CxO, Security, AI, FOSS, Cloud, Big Data, Cisco, Lenovo, Red Hat (294.2.Monday)

CxO, Security, AI, FOSS, Cloud, Big Data, Cisco, Lenovo, Red Hat (294.2.Monday)

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Big Data

Cisco News

Lenovo News

Red Hat News

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Top 10 Strategic Technology Trends For 2023: Gartner

Gartner has revealed its top 10 strategic technology trends for 2023, which focus on three themes: optimize, scale and pioneer.

Cutting costs by optimizing IT, scaling networks to deliver business value and growth, and changing the direction of the business itself are among the top 10 technology trends Gartner predicts for 2023 ...?more

What Is ESG And How Does It Apply To My Business?

The abbreviation ESG stands for environmental, social and corporate governance. It is a measurement that takes into account a company's social and environmental impact on the global community.

Investors, customers and other stakeholders are beginning to contend with new risk factors when it comes to their data, including climate change, demographic shifts, cybersecurity issues and regulatory pressures. These complex changes have resulted in a new approach to evaluating enterprise data and business strategies: Environmental, social and corporate governance. ...?more

Why Digital Transformation Projects Fail; How Data Architecture Can Help

Every year, large corporations spend trillions of dollars on digital transformation projects, which they hope will help them take advantage of emerging technologies and boost their business operations.

Among these technologies are predictive analytics and decision-support systems, which have the potential to transform the traditional focus of IT from saving costs and solving technical constraints to proactively creating value and opportunities across the organization...?more

Gartner Hype Cycle For Supply Chain Strategy Shows Supply Chain Resilience At Peak Of Inflated Expectations

Key obstacles for adoption are high investment needs and difficulty to achieve measurable return on investment; New additions to the Hype Cycle include machine customers, ecosystem partnerships and hybrid work.

Supply chain resilience has reached the Peak of Inflated Expectations and will arrive at the Plateau of Productivity in five to 10 years, according to the Gartner, Inc. Hype Cycle for Supply Chain Strategy, 2022...?more

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ISACA's State Of Digital Trust 2022 Report Highlights Gaps In What Businesses Are Doing And What They Should Do To Win Customer Trust In Digital Ecosystem

Consequences of low digital trust of an organization include customer loss, more cybersecurity incidents, and reputation deduction, among others.

47% say digital trust will be much more important in the next five years; however, 57% say their organizations do not provide staff training in digital trust ...?more

Nearly All Firms Have Suffered A Cloud Security Issue This Year

Four in five companies have had at least one serious cloud security incident in the past 12 months, a new report from Snyk has found, with data breaches, data leaks, and perimeter breaches all sadly increasingly common ...?more

Phishing Attacks: What You Need To Know Now - Arkose Labs

According to the FBI Internet Crime Report 2021, phishing was the fastest growing type of internet crime from 2019 to 2021, and bad actors continue to evolve their phishing attack techniques.

The latest phishing attack, EvilProxy, allows even inexperienced criminals to use reverse proxy and cookie-injection methods to provide a way around two factor authenticated (2FA) sessions on a large scale ...?more

The Challenge Of Securing Critical Operational Technology Systems At The Ground Level

Although a 'shift in attitude' is happening around securing the operational technology (OT) that underpins critical infrastructure like manufacturing plants or utilities, the federal government is still working through challenges in targeting efforts toward smaller operators grappling with limited resources, and ensuring that the OT investments being made today have security built into them.

The Biden administration over the past year has spearheaded several initiatives that aim to better secure industrial control systems (ICS), including a National Security Memorandum passed last July, which directed the Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency (CISA) to work with the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) to develop a number of security performance goals for critical infrastructure sectors...?more

To Improve Cybersecurity, Assume Vulnerability

One struggle continues to rear its head with regard to cyberverse security: adopting a proactively vulnerable mindset.

Understanding the nature of vulnerabilities allows a company to address them in a proactive manner. Google understood phishing was a preventable problem, and famously implemented FIDO to good effect; they have not been successfully phished since. But their choice is an exception rather than the rule...?more

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Best Practices For Developing Cloud-Based Machine Learning Platforms

With the cloud, enterprises can easily experiment with machine learning capabilities and scale up as projects go into production and demand sees an uptick.

