Structural Engineering Manager (Major Infrastructure (Bridges, Underpasses, Highways & Tunneling)
I hope you find it useful and I wish you all the best with your job search and career progression.
Instructions for using the CV template effectively:
What is the ideal length for your CV?
· Less than 5 years’ experience – 1~2 pageS
· 5 – 15 years’ experience – 2~3 pages
· 15+ years’ experience – 3~4 pages
Should you add a photograph?
· Only add a photo if it is required
· Use a photo taken specifically for this purpose
· Look professional
What font should be used?
· You can choose a font which reflects your industry, but keep it simple and professional
· All main text should be black, you may wish to add one complimentary colour for headings only
· Use the same font throughout your CV
Additional resources:
I am passionate about helping people advance their careers and have created a number of further resources you may find my other articles as well very informative.
T: Mobile No. E: Email Address
Use this section to explain who you are, your key achievements and why they should hire you. This should be adapted for each role you apply to. Please refer to my eBook for full details and examples of what to include here
· Add skill or competency with brief example of when you displayed this skill
· Add skill or competency with brief example of when you displayed this skill
· Add skill or competency with brief example of when you displayed this skill
· Add achievement with key measurable details
· Add achievement with key measurable details
· Add achievement with key measurable details
Qualification - Year Completed (Do not show it if you are fresh or less experienced on the first page of your CV, better to keep it for the last pages)
Qualification - Year Completed (Do not show it if you are fresh or less experienced on the first page of your CV, better to keep it for the last pages)
Mon YY – Mon YY Company Name
Job Title
· Use this section to explain what you did in your role, focusing on measurable achievements. Past simple tense is best
· e.g. Developed and trained team to increase sales and deliver excellent customer service, regularly achieving the region’s best customer service scores.
· Bullet 3
· Bullet 4
· Bullet 5 - aim to include at least 5 points and a maximum of 10
Mon YY – Mon YY Company Name
Job Title
· Use this section to explain what you did in your role, focusing on measurable achievements. Past simple tense is best
· e.g. Developed and trained team to increase sales and deliver excellent customer service, regularly achieving the region’s best customer service scores.
· Bullet 3
· Bullet 4
· Bullet 5 - aim to include at least 5 points and a maximum of 10
Mon YY – Mon YY Company Name
Job Title
· Use this section to explain what you did in your role, focusing on measurable achievements. Past simple tense is best
· e.g. Developed and trained team to increase sales and deliver excellent customer service, regularly achieving the region’s best customer service scores.
· Bullet 3
· Bullet 4
· Bullet 5 - aim to include at least 5 points and a maximum of 10
Qualification - Year Completed
Qualification - Year Completed
· This section should be used if you have limited work experience.
· Include relevant volunteering experience and give details to demonstrate the skills you learnt.
· Here you can include personal interests and hobbies. Do not include anything which would make you look bad to the employer.
· If your CV is very long you may prefer to delete this section. However, for more junior CVs this can be a good thing to include.
· Be specific. e.g. I enjoy reading classic Russian Literature, such as Tolstoy and Dostoyevsky.