Cyber Security Insights from 2017
Satyamoorthy Kabilan
Senior Executive Partner at Gartner | Strategic Advisor & Network Builder | Innovation & Transformation Leader | Security & Resilience Expert |
When I look across the spectrum of offerings in cyber security, one of my concerns has always been the fact that we do not seem to have many forums for leaders to interact across industries as well as the public and private sectors on cyber security issues at a strategic (rather than technical) level. This view is shared by a number of IT and cyber security leaders in Canada, who supported the Conference Board of Canada in launching a Cyber Security Centre at the start of 2016. I have had the privilege of chairing this group for the last two years, as we developed a range of insights through our research and convening activities. You can access some of the cyber security insights we have developed over the course of 2017 through the links below.
One key theme which has emerged from my team's work is the issue of effectively communicating cyber security at the board level. With the increasing scrutiny that boards are placing on cyber security and cyber risk, it is no longer enough for executives to understand the technical aspects of cyber security - they need to understand the business impact and be able to communicate these impacts in business terms. Equally, boards of directors need to expand their knowledge and understanding of cyber security to effectively govern the organizations that they are responsible for. The gap in communication and understanding of cyber security, between the board and the executive, is a key area that needs to be addressed. The challenge I would like to put forward for leaders in 2018 is to take the necessary steps to effectively close this gap.
The Argument for Security Convergence
WannaCry Ransomware: Two Key Insights for Cyber Security
Building Solutions for Canada’s Future: Summary Report of the Canadian Privacy Summit 2017
Communicating Cyber Security to the Board of Directors
Cybersecurity: The Leadership Imperative
Cybersecurity and Legal Compliance – How to Strike a Balance
Beware Ransomware: Learning from the University of Calgary Ransomware Case
How IoT Turns Security Vulnerabilities into Safety Threats
Expert Insights on Canada’s Top Privacy Challenges and the Future of Privacy in Canada
Cyber Security 2017: Securing the Smart City of the Future
We will be sharing more insights at our Cyber Security 2018 conference in Ottawa, which I will be chairing.