CybX Daily Digest 05/02/16
Good morning and welcome to today's edition of the cybX Daily Digest, for you today we have an article published by our very own Richard Preece, I'll cover that in a moment. For articles that I found interesting, but didn't dive into today I have for you Hackers target Alibaba Accounts, WordPress just never seems to get an easy life, as has been reported several times on this week there's been a spike in ransomware delivery from compromised WordPress installations and the gossip site TMZ has become another victim of a Malvertizing campaign.
This morning our Director of cybX Richard Preece posted a piece on 3 Ways to Frame Digital Opportunity, whilst Increasing Your Cyber Resilience talking about the correlation between the physical, real world and our own digital persona and how they relate within an enterprise. Delving into the concept that digital now touches on everything we do, be it personal or business - recommend you have a read and let us know what you think!
From the news today, we have a few nuggets but Ill start with "IoT raise concern in IT Specialist in Central and Eastern Europe", frankly if the idea of ubiquitous wireless computing anywhere in the world isn't raising eyebrows of the IT community I'd be a little concerned. That said, if those of you in the Central and Eastern European area are talking about the security of IoT devices, that's a more than welcome discussion and that's exactly what this article delivers, along with plenty of meaningful and relevant statistics.
The next article is from Data Breach Today and is regarding the OPM hack from last year, it's not often we get such deep insight into why a hack occurred but because of how public (both figuratively and literally) this hack was, we now have quite a bit on record. Heres "Nominee explains OPM recovery from massive breach" It is a little dry to read, however it is reporting on a congressional hearing, they were never meant to exactly be fun and exciting affairs!
This next article however, is a little bit of fun - one of the Dridex delivery platforms, a botnet of some description has allegedly been compromised by a white-hat hacker (one of the 'good' guys). "Someone Hijacks Botnet network and replaces malware with an antivirus" (note that article is from 'The Hacker News' and maybe locked out on some enterprise networks). It's always good to see these articles because it's a reminder that not all is bad with the world.
Finally I want to take a look at We Live Security's look at "Encryption 101: What is it?" who tries to bust some of the myths surrounding an Encryption and why it's an important feature that few people understand, take advantage of or use correctly. Particulaly paying attention to the 'When to use Encryption' paragraph as this is often where people get encryption catastrophically wrong. How many times have we heard 'Oh but the data was encrypted!' with no context of how it was encrypted, at rest? in transit? full disk? each having their own distinct advantages and disadvantages.
That's it for today, I'll be back on Monday with the news from the weekend, see you then!
The thoughts and opinions expressed in this article are that of the author and do not necessarily reflect that of cybX or its parent company