Cyfle i gyfarfod a Rheolwyr y Clystyrau Allforio / Meet your Export Cluster Managers
Business Wales / Busnes Cymru
Business Wales is the Welsh Government's business support service for businesses.
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Bydd y gyfres hon o erthyglau yn rhoi gwybodaeth ichi am ddiben a gwaith Rhaglen Clystyrau Allforio Llywodraeth Cymru ac am sut mae'n helpu busnesau yng Nghymru ar eu taith allforio. Byddwn yn mynd ati hefyd i gyflwyno Rheolwyr ein Clystyrau Allforio, gan fod ganddyn nhw ran ganolog i'w chwarae wrth roi'r rhaglen honno ar waith.
Beth yw Rhaglen Clystyrau Allforio Llywodraeth Cymru?
Mae'r Rhaglen yn hoelio sylw'n benodol ar gefnogi a gwella perfformiad allforio'r cwmn?au hynny sydd yn y pum sector allforio sy'n cael blaenoriaeth yng Nghynllun Gweithredu Allforio Cymru, sef:
·???????? Cynhyrchion ar gyfer Defnyddwyr
·???????? Technoleg Feddygol a Diagnosteg
·???????? Technoleg
·???????? Ynni adnewyddadwy ac Ynni Glan
·???????? Gweithgynhyrchu uchel ei werth
Bydd pob clwstwr yn dod a busnesau o'r un anian at ei gilydd i ddarparu ecosystem gefnogol a fydd yn hyrwyddo twf allforio ac yn rhoi cyfle i gymheiriaid ryngweithio. Bydd Rheolwr Clwstwr penodol yn cael ei neilltuo i gefnogi a gweithio gydag aelodau'r clwstwr ar sail unigol ac mewn grwpiau, ac i gynnig cyfleoedd i feithrin sgiliau, gallu a galluogrwydd ym maes allforio.?
Beth yw manteision ymuno a'r Rhaglen Clystyrau Allforio?
Mae'r Rhaglen yn cynnig amryfal fanteision i aelodau'r clystyrau, gan gynnwys:
·???????? Cymorth un-i-lawer ac un-i-un sy'n canolbwyntio ar ddatblygu a gwella perfformiad allforio.
·???????? Cefnogaeth Rheolwr y Clwstwr.
·???????? Cyfleoedd i gydweithio ag aelodau eraill y clwstwr.
·???????? Cyfle i ddysgu oddi wrth gymheiriaid a busnesau o'r un anian.
·???????? Mynd i ddigwyddiadau a gweithgareddau y bwriedir iddynt eich cynorthwyo ar eich taith allforio.?
Rheolwr Clwstwr
Tony Aggarwal , Kinetic Cubed
Pa Glwstwr Allforio rydych chi'n ei reoli a pha fath o gymorth rydych chi'n ei roi i aelodau'ch Clwstwr?
Rwy'n rheoli ac yn cydgysylltu gwaith a gweithgareddau'r Clwstwr Allforio Ynni Adnewyddadwy a Glan. Dros y 25 o flynyddoedd diwethaf rwyf wedi bod yn cynorthwyo busnesau o'r Sector Technoleg Glan / Amgylcheddol ehangach i ryngwladoli, gan gysylltu a marchnadoedd ledled y Byd.
Rwy'n cefnogi cwmn?au sy'n aelodau o'r Clwstwr ar sail 1-2-1 a chlwstwr eang gyda'r amcan cyffredinol o helpu cwmn?au unigol a'r sector cyffredinol i ddod yn fwy effeithiol wrth allforio. Rwy'n annog diwylliant o gydweithio a dysgu cymheiriaid yn y Clwstwr ac yn chwilio am gyfleoedd i ddarparu gwerth ychwanegol lle bynnag y bo modd.? Rwyf hefyd yn gallu helpu i ddarparu cymorth 'ar lefel lai' sy'n gysylltiedig ag ymholiadau penodol i'r sector, mynediad at sesiynau gwybodaeth a, thrwy fy rhwydwaith o gysylltiadau dramor, gallaf hwyluso cyflwyniadau i ddarpar bartneriaid pan fydd y Clwstwr yn ymweld a digwyddiadau tramor neu'n derbyn ymweliadau mewnol.? Efallai, ac yn bwysicaf oll, gallaf gysylltu aelodau a'i gilydd, gan anelu at rannu eu profiadau er budd pawb.
Awyddus i gael gwybod mwy am y Rhaglen Clystyrau Allforio?
Mae rhagor o fanylion am y Rhaglen i'w gweld yma.
Os hoffech chi holi am ymuno a'r Rhaglen, mae croeso ichi gysylltu a ni yma.
The following series of articles will provide you with information about the purpose and work of the Welsh Government’s Export Cluster Programme and how it supports Wales based businesses on their export journeys. We’re also going to be introducing our Export Cluster Managers, as they play a pivotal role in the delivery of this programme.
About the Welsh Government’s Export Cluster Programme.
The Programme is squarely focussed on supporting and enhancing the export performance of companies based within the five priority export sectors as outlined in the Export Action Plan for Wales, these being:
·???????? Consumer Products
·???????? MedTech & Diagnostics
·???????? Technology
·???????? Renewables & Clean Energy
·???????? High-value Manufacturing
Each cluster will bring like-minded businesses together in order to provide a supportive ecosystem that encourages export growth, peer to peer interaction, the support of a dedicated Cluster Manager who will work with cluster members on both a one-to-one and group basis, and opportunities to build export skills, capacity and capabilities.?
What are the benefits of joining the Export Cluster Programme?
The Programme provides cluster members with a range of benefits, including:
·???????? One-to-many and one-to-one support focussed on developing and enhancing export performance.
·???????? Support from a dedicated Cluster Manager.
·???????? Opportunities to collaborate with other cluster members.
·???????? The opportunity to learn from peers and like-minded businesses.
·???????? Attending events and activities designed to support your export journey.?
Cluster Manager
Tony Aggarwal, Kinetic Cubed
Which Export Cluster do you manage and what type of support do you provide to your Cluster members?
I manage and coordinate the work and activities of the Renewables & Clean Energy Export Cluster. My background is one of assisting businesses from the wider Cleantech / Environmental Sector to internationalise for the past 25 years, connecting to markets across the World.
I support Cluster member companies on both a 1-2-1 and cluster wide basis with the overall objective of helping individual companies and the overall sector become more effective at exporting. I encourage a culture of peer-t-peer collaboration and learning within the Cluster and look for opportunities to deliver added value wherever possible. I am also able to assist with providing ‘bitesize’ support related to sector specific queries, access to informational sessions and, via my network of connections overseas, I am able to facilitate introductions to potential partners when the Cluster visits overseas events or receives inward visits. Perhaps, most importantly though, I can connect members to each other, with the purpose of sharing their experiences for mutual benefit.
Want to find out more about the Export Cluster Programme?
Further details of the Programme can be accessed here.
If you would like to enquire about joining the Programme, please contact us here.