Cybervein Concept Behind Universal Network Of Decentralized DataBases
kiran kumar
Data Scientist at Confidential, HealthCareInnovator ! Winner @ Enter The Travel-Verse Hackathon!AmazonsmbhavHackathon
Traditional blockchains are not designed to store vast amounts of structured data, especially if this data is being constantly processed by many participants in parallel. In order to build a network of decentralized databases, CyberVein has reinvented fundamental blockchain principals, transforming distributed ledgers into a powerful data management network.
CyberVein is a new blockchain platform that enables storage of a continuous influx of information as structured data in smart contracts. The system contains a value transaction layer to exchange the CyberVein platform token (CVT), as well as a smart contract data layer on top in order to create sidechains where structured data is stored. Transactions of both layers are stored in the same The CyberVein network is the first Distributed Ledger System allowing for the decentralized management of complex datasets on the blockchain itself, without requiring centralized storage providers.
Just as the Internet is a public network of networks, CyberVein is a public network of immutable databases, on which information can easily be traded, interconnected, and transformed into structured knowledge.
Cybervein Established by Singapore CV Technology, a non-profit organization founded in 2017, CyberVein is a project of public plus consortium chain, a network of immutable, blockchain-based databases, that is engaged in creating a more efficient and secure data ecosystem. CyberVein token (CVT) has been listed on the world's leading cryptocurrency exchanges, including HitBTC, OKEx, and Bit-Z.
CyberVein is the first blockchain platform to introduce on-chain database functionality for sharing and replicating structured data among nodes. Transactions are stored in a directed acyclic graph to increase transaction throughput and to be able to put data sets in smart contracts on side-chains,drastically reducing the number of transactions each network participant has to store: nodes only subscribe to side-chains that store data relevant to them. Nodes can join their computational power for running algorithms on a data set as distributed system.
CyberVein is a network of immutable, blockchain-based databases on which information can be securely processed, traded, and shared. As such, the CyberVein network raises storage and processing requirements, no existing blockchain can meet.
To solve this, CyberVein improves on DAG technology, introduces a novel resource-conserving consensus mechanism, and modifies the Solidity contracting language to adapt it for the processing and monetisation of vast amounts of data.
CyberVein has four core competencies:
- Directed Acylic Graph that improves transaction throughput and efficiency of massive data processing
- Proof of Cotribution, “contribution replaces mining” that avoids the concentration and abuse of hash power in the blockchain
- Programming language Vein and a virtual machine that enhances data protection
- New smart contracts that enable more secure and efficient data interaction
CyberVein’s disruptive potential can be realized anywhere vast amounts of data need to be processed immutably by several parties in parallel.
CyberVein allows competing entities, such as pharma companies, big data providers, or machine learning researchers, to share datasets and to massively increase their efficiency, while preserving their independent economic interests.
In the age of data-driven smart-governance, CyberVein’s transparent design allows to safely collect and process vast amounts of sensor information, without central points of control or failure.
Sharing data and comparing results is the backbone of modern science. CyberVein introduces economic incentives for Universities and research facilities to maintain their heavy-duty datasets, and to make them publicly available for further research and development.
CyberVein will adapt a philosophy of homogeneity where all parts—technology and businessalike—are derived from a common vision for the project in order to gain a flexible and consis-tent platform, able to positively impact the constantly evolving blockchain ecosystem long-term.The definition of value of data will be investigated beyond the context of blockchain technologyin order to successfully contribute to an economy where information becomes the key productionfactor. Middle-term goals for CyberVein’s technology is adoption by labs, universities and organi-sations as well as creating a community in order to expand to other industries. Further steps includethe formalisation of the CyberVein Virtual Machine and the definition of its language called Vein.Technical challenges include refinement of the consensus mechanism, developing a transactionmechanism which despite its non-interactivity allows for deterministic serialisation of transactionssimultaneously received and map reduce functionality to effectively make use of data sets beingreplicated in a distributed computing platform.