Cyber threats and cybercrime on Human security.

Cyberspace is everywhere in the world nowadays and all our activities are connected to the internet, devices are connected to each other and at least part of our life takes place online. Although it makes daily life easier and faster most of the time, sometimes people do not apply the level of protection in the online sphere, as they do offline.

 Crime takes place no matter the space, and the digital sphere has enabled a new world where crime is becoming even more common due to the easy access and anonymity. Cybercrime does not have geographical boundaries or time restrictions; instead, it is becoming easier to commit fraud online. We expect that companies and/or state bodies are the most common targets of cybercrime through stolen data, information leakages, cyber espionage, etc. while less attention has been drawn to the people affected by these attacks.

Nevertheless, even though individuals may not be the primary targets of cybercrime, they can become indirect victims.

Cyber threats might seem less harmful than physical threats, but as our everyday lives have partly moved online, more attention should be paid to these threats and individuals should secure themselves online as much as possible. Whether or not cybercrime has a direct threat on or even a connection to human security has not been discussed much. However, it should be an important debate considering the digital era of today, creating the need for people’s online protection against security disruptions.

Human security in relation to cyberspace is shifting away from physical threats and towards psychological harm. Cyber awareness among people, such as knowledge about existing threats and their prevention in the online world is often considered the weakest link in the chain of committing a crime. Meaning people’s unawareness of cybersecurity practices might be causing their own human security disruptions. This is an important topic to discuss considering how the digital era might be changing the concept of human security.

Mutuku Muli is an independent ICT Consultant/researcher.


