#CyberSecMonth 2021                     Protect your Castle!

#CyberSecMonth 2021 Protect your Castle!

October?is Cyber Security?awareness month, so get your act together and close the gates!

Sharing?knowledge?about?cybersecurity is?essential. The?October?cybersecurity?campaign?focuses?on?raising?awareness?about?online security,?increasing?knowledge?about?online security?and?encouraging?cyber-secure?behaviour.??

During?this?cybersecurity?month,?national?and?international?parties?are?committed?to?pursuing?these goals.?There?are?three?highlights?mentioned?by?the?NCTV in?the?Netherlands:?

  1. Blue?OLEx?2020:?This?is?an?international?high level cybersecurity?exercise. The?exercise?is?organized?every?year?by?one?of?the?EU Member?States?together?with?the?European Union Agency?for?Cybersecurity, ENISA?and?the?European?Commission.?
  2. The?One?Conference: An?international?cybersecurity conference?that?took?place?in The Hague in recent?years, was in digital form?this?year. High-profile speakers?from?all?over?the?world?shared?their?knowledge?and?insights?on?the?latest?developments?in cybersecurity. For?example,?the?American?cryptography?expert Bruce?Schneier?gave his?vision?on (geo)political?developments?and?the?internet.?
  3. Under?the?name 'Government-wide?Cyberwebinars', administrators?and?professionals?from?different levels of?government, on?behalf?of?the?Ministry?of?the?Interior?and?Kingdom?Relations, share?their?lessons?learned?throughout?October.?What?have?they?done?about?cybersecurity in?the?past?year??What?are?their?best?practices?when?it?comes?to?practicing?with?cyber?incidents??

More information?can?be?found here:?


For?the?Dutch?specific, make?sure?you?are ‘Cyber-Safe-Ready'?and?check?all?that?is?required?to?keep?your?data safe:?https://www.ncsc.nl/onderwerpen/basismaatregelen?


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