Cyber Attacks
Robinson Alzate
Business Analyst @ GBT Logistics | Agile Project Manager, Supply Chain Specialist
How the Fleet can respond well to cyber attacks
Data breaches, ransomware, online fraud, and cryptocurrency theft will continue to be a persistent business threat, including fleets of trucks of all kinds. Organizations must be prepared to respond appropriately to an attack, even as they deploy excellent preventive security measures.
Plan and prepare
Businesses that are preparing for a potential attack can deploy a plan to help reduce damage and support business continuity. The three main aspects of a solid plan include:
Accurate Threat Detection: Organizations must have systems to detect incoming attacks and reveal intrusions. IT security systems must provide a transparent view to avoid security blind spots and ensure threat awareness. Timely Incident Response - Incident response capabilities, including digital tools and external support, help effectively investigate threats and resolve issues before they escalate into an emergency. The attack disrupted the entire fleet's business.
Rapid disaster recovery: Disaster recovery plans cover common types of business continuity threats, including natural disasters, physical threats, and digital attacks. Companies are deploying disaster recovery capabilities to become more resilient and reduce damage, especially to key business functions and divisions. This includes data backups and basic operating procedures.
Active leadership instead of delegation
Don't consider your leadership when you create an incident response process. Actively review and test procedures, including them as part of your regular countertop security drills. Leaders must realize that their active investment in the security will significantly improve a company's response to cyberattacks. An environment of collective responsibility in the workplace, guided by active leadership, helps keep organizations running and reduces the impact of cyberattacks.
Open and consistent communication
Businesses should continue to discuss cybersecurity before, during, and after threats occur. Leaders with consistent and cohesive communication improve the entire organization's response to security incidents. When everyone is on the same page, everyone understands their roles and responsibilities in the event of a cyber attack, thus avoiding organizational paralysis.