Cyber security at workplace
The biggest vulnerability SMBs have is their lack of dialog & expertise in cybersecurity. This is a need today folks as each work group should have one cyber security representative like IQA. People need to be aware of cyber risks. Lets consider a scenario, I had a client that had 10-12 people have access to the same admin password and it was set to never expire. Another normal but disturbing scenario some work groups had post-it note passwords on desktops and laptops just out in the open. This is worst. They need password policies enforced and implementation of some mobile device measures.
We are here to bring control into these situations. Our goal is to make the right recommendations that fit exactly into what their mode of operation is and making sure it won’t be a pain for them to use on a day to day basis. Let's bring the attention of so many different issues that the intended audience couldn’t possibly remember everything. We are here to help prioritize and strategize and constantly beat the drum on one or two specific things. That way, they are more likely to get things done and have a better understanding.