Many people are familiar with leading technology platforms like Windows, iOS, and AWS. Platforms are a group of technologies that serve as a base from which other applications are built and scaled. These platforms enable most of today's advanced technology capabilities and help organizations deliver cutting-edge customer experiences...?more

IDC: Worldwide AI Spending Grew Over 20% In 2021, Will Reach $450B In 2022

A new report from IDC predicts the global market value of artificial intelligence solutions will reach close to $450 billion in 2022 and will continue to grow over the next five years.

According to IDC's Worldwide Semiannual Artificial Intelligence Tracker, worldwide revenues for AI software, hardware, and services totaled $383.3 billion in 2021 for an increase of 20.7% over 2020...?more

The Business Value Of NLP: 5 Success Stories

These five organizations are using natural language processing to better serve their customers, automate repetitive tasks, and streamline operations.

Data is now one of the most valuable enterprise commodities. According to's State of the CIO 2022 report, 35% of IT leaders say that data and business analytics will drive the most IT investment at their organization this year, and 58% say their involvement with data analysis will increase over the next year...?more

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LibreOffice 7.4.1 Community Available For Download

LibreOffice 7.4.1 Community, the first maintenance release of LibreOffice 7.4, the volunteer-supported office suite for personal productivity on the desktop, is immediately available for Windows (Intel and Arm processors), macOS (Apple M1 and Intel processors), and Linux.

LibreOffice offers the highest level of compatibility in the office suite market segment, with native support for the OpenDocument Format (ODF) - beating proprietary formats for security and robustness - to superior support for MS Office files, to filters for a large number of legacy document formats, to return ownership and control to users. ...?more


Edge Computing And 5G: What's Next For Enterprise IT?

2022 could be a turning point for pairing edge computing and 5G in the enterprise. Let's examine trends to watch.

2022 could be a turning point for pairing edge computing and 5G in the enterprise. Let's examine trends to watch...?more

6 Tips For Controlling Your Cloud Costs In A Recession

The last thing you need in times of economic gloom is a cloud environment that costs more money than it should. That's why now's a great moment for businesses to step back and assess their cloud spending, then determine how they can steel it against the recession that may be on the horizon.

The first step toward recession-proofing your cloud is to understand how companies commonly waste money in the cloud. The top threats to cost-effective cloud computing include: ...?more

5 Ways To Improve Your Cloud Security Posture

With more applications deployed to multiple clouds, organizations must shore up their security posture, and cloud security posture management is designed to help. Find out why.

Organizations are increasingly moving applications to the cloud to better serve their customers, partners and employees. The ability to quickly deploy applications to the cloud so employees, partners and customers can connect to companies for business transactions and services gives organizations a competitive advantage. ...?more

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Big Data

Review The Top Data Literacy Training Courses Of 2022

Improve your data literacy skills with these online courses, which cover topics like data visualization and data storytelling.

As companies collect more data than ever, the need for professionals who can make sense of it is growing too. Managing complex, growing data sets makes data literacy knowledge increasingly valuable to employers and individuals. For professionals who want to increase their own knowledge or companies that want to upskill their staff, we recommend the following data literacy training courses. ...?more

The 9 Best Data Integrity Tools And Software For 2022

Solutions Review's listing of the best data integrity tools is an annual mashup of products that best represent current market conditions, according to the crowd.

The editors at Solutions Review have developed this resource to assist buyers in search of the best data integrity tools to fit the needs of their organization. Choosing the right vendor and solution can be a complicated process - one that requires in-depth research and often comes down to more than just the solution and its technical capabilities ...?more

5 Data Governance Mistakes Your Company Should Avoid

Knowing what mistakes are most common is the first step to avoiding them. Here are five common data governance errors and how to avoid them.

Data governance should be a top priority for every organization due to the risks and benefits directly linked to it. Poor data governance can lead to performance issues, lawsuits and fines. Even more crucially, weak data governance leads to increased cybersecurity risks and breaches ...?more

What Is Data Intelligence?

As new technologies make big data easier to use, data intelligence is emerging as the key to unlocking more business value.

If you're working in a more technology-driven industry, then chances are you've heard the term 'data intelligence' before. But what is data intelligence? And more importantly, how can you use it to your competitive advantage? This guide explores data intelligence and how its best practices can benefit a variety of industries. ...?more

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Cisco News

Break Glass In Case Of Emergency: How A Sase Approach Can Solve Remote Network Outages

As much as we'd love to write an article on how Cisco IT has perfected a network that never breaks, we're not there yet.

