CxO, Security, CxO Events, ESG, HPC, Cloud, Big Data, Fortinet (296.4.Monday)

CxO, Security, CxO Events, ESG, HPC, Cloud, Big Data, Fortinet (296.4.Monday)

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John J. McLaughlin



CxO Events




Big Data

Fortinet News

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Smart City Expo Miami - SUSTAINABLE is the NEW SMART (Dec 12-14)


Digital Transformation: 5 Ways To Build Technical Talent

Attracting and retaining IT talent will set your organization up for success. Consider this expert advice

Many organizations are determining how to strengthen their teams amid economic uncertainty and skills shortages. Building technical talent is key to helping teams withstand the challenges of undergoing digital transformation...?more

CTOs Find Faith in Evolution of IT, but Compatibility Struggles Persist

To best support the "New IT," CTOs must choose the right tech to create value, but they are finding compatibility to be a pain point.

The shift to a hybrid work environment is elevating the importance of elements of IT architecture, with chief technology officers (CTOs) noting the importance of cloud software and computing for the future of hybrid work ...?more

The Future Of IT: Decentralization And Collaboration

As more organizations move toward a hybrid IT model, collaboration between IT and non-IT employees is paramount. Consider this expert advice

Last year, MIT researcher Joe Peppard penned a contentious Wall Street Journal op-ed suggesting that organizations eliminate their IT departments. He explains that the IT department started as a relatively autonomous entity, existing primarily to keep corporate systems functioning and networks secure ...?more

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SETC Roundtable - Cloud Considerations (Nov 30th)


Why Operational Technology Security Cannot Be Avoided

Operational technology (OT) includes any hardware and software that directly monitors and controls industrial equipment and all its assets, processes and events to detect or initiate a change.

Yet despite occupying a critical role in a large number of essential industries, OT security is also uniquely vulnerable to attack ...?more

5 Top Security Assessment Trends In 2022

In times such as these, there is no resting on one's security laurels.

Encouraged by the lucrative nature of ransomware and other malware scams, cybercriminals work tirelessly to find new ways to break into IT systems. Hence, organizations must constantly assess their risk profile and find any possible weak spots before the bad actors find them...?more

Creating A Culture Of Security Awareness Training

As part of Solutions Review's Premium Content Series-a collection of contributed columns written by industry experts in maturing software categories- Mike Fleck of Cyren examines three keys to building a business culture with security awareness at the center.

Security Awareness Training (SAT) has long been a fundamental part of an organization's security program. Undoubtedly, employees are a massive target and a critical line of defense when it comes to effective cybersecurity practices. If your workforce isn't aware of their security responsibilities, there will always be a vulnerability within your security infrastructure...?more

Cybersecurity In 2023: Five Predictions Revealed

With the end of 2022 fast approaching, Forescout's research team, Vedere Labs, has looked ahead to what the cybersecurity landscape will look like next year.

Here are the top five predictions for 2023:

  • Ransomware groups will expand into more IoT devices and continue evolving their extortion campaigns
  • Hacking groups that appeared or became more active during the war in Ukraine will continue to act, regardless of what happens with the war
  • State-sponsored actors will continue to expand their arsenal with new sophisticated malware
  • Medical device cybersecurity challenges will persist
  • Attacks on critical infrastructure will continue to increase


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InteropDIGITAL: Cyber Resilience in Uncertain Times (Dec. 1st)

CxO Events

BWGStrategy: Future Healthcare Trends for 2023 (Dec. 13th)

Join our panel of industry experts as they discuss their thoughts on future trends and innovations coming for the new year. Walk away with real actionable insights and ideas to take back to your team and organization.

The past year has had many ups and downs for hospitals and health systems. As we move out of the pandemic and have began to return to a new normalcy - we are still finding ourselves meeting face to face with lasting effects and waves of disruption. Many organizations are still facing tough financial forecasts, staffing shortages all while needing to still meet the ever-growing expectations of consumers.

