The Cycle of Violence and Animal Cruelty
Photo courtesy of Clover Schultz - my heart, my love.

The Cycle of Violence and Animal Cruelty

According to Laybourne (2023), the World Animal Foundation found that 10 million animals are abused to death in the U.S, animal abuse is present in 28% of violent homes, and dogs make up about 65% of abuse cases.? The topic of animal abuse grinds my heart and fills me with disdain and loath for anyone who injures or kills an animal, this detestable social problem needs attention. My exploration of this subject is a longing to understand why people intentionally destroy an animal's being. How is it they can detach themselves from something that must be crying out in pain, yet the perpetrator continues? There must be something broken inside of them to commit these deplorable acts of violence.?

In 1799, Reverend Charles Daubney wrote A Sermon on Cruelty to Dumb Animals, where he states “see that no brute of any kind…whether entrusted to thy care, or coming in thy way, suffer thy neglect or abuse; let no views of profit, no compliance with custom, and no fear of ridicule of the world, ever tempt three to the least acts of cruelty or injustice to any creature whatsoever” (DeMello, 2021). This sermon was penned before the existence and concept of factory farms, where great profit is made from the callous undue suffering of chickens. Also, the practice of puppy mills, where “female dogs are bred twice a year and are usually killed or abandoned when they are no longer able to produce puppies” (Peta, 2024). Furthermore, culture specific acts of violence against animals, such as cockfighting in rural America, and fox hunting in England are considered culturally acceptable acts of cruelty (DeMello, 2021).? Reverend Daubney recognized that to an animal's detriment, large profits can be made from the use and?misuse of animals. Therefore, he created a sermon to teach his parishioners on how to treat all God's creatures, with kindness and gentleness.

Many research studies and articles can attest to the link where human-human violence that leads to human-animal violence. “Prison inmates who were charged with violent crime and sent to psychiatric evaluations by courts, jails, or parole officers found that three fourths of the men also exhibited what is often called the triad or part of the triad of violence; cruelty to animals, fire-setting, and bed-wetting as children” (Vrecko, 2019). It seems the act of animal cruelty begins in childhood for various reasons. Dorothy Law Nolte who was an author and educator wrote a most impressionable poem entitled Children Learn What They Live, where she declares “if children live with hostility, they learn to fight; if children live with criticism, they learn to condemn; if children live with tolerance, they learn to be patient; if children live with acceptance, they learn to love” (children learn what they live, n.d.).?Positive role models in or around the home, with a loving environment would most likely negate the child from having aggressive tendencies toward animals. Dorothy Law Nolte’s poem speaks volumes regarding the healthy development of a child's personality and future outcomes in life.?

?It seems domestic violence in the home plays an important role in the cycle of abuse, abuse on women, children, and pets alike. “In one survey, 71% of domestic violence victims reported their abuser also targeted their pets, and pet abuse occurred in 88% of the families under supervision for physical abuse of their children” (Lee, 2024). Abusers prey on who they consider to be weak. Pathak (2023) asserts “the Humane Society of the United States estimates that nearly 1 million animals are abused or killed in connection with domestic violence each year”. This calls attention to the lack of empathy of the perpetrator where no living thing is safe in a home that is a toxic, unhealthy, possibly deadly environment. The cycle of violence will continue when children are raised in this type of environment.?

With this in mind, Vrecko (2019) found that “animal cruelty is both an indicator and predictor of crime”. Also, the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM), has included animal cruelty a criterion for Conduct Disorder (Vrecko, 2019).

The most impact society can make is the care and concern that adults show to animals to be a healthy role model for the younger generation, which will make a difference in the future for all animals.

“The greatness and its moral progress can be judged by the way its animals are treated, -Mahatma Gandhi” (Animal Law, 2018).


Children learn what they live (n.d.). Children Learn What they live.

DeMello, Margo. (2021). Animals and society (2nd edition). Columbia University Press.

Lee, M (2024). Animal cruelty facts and stats. The Humane Society of the United States.

Laybourne, A (2023). The ugly truth: 50 eye opening cruelty statistics-enough to crush one's heart. World Animal Foundation.

NY Animal Law (2018). New York State Bar Association.?

Lee, M (2024). Animal cruelty facts and stats. The Humane Society of the United States.

Pathak, A (2023). The truth about animal brutality: how do we live with ourselves? Princeton Foundation.,with%20domestic%20violence%20each%20year. for Peace and Learning.?

Vre?ko, I. (2019). Criminological aspects of animal abuse: a review study. Kriminologija I Socijalna Integracija, 27(1), 84–99.


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