Technology is a significant part of our lives. Many of us rely on it daily for everything from entertainment to banking. As a result, we often store sensitive information on our desktop and mobile devices, like credit card information, addresses, phone numbers, passwords, and personal data. Cybersecurity is the branch of technology that aims to protect those devices and information from malicious actors who want to gain unauthorized access to them or cause harm.
Cybersecurity protects data, devices, and networks from attackers, criminals, and anyone harming a system. Any software that contains sensitive information, such as medical records or financial information, must be equipped to handle cyber attacks to avoid theft or corruption. Having inadequate security measures in place could expose your devices and data to harmful threats like malicious software.
Types of cybersecurity
Just as various types of cyber threats exist, so do ways to protect against them. The following sections provide a brief overview of several subcategories of cybersecurity.
Application security
App security is the creation of security features for apps to prevent cyber attacks and account for any exploitable vulnerabilities in the software. Application security is crucial to the reliability and functionality of the software.
Cloud security
Cloud security is a segment of IT that deals with handling risks and problems with a cloud-based network. It also entails finding and implementing solutions, mostly wirelessly. Cloud security specialists assist the needs of the cloud in terms of memory, security, and any possible vulnerabilities that need patching.