Hosted by BWGStrategy ...?more

Predict 2023 (Jan. 12th)

The fifth annual Predict conference is being led by our Techstrong Research team. This year's agenda will be entirely live, featuring interactive panel discussions to prepare you for the new year ahead and beyond.

The past few years have seen mind-blowing technology evolution and innovation as the industry has embraced the benefits of digital transformation. Now it's time to make things happen. It's time we stand and deliver. Predict 2023 will look at what the upcoming year and the near future will hold in the realms of DevOps, digital transformation, cybersecurity and cloud-nativ ...?more

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Security Boulevard: Application Security (Dec. 5th)


What is Sustainable IT?

CIO Niklas Sundberg shares an excerpt from his new book, "Sustainable IT Playbook for Technology Leaders."

In August 2020, during the global COVID-19 pandemic, I assumed a new role as Chief Information Officer (CIO) at a global industrial manufacturing company in Stockholm, Sweden. I knew that I was in for a tremendous challenge and exciting journey simultaneously...?more

With Sustainability Analytics, Big Data Can Save The World

In the coming years, environmental, social, and corporate governance (ESG) data will be as central to making business decisions as financial and marketing data is today.

Pressure from regulatory agencies and consumers alike will require brands and manufacturers to accurately report and substantiate the environmental and social impact of their products across the supply chain. This is a scary thought for many companies because, frankly, getting accurate data from raw materials partners, manufacturing partners, logistics partners, and other players in the value chain can feel like the corporate equivalent of herding cats. ...?more

A Comprehensive Guide To Cybersecurity In Green Tech

This article is going to cover the topic of Guide to cybersecurity in green tech from a general overview to specific steps you can take to protect your operation.

The digital world has given us access to information and ideas that were once out of reach. Thanks to the internet, we can now share pictures with our friends, research a topic at our leisure, and even find love from across the globe. However, this digital age has also made it easier for cyber criminals to break into our personal information and steal our money or valuable asset ...?more

ESG: Why It Should Matter To Cybersecurity Leaders

Environmental, social and governance (ESG) matters may seem like foreign concepts to cybersecurity leaders.

However, with growing ESG regulatory reporting requirements - especially in third-party vendor and supplier relationships - boards of directors will begin to examine ESG with greater focus. Considering their role of protecting the company against risks, CISOs should therefore see ESG as driving alignment to the company's broader enterprise risk management strategy...?more

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VentureBeat: Intelligent Security Week Agenda (Dec. 6th - 8th)


@Hpcpodcast-44: SC22 Postview

In this SC22 postview, we go over what happened at the show in Dallas

Topics include: the energy and attendance at the show, liquid cooling, PCIe, CXL, AI Chips, Open Standards, Storage, Future of Supercomputing, global players, and yes, where SC23 will be held and what its tagline is! (12:20) ...?more


Cloud Security Is Hard Because Multi-Cloud Is Complex

In today's multi-cloud world, security-as-a-service is growing as a strategic means of standardizing security practices that span all applications, no matter where they are deployed.

A recent report from Venafi found that 80% of companies have experienced a security incident in the cloud over the past year. Many other reports will also sound the alarm about API security incidents, the use of stolen credentials to gain unauthorized access, and the unfortunate successful rate of phishing attacks ...?more

Gartner Highlights 10 Common Cloud Strategy Mistakes

Cloud Strategy Must Coexist with Other Strategic Efforts

A cloud strategy is a concise viewpoint on the role of cloud computing in the organization. However, business and IT leaders continue to make 10 common mistakes when crafting their cloud strategy, according to Gartner, Inc...?more

What's Coming For Cloud Computing In 2023

Next year may change the cloud world as enterprises face lower budgets and a demand for ROI. It's time for planning and strategy to become the dominant trend.

The days before Thanksgiving I get pitches from PR firms wanting to tell me their clients' predictions for next year. I'm always taken aback by some of the naivete I still see out there, even after 15 years of cloud computing being a true force in IT. By now, most technology executives should know better ...?more

Sealing Off Your Cloud's Blast Radius

Migrating to the cloud? Cloud security requires a shift in mindset from traditional on-premises security.

