Cyber News Live | 19 August 2023
Cyber News Live
The “Major League” of cyber news for C-Suite Executives. #cnl #cybernewslive #cyber #cybersecurity #cybersecuritynews
Howdy Folks, another wild week out there but the good news is that Cyber News Live has a handful of Summer Interns rolling off that will be newly qualified with the 谷歌 Cybersecurity Certificate and 3 months of Cyber Threat Intelligence and Open Source Intelligence experience chafing at the bit to be gainfully employed. If you are hiring? Please comment below or send me a DM.
This week I put a challenge to the top 22 tech companies to support the ecosystem. 苹果 , 谷歌 , 微软 , 亚马逊 , 三星电子 , 腾讯 , Meta , 思科 , 甲骨文 , 博通 , SAP , 埃森哲 , Salesforce , Adobe , Intuit , 凯捷咨询 , VMware , Uber , Shopify , Zoom , 新思科技 , Atlassian , Intel Business , IBM , 索尼 , 英伟达 , 阿里巴巴集团 , HP , Dell Technologies , Netflix , Tesla , and X .
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