The Cyber Security Roundup
Don Mangiarelli Cyber Security Hawaii
Cybersecurity | FTC Safeguards Compliance Done For You | Ransomware Cleanup
It's Not "If," But "When"
In today's digital battlefield, the question isn't whether your business will face a cyber attack – it's when. The threat landscape is relentless, and the stakes are higher than ever. Every 39 seconds, a business falls victim. The harsh truth is this: those who survive and thrive won't be the ones who miraculously avoid an attack, but those who are prepared to face it head-on.
At Cyber Security Hawaii, we're dedicated to equipping Hawaii's businesses with the knowledge and tools to not only withstand attacks but to emerge stronger. This issue of the Cybersecurity Roundup is packed with insights to help you navigate the ever-evolving world of cyber threats.
We'll dive deep into the must-have security controls for small businesses, explore the implications of a massive data breach affecting millions, and uncover the latest tactics hackers are using to target organizations like yours.
Remember, preparation is your greatest defense. Let's work together to fortify your business against the inevitable.
Ready to fortify your defenses? Book a free 15-minute IT strategy session with one of our friendly, local experts at
The High Cost of Cyberattacks: Why Preparation is Key
The devastating impact of a cyberattack on a small business can't be overstated. According to CISA, the average downtime for a ransomware attack is a staggering 15-20 days. Imagine your business operations grinding to a halt for nearly three weeks – no sales, no customer service, no productivity. For many small businesses, this could spell financial ruin.
And that's just the downtime. The average cost of a cyberattack for a small business is a whopping $800,000. Think about the legal fees, the cost of data recovery, the potential fines for non-compliance, and the damage to your reputation.
In the aftermath of an attack, you'll need a whole team of experts to help you pick up the pieces: a forensics team to investigate the breach, a breach coach to navigate the legal and PR complexities, a data mining company to identify affected customers, a legal team to protect you from liability, and an IT team to restore your systems.
The takeaway is clear: preparing for a cyberattack isn't just about protecting your data; it's about ensuring the very survival of your business. At Cyber Security Hawaii, we understand these stakes. We're committed to helping you build a robust defense so that when an attack happens, you're not just surviving, you're thriving.
Cybersecurity News Roundup:
Using strong passwords and multi-factor authentication
Regularly updating software and applications
Backing up data regularly
Implementing a firewall
Educating employees about cybersecurity Read more
Remember, in the face of escalating cyber threats, the time to act is now. Reach out to Cyber Security Hawaii today, and let's build a resilient defense for your business. If you are connected to the Internet, your are reachable. If you are reachable, you are breachable!