C.V screening is dead?
Nurlan Shikhaliyev
Strategic Human Resources Management I HR Tech I People Analytics
As humans, we tend to keep things in an accepted way. We think that if something is done by most of the people it is the best method ever known. Why we behave in such a manner? Maybe it is because we are afraid of change? Or we just focus on the current state of the things that it became difficult to view anything from a different perspective?
We are not going to explore the nature of human behavior and prefer to leave this research to sociologists or psychologists. We will rather focus on the human resource management field and try to explore whether as professionals we also resist changes.
Have you ever asked yourself is it worth to spend hours on C.V screening to find the right candidates? What we currently do is create some hypothetical requirements and try to find the implications of them in people’s biography. What is more interesting is we rely on two pages of documents — C.V’s where most us try to present ourselves from the best side.
While most of the recruiters will try to convince that they have experience of choosing the best people in most cases they rely on gut feeling rather than pieces of evidence. For example, some of us assume that if the candidate indicated work experience in a big company it may show that he/she has competencies to work under stressful situations. However, the problem is we did not even explore this competency and just used our stereotype to judge people. What if many other candidates that did not pass our criteria had better stress management skills? In this case, we may not pay attention to most of them.
What if as a result of screening hundreds of C.V’s we invite a couple of candidates to interview with the hope of finding the right ones but at the end leave the interview room without choosing anyone. I think that this is a very familiar situation as most of the recruitment and selection processes based on a very simple idea — look at C.V’s, choose best “documents” and invite some of them to the interview.
Make the process personal, not physical
The thing is while screenings C.V we are not paying attention to personality — the human behind the document. We rather deal with candidates as a physical thing without knowing and exploring them. What is more interesting is that we even do not allow most of the candidates to show their skills as most of them will be filtered out by a recruiter or human resources specialist.
What if that the candidates that were sorted out have little or no experience presenting themselves? and people that were chosen are just better presenters?
At the end of the day, we will name this process fair and equal.
Just ask a couple of questions to yourself. Do all candidates receive equal attention? Do all candidates have an opportunity to present themselves?
Possible solution
At www.talentmetrix.app we try to deal with these issues and provide employers, recruiters, human resource professionals with the tool that is reliable and can help them to make better decisions.
You can select from ready tests in the system and invite all candidates that applied to vacancy. In this way, we allow all of them. In the end, you can compare their results and choose the most suitable person.
What is important is you also save tons of your time and thousands of dollars on running and administering human resource processes.
We wish you success in choosing the right people!
This article was originally published at https://medium.com/talentmetrix