Cyber War, The Battle Of The Security Titans
We Are At War In Cyber Space
Yes it is Cyber Space. As if it is the place of wonders where only a certain type of people can be in and you are outside of it. No shit, YOU ARE DEFINITELY INSIDE IT, believe me.
Cyber Space is the Internet. Whether you are connected through your laptop doing some Google search, or using Skype call on you mobile phone, you are connected to Cyber Space. Now, don't get me wrong, you are NOT fighting anyone yet, but you are part of this War.
Imagine Physical Wars happening here and there even nowadays, where two parties are throwing whatever at each other, and Innocent People are killed on both sides because soldiers are trained on how to hide and secure themselves during wars, while civilians are not.
You and I are those civilians in the Cyber War led by Hackers attacking, CyberSecurity professionals defending with people like us having their Private Data stolen and revealed to the public as a consequence of this war.
Do They Really Need To Hack Me? I Am Nobody
That is a question of someone who never lived in a country in war conditions. I did. During wars, soldiers fight with all their efforts. Civilian casualties will fall whatever they do and they even have no time to think or care about them.
In Cyber War, hackers write codes of viruses and throw them somewhere in a network connected to the internet. Do they care if one virus reaches you? Do they have time to think about how destructive this would be to your life? Do they care about you when they believe they are fulfilling their higher purpose in life? A BIG NO for all three questions. The virus might be a "Command and Control" type that allows the hacker to use your laptop and hundreds of "civilians" infected laptops, including yours, to attack his final target.
The higher Purpose hackers might have is either to become wealthy very fast or to be patriotic by attacking opposing governments or countries.
What Should I Do?
If you own a laptop, an Ipad, a mobile or even have your house automated with systems, you are in this mess. The least thing that you can do is to learn the basics of how to secure yourself as a regular user. You will learn in such training how to identify an attack and how to most of times skip falling in it.
Companies usually provide this Security Awareness training to their employees. Paying for such education will save the company's reputation, hence the company's business if an employee that is targeted by hackers implements what he learned and safeguards himself.
I truly believe that "Education Is The Key To End Regular And Cyber Wars".