Cyber attacks on the Rise.
James Chavis
IT Executive / Cybersecurity / Project Management / Threat Mitigation / Training / Business Automation / IT Strategy
Two days after posting my article CBS & NBC stated all the points I made against cyber attacks. Here today, Cyber attacks are on the rise. Ransomware has become a quick pathway for a hacker to gain monetary wealth out of ignorance and slow comprehension of the industry. ' You know the type " I don't understand it, therefore, it must not be a priority concern" well here is a tip #DontPayDaRansom. Also for you safety and your business safety lean this principle habit, Backup your key data weekly. or as we learned years ago Backup the Backup to the Backup. Thanks to Allen Smith who preached that simple principle years ago. Keep at least 3 current backups on hand of all your key data. This is a key fix to not pay Hackers from holding you hostage to return or release your information.
Set up an automated or planned schedule. That way you will be protected and run anti-virus protections often as possible.