A CV To Grab Any Employer’s Attention
Preparing your CV or Curriculum Vitae can be a daunting chore. You are uncertain about what you want to include and what to be left out. It is not easy to describe your abilities and strengths. The whole point of composing a CV is to set forth your skills so that you are not one among the crowd and want to stand out. In the present economic as well as employment scenario, employers are seeking ways to improve productivity and match a potential employee's experience and skills with the needs of the job at hand, not only for the present but also the future.
Laser-print your CV on white, fine quality paper with a good typeface, not less than 12 point. Use sub-headings as they can help prospective employers to get the necessary information easily. You should print your name, phone number and address at the beginning of the CV. In case you are including the phone number of the firm you are working for, add the legend: 'please use this with discretion.' Begin your career details with the present/most recent employer after which put in your qualifications. If one has been working for a long time, add one’s qualifications, academic and otherwise, with a brief mention of one’s school and college. In the event of one just beginning one’s working life, include detailed information of one’s academic achievements.
CV: Content
- Designation - Duration
- Main duties and responsibilities and notable achievements while in the position.
- State your achievements with exact facts as well as figures. For example, in-charge of junior staff, managed department budget or wrote management reports etc.
- Detail the skills that you use in your present position that will be helpful in the job you are applying for
Do not leave any gaps in your employment career history. In case you are a student trying to get your first job, state any proof you can provide to exhibit your more practical skills, for example, school prefect, member of sports team or event organization, voluntary work or contributor to college magazine. If you have any hobbies or interests matching the selection criteria mention them. If the job entails working as part of a team, do not forget to mention that you are a member of a sports team or a regional institution.
If the firm is looking for someone who needs to work on one’s own for long periods, mention that one is thinking of enrolling at an open university like IGNOU.
The basic objective while preparing your CV is to positively convince the potential employer that you possess the necessary skills and rich experience along with a yearning to do the job you are after.
Make certain that your CV is limited to two A4 pages at the most. Know that all employers are not alike and so customize your Curriculum Vitae to suit the job you are seeking. And remember! Do not be modest while preparing that CV for you might not get another chance to make that first impression.