Cybermoi/s 2024 : Un mois pour tous devenir #CyberEngagés

Le Cybermoi/s, organisé par, se déroule du 1er au 31 octobre, proposant une variété d'activités pour promouvoir la sensibilisation à la cybersécurité. Les événements incluent des conférences, des campagnes vidéo, des articles et des actions citoyennes.

Initialement lancé en 2012 sous le nom de Mois européen de la cybersécurité (ECSM) par l'ENISA, l'initiative vise à renforcer la compréhension de la cybersécurité à travers l'UE. En France, le Cybermoi/s est piloté par, qui se concentre sur la sensibilisation, la prévention et l'assistance aux victimes de cybermalveillance.

Les événements phares d'octobre 2024 incluent un lancement officiel le 2 octobre à l'Assemblée nationale, un Cyber Quiz Famille, et la campagne #CyberEngagés. Des ressources pour le grand public et les pCybermoi/s, organized by, runs from October 1st to 31st, offering a variety of activities to promote cybersecurity awareness. Events include conferences, video campaigns, articles, and citizen actions.

Cybermoi/s 2024: A Month to Become #CyberEngagés

Initially launched as the European Cybersecurity Month (ECSM) in 2012 by ENISA, the initiative aims to enhance cybersecurity understanding across the EU. In France, Cybermoi/s is led by, focusing on awareness, prevention, and assistance for cybercrime victims.

Key events in October 2024 include a launch event on October 2nd at the National Assembly, a Cyber Quiz Famille, and the #CyberEngagés campaign. Resources for both the general public and professionals, such as cybersecurity guides, are also available to foster a common European cybersecurity culture.ofessionnels, telles que des guides de cybersécurité, sont également disponibles pour promouvoir une culture commune de la cybersécurité en Europe.

CNIL. (2024, October): Cybermonth 2024.

European Cybersecurity Month 2024 - #ThinkB4UClick

European Cybersecurity Month (ECSM) is an annual campaign held every October to promote cybersecurity awareness and best practices across Europe. This initiative includes a wide range of activities, such as conferences, workshops, webinars, and training sessions, aimed at educating individuals and organizations about the importance of digital safety and protecting against online threats.

The 2024 campaign, themed #ThinkB4UClick, focuses on combatting social engineering attacks—a prevalent tactic where scammers use techniques like phishing, impersonation, and fake offers to deceive individuals into disclosing personal information or performing certain online actions. The goal is to empower citizens and organizations to recognize and resist these deceptive practices, thereby enhancing their overall cybersecurity.

The European Union's ongoing commitment to cyber resilience is demonstrated through its initiatives like the EU Cybersecurity Strategy, which aims to safeguard digital technologies, and the EU Cyber Solidarity Act, designed to strengthen collective responses to cyber threats.

Addressing the skills gap in cybersecurity remains a significant challenge, with a shortage of 260,000 to 500,000 cybersecurity professionals in the EU as of 2022. To bridge this gap, the Cybersecurity Skills Academy was launched, offering a range of accessible courses to enhance cybersecurity skills and awareness across Europe.

For further details, explore resources like the European Cybersecurity Month, Cybersecurity Days 2024, the Cybersecurity Skills Academy, and ENISA, the European Union Agency for Cybersecurity. These initiatives aim to empower individuals and businesses with the knowledge and tools needed to navigate the digital landscape securely.

EU. (2024, October). Cybermonth 2024. ThinkB4UClick.


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