CXC Newsletter: March 2024

CXC Newsletter: March 2024

We have lots of opportunities this month, including our Programme Manager vacancy, a postdoc research opportunity in soils, open invitations to quote for specific research projects and you can also read our newly published reports on heat pumps on subscription and climate change route maps.

  1. Vacancy: CXC Programme Manager
  2. Postdoc research opportunity in soils
  3. Open research calls
  4. Heat pumps on subscription
  5. Climate change route maps and score cards
  6. Tips for writing research proposals
  7. Recommendations of books on sustainability
  8. Research and policy update

1. Vacancy: CXC Programme Manager

Job vacancy: Programme Manager. Salary: £57,696-£64,914

We are looking for a Programme Manager to lead the delivery of the ClimateXChange programme. This is a critical post, managing our team and acting as the bridge between the demand for analysis and research from the Scottish Government and its supply from research providers.?

It's a fixed-term contract until March 2025, with a possible two-year contract extension to 2027. Closes 8 April.

Programme Manager vacancy

2. Postdoc research opportunity in soils

Securing Scotland's soils in a changing climate. Deadline: 7 May 2024

This one-year postdoctoral research opportunity will support the Scottish Government in the development of a routemap for a cross-sectoral and transdisciplinary action plan to deliver improved soil health across Scotland. Closes 7 May.

Postdoc research opportunity (PDF)

3. Open research project calls

We commission our research projects on behalf of Scottish Government policy teams working to tackle climate change and meet Scotland's net zero targets. To make sure you don't miss any open research calls between newsletters, sign up for invitations to quote and get email notifications directly to your inbox as soon as they are published. Sign up on our website.

We currently have two open invitations to quote for specific research projects, with more due to open in the coming days and weeks.

  • Review of governance and operational delivery of EPCs in Europe (closes 26 March)
  • Mapping public engagement in the heat transition in Scotland (closes 27 March)

Invitations to quote

4. Heat pumps on subscription

Heat pump unit

Innovative business models could support the rollout of heat pumps by helping with the upfront investment, according to this study from ClimateXChange.

The report suggests three business models that could be implemented in Scotland via pilot schemes.

Heat pumps report

5. Climate change route maps and score cards

A climate change route map and/or score card is most likely not the appropriate means for the Scottish Government to communicate climate change progress and actions to the public and stakeholders, this study has found.

The researchers provide recommendations on key principles for designing future climate change communication methods.

Route maps report

6. Tips for writing research proposals

If you are interested in submitting a bid for one of our research projects, we have some resources to help you with your submission.

We host one-hour webinars every few months designed to give an overview of what can help make a potentially winning bid. The recording of our most recent webinar from 29 February is now available on YouTube.

You can also view the slides from the presentation and read our blog post outlining the main points covered.

Tips for writing research proposals

7. Recommendations of books on sustainability

For World Book Day on 7 March, we asked members of the ClimateXChange team for book suggestions on environmental sustainability.

Books on sustainability

8. Research and policy update

Our summary of national and international climate change research and policy developments for the month of February 2024 is now available.

February report (PDF)

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You can also view and subscribe to our longer emailed newsletter, which includes general sector updates and opportunities, on the CXC website.

ClimateXChange is Scotland's centre of expertise on climate change. We provide a research, advice and analysis service to policy teams and associated public agencies. We are funded by the Scottish Government.



