amrywio o feddalwedd ar gyfer ffurflenni cydsynio cleifion i ddyfeisiau diagnostig ar gyfer UTIs.? Yn sicr, mae gan y Clwstwr ystod eang iawn o ddiddordebau.? Ar ?l bod ar fwrdd cwmni Technoleg Feddygol newydd mewn r?l flaenorol (deilliodd o King's College a'r Maudsley), mae gen i brofiad uniongyrchol o'r heriau sy'n wynebu'r rhan fwyaf o'n haelodau o ran amddiffyn Eiddo Deallusol, cydymffurfio, Ymchwil a Datblygu, sicrhau cyllid, gweithio gyda phartneriaid academaidd ac ati, fel y gallaf siarad a chwmn?au sydd a rhywfaint o wybodaeth ac empathi.
Un o'r agweddau mwyaf pleserus a gwerth chweil ar fy r?l yw ymgysylltu a rhwydweithiau o'r un anian dramor a thrwy'r cysylltiadau hynny, galluogi aelodau'r Clwstwr i gydweithio a thyfu'n rhyngwladol trwy rwydweithio rhwng cymheiriaid. Eleni rydym yn gweithio gyda chlystyrau tebyg yng Ngwlad Belg, Sbaen, UDA a Chanada yn ogystal a helpu aelodau i arddangos eu cynnyrch yn Japan ar gyfer Cymru yn Japan 2024.
Fel elfen allweddol o economi Cymru, mae'r sector yn cael ei wasanaethu'n dda o ran cefnogaeth i arddangos a mynychu digwyddiadau byd-eang fel Medica ac Arab Health. Fy r?l fel Rheolwr Clwstwr yw ychwanegu gwerth at y cymorth presennol hwn i alluogi aelodau'r Clwstwr i ffynnu a llwyddo ar y llwyfan rhyngwladol.????
Awyddus i gael gwybod mwy am y Rhaglen Clystyrau Allforio?
Mae rhagor o fanylion am y Rhaglen i'w gweld yma.
Os hoffech chi holi am ymuno a'r Rhaglen, mae croeso ichi gysylltu a ni yma.
The following series of articles will provide you with information about the purpose and work of the Welsh Government’s Export Cluster Programme and how it supports Wales based businesses on their export journeys. We’re also going to be introducing our Export Cluster Managers, as they play a pivotal role in the delivery of this programme.
About the Welsh Government’s Export Cluster Programme.
The Programme is squarely focussed on supporting and enhancing the export performance of companies based within the five priority export sectors as outlined in the Export Action Plan for Wales, these being:
·???????? Consumer Products
·???????? MedTech & Diagnostics
·???????? Technology
·???????? Renewables & Clean Energy
·???????? High-value Manufacturing
Each cluster will bring like-minded businesses together in order to provide a supportive ecosystem that encourages export growth, peer to peer interaction, the support of a dedicated Cluster Manager who will work with cluster members on both a one-to-one and group basis, and opportunities to build export skills, capacity and capabilities.?
What are the benefits of joining the Export Cluster Programme?
The Programme provides cluster members with a range of benefits, including:
·???????? One-to-many and one-to-one support focussed on developing and enhancing export performance.
·???????? Support from a dedicated Cluster Manager.
·???????? Opportunities to collaborate with other cluster members.
·???????? The opportunity to learn from peers and like-minded businesses.
·???????? Attending events and activities designed to support your export journey.?
Cluster Manager
Mike Rundle, Kinetic Cubed
Which Export Cluster do you manage and what type of support do you provide to your Cluster members?
As Cluster Manager for the MedTech and Diagnostics Cluster, my role is to support the work of the regional International Trade Advisers (ITAs) attached to each company and offer collective and individual support to members of the Cluster on all aspects of exporting.
The Cluster is made up of 45 businesses who operate in a diverse range of sub-sectors ranging from software for patient consent forms to diagnostic devices for UTIs.? The Cluster certainly has a very wide range of interests.? Having been on the board of a startup MedTech company in a former role (a spin out from King’s College and the Maudsley), I have first-hand experience of the challenges faced by most of our members in terms of IP protection, compliance, R&D, securing funding, working with Academic partners etc, so I can talk with companies with a degree of knowledge and empathy.
One of the most enjoyable and rewarding aspect of my role is engaging with like-minded networks overseas and, through those connections, enabling Cluster members to collaborate and grow internationally through peer-to-peer networking. This year we are working with similar clusters in Belgium, Spain, USA and Canada as well as helping members showcase their products in Japan for Wales in Japan 2024.
As a key component of the Welsh economy, the sector is well served in terms of support to exhibit and attend global events such as Medica and Arab Health. My role as Cluster Manager is to add value to this existing support to enable Cluster members to thrive and prosper on the international stage.? ??
Want to find out more about the Export Cluster Programme?
Further details of the Programme can be accessed here.
If you would like to enquire about joining the Programme, please contact us here.