Cybersecurity - Protecting you and your family

Cybersecurity - Protecting you and your family

While many cybersecurity threats which impact our business, work and personal life can remain consistent, such a Malware attacks coming through spam and phishing emails, hackers can take advantage of more devices and connectivity happening online. The Internet of Things (IoT) is based on more of our devices being connected online, a step in the direction of a hyper-connected world and heading towards the fourth industrial revolution (IR4.0) and Web3.

With this in mind, we have to think about the vulnerabilities such as weak passwords through to how we store data. Let us focus on that last element first; for most of our lives, we have been taught to save work to the computer or some form of device - floppy disks or CD Rom developed into hard drives and USB sticks. To save something on device or such a vulnerable tool which is likely to be lost or stolen seems crazy, some of the more secure ways of digital storage now include cloud storage, and like your emails, can host extra security checks such s 2-Factor verification (a form of facial recognition or SMS password code).

One of the best ways to protect yourself include the 2-factor recognition and also strong password storage vaults such as Bitwarden… yes, do not save your passwords on notes! Password storage vaults are the best forms of security as you can have different passwords for different accounts and they, like other competitors, offer a freemium-based model. In fact, most cybersecurity professionals say that those two elements alone can be stronger than anti-virus software which you purchase to your computer.

A basic knowledge of threats, vulnerability and risks are sound to have, even if this is just for you and your family. With this in mind, we would also recommend our risk and threat analysis course. Whether you are new or an existing BRITEthink member, send us a message on the bottom-right of the BRITEthink website and we will get this free course loaded onto an account for you.?