It's a fact of life that networks and systems do - and will continue to - break. In fact, my home ISP went down as I was writing this piece...?more

Converged Networks: From SoFi Stadium to Public Sector

This year's NFL season kicked-off at the same place where the previous season ended, returning to SoFi Stadium in Los Angeles on a Thursday night.

And it was powered by a single, converged Cisco network, just as it was seven months ago for Super Bowl LVI. The performance of Cisco's converged network on the world's biggest stage back in February was truly mind-blowing ...?more

Deploy and manage networks globally with Cisco SD-WAN Multi-Region Fabric

How often do we prefer to avoid a detour to reach our home, office, restaurant, or subway station? The answer is - every time!

We do not have the time for detours and delays in life as it affects our productivity and schedule. Similarly, business networks also need non-stop connectivity for greater performance and scalability...?more

Introducing the new Cisco WiFi-6 CBW150AX - Purpose-built for Small Business

At Cisco we've been relentlessly focusing on how to simplify IT - making it easier to manage, deploy, secure, and easier to buy.

This effort to simplify doesn't just cover large enterprise networks - we're happy to do the same for small business as well. We've purposely engineered the Cisco Business portfolio of network switches and wireless access points to give you a secure and rock-solid network foundation but with affordable value pricing and without monthly subscription costs. ...?more

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Lenovo News

Award-Winning Lenovo Thinkbook Plus Gen 3 Is Now Available

Unveiled earlier this year, the unique ThinkBook Plus Gen 3 is available for purchase.

Featuring an industry first1 17.3-inch ultra-wide primary display with a 21:10 aspect ratio, it also includes an innovative 8-inch secondary touch-enabled screen that enhances productive and creative multitasking...?more

Lenovo Doubles Down On Global Investment To Support Technology Skilling For A Smarter Future

The Lenovo Foundation today announced the opening of its next TransforME skilling grant round, as well as the winners of its inaugural grant round.

To date, Lenovo has committed more than USD $2 million to organizations around the world focused on equipping today's workforce with the skills needed to transform their careers, lives, and communities. Lenovo philanthropy is investing in skilling as part of its goal to deliver transformational impact to 1 million people by 2025 ...?more

Lenovo Executive Discusses Why ThinkBook Plus Gen 3 is Well-Suited for SMBs and The Future of Work

In today's new 'work from anywhere' remote environment, the office became wherever employees had connected devices.

However, many small to medium-sized businesses (SMBs) do not have the technology they need for optimum productivity across teams. By listening to customers and conducting extensive research, Lenovo's SMB engineering team set out to create a device that would support the new way of work and play. ...?more

Securing Your Cloud/Container Environment Against the Evolving Threat Landscape (Oct. 4th)

Red Hat News

Red Hat Insights Advisor Pathways Will Guide You Towards A Healthier Hybrid Cloud

We're excited to announce a new feature in Red Hat Insights Advisor to make life easier for Red Hat Enterprise Linux (RHEL) system administrators.

It's called pathways, and it's a group of configuration recommendations combined into common remediation actions to simplify getting your systems updated with as few steps as possible...?more

Friday Five - September 16, 2022

The Friday Five is a weekly Red Hat blog post with 5 of the week's top news items and ideas from or about Red Hat and the technology industry. Consider it your weekly digest of things that caught our eye.

  • Red Hat Summit: Connect 2022 lab sessions and topics
  • Compiler - Stack/Unstuck: Frameworks and Fundamentals
  • The purpose-driven organization: 6 tips for fostering diversity and inclusion
  • IT Pro - Red Hat adopts a remote-first policy, with offices turned into "neighbourhoods"
  • Embraced by creative studios: VFX Linux Task Force recommends Red Hat Enterprise Linux


Enhancing Application Container Security And Compliance With Podman

As organizations adopt container-based ecosystems, the approach to continuous IT security and compliance must shift from traditional system security assessments to new methodologies that account for how cloud-based technologies operate

Containers enable agnosticism amongst cloud computing operating environments by packaging applications, or workloads, within a virtualized environment. The application, or workload, is then operating independently of its hosted environment all while inheriting the security benefits of that hosted environment. Container technologies implement the concept of immutability, as in a stateless entity or image that is deployed but not changed. ...?more

FutureCon: Boston CyberSecurity Conference (Oct. 5th)
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