Implementing relevant principles and practices, like for permissions management, can mitigate vulnerabilities and significantly reduce the blast radius of an attack. In this blog post, we dive into the differences between on-premises and cloud security, outline the main challenges in securing the cloud and provide solutions for security teams to implement ...?more

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SNIA: Journey to the Center of Massive Data: Digital Twins (Dec. 6th)

Big Data

What Is Data Virtualization?

Data virtualization is a method of data management that refers to the compiling of all enterprise data in one place, regardless of its source. This is completed via a virtual data layer that aggregates all data across disparate systems.

The vast amount of data that companies manage comes in many forms, including structured and unstructured. To be effective, enterprises must be able to view all of their data in one place, in real time. They must also be able to translate the data to glean actionable insights from it. Data virtualization is the solution ...?more

5 Top Data Classification Trends In 2022

Data classification deals with the various processes used to understand information assets.

It incorporates techniques such as assigning a value to those assets, tagging them in different ways, and determining the effort and cost required to secure them, especially the most critical of those assets. Tags might be done for data type, sensitivity, value, risk, etc ...?more

7 Common Data Quality Problems

Having Data Quality problems is a common - and costly - issue. According to Gartner, poor-quality data costs organizations an average of $12.9 million annually.

Data Quality uses factors such as accuracy, consistency, and completeness in determining the value of the data. High-quality data can be trusted, while low-quality data is inaccurate, inconsistent, or incomplete. In addition to significant amounts of lost revenue, using low-quality data can result in poor business decisions and reduced operational efficiency...?more

How Big Data Technology Helped Fight The Pandemic

Big data and AI technology have played a big role in dealing with some of the problems that arose during the pandemic and can fix future health challenges.

Although the COVID-19 pandemic was one of the greatest challenges the world has ever endured, it is important to acknowledge there were some notable advances in the fight against the infectious virus. Big data and AI technology have played a huge role in dealing with some of the challenges that arose...?more

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CIO/CSO: Understanding Cyber Attackers And Their Methods (Dec. 7th)

Fortinet News

Ransomware Roundup: Cryptonite Ransomware

On a bi-weekly basis, FortiGuard Labs gathers data on ransomware variants of interest that have been gaining traction within our datasets and the OSINT community.

The Ransomware Roundup report aims to provide readers with brief insights into the evolving ransomware landscape and the Fortinet solutions that protect against those variants.

This latest edition of the Ransomware Roundup covers Cryptonite ransomware...?more

Staying Digitally Secure This Holiday Season

This holiday season, checking off that gift list will look a little different than in past years.

Given the spike in digital activity predicted over the holidays, cybercriminals, too, will be making their lists and checking them twice this year. It's a particularly risky time of the year as shoppers of all ages (including those with less experience recognizing digital threats) flock to search engines and online channels to place orders before holiday delivery date cutoffs ...?more

Beware Of Cybercriminals Preying On Online Shoppers On Black Friday

As we approach the end of 2022, we reflect on a year filled with dramatic changes across the globe and a heightened threat environment, which raises questions about what is to come in 2023.

However, for many, we are now also entering a season of hope. The upcoming holiday season provides a heartful and joyful sensation that is a welcome relief from our other cares. So, between now and the advent of our various celebrations, it's time for a shopping spree-with shoppers expected to spend an average of $998 each....?more

Cyber Risk Management Lessons From The Battlefield

There are numerous parallels between the armed forces and cybersecurity.

The skills that members of the military use each day-from honing their situational awareness to cultivating superior attention to detail-are equally critical in navigating the constantly evolving threat landscape. And many of these lessons learned on the battlefield can easily be applied by security teams to protect an organization more effectively from cyberattacks. ...?more

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DARKReading: Cloud Sec urity Essentials (Dec. 7th)
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IIOT World Manufacturing & Supply Chain Days (Dec. 7-8th)
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2022 Sight Tech Global Event (Dec.7th-8th)


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