The CV is Dead. Long live RareCV.
The CV needs reinvention, both for candidates and recruiters, as a hiring tool.
The traditional CV hasn't changed much over the years. CVs are designed to provide education and job experience to hiring managers. These are essential but partial influences on a good hire.??
A hiring manager sees hundreds of different CVs every day! The cognitive overload on deciphering what is in diverse CVs and filtering them is tedious and torturous. Recruiting and hiring using CVs are laborious, ineffective, and expensive.
Why RareCV? RareCV has used technology to transform the recruiting process.
Leonardo Da Vinci "invented" or "created" a profile centuries ago when he applied for a job with the Duke of Milan, outlining his skills and experience. The "profile" became what is now the CV.
CV soon became a "necessity" of job seeking and hiring. With time, people started embellishing it with features, like granular color details on a painting, e.g., information on their hobbies, sports, etc., to help them stand out from other candidates.?
LinkedIn (2003) "solidified" the CV format as it became a platform for people to prepare profiles and network and then as a way for candidates and recruiters to meet.
In 2022, RareCV modernized the hiring process, creating a new CV format, the RareCV Profile, which is created by candidates online by answering multiple choice questions.?
The LinkedIn format shows the journey of a person to here, "where a person has been."
A reviewer has to figure out the "link" of past experiences with future performance, knowing fully well that the future in an uncertain and volatile world is not a newer version of the past.
How does RareCV add value to candidates?
A RareCV Profile serves two purposes.
And therefore, RareCV Profile
RareCV Profile is substantially different, although it looks the same as a CV. The difference is in the questions answered to create the profile, to help create their "portrait" in words. The Profile preparation questions identify a candidate's skills, capabilities, achievements, and mindset.
On RareCV Profile, a person
·???????? Identifies their achievements.
·???????? Highlight the significance of the accomplishments and their contribution to the overall results.
·???????? Connect achievements with a candidate's skills.
·???????? Demonstrating how and why the skills are their magical ability.
People sometimes imagine language proficiency as a challenge to make a good resume.
The design and technology of RareCV Profile ensure that language proficiency is not a barrier to revealing a person's distinctive capabilities.
Profile curiosity triggers
RareCV Profile design reduces the cognitive overload of recruiters as they engage with your profile. On RareCV, candidates present their excellent work to employers in a way so that recruiters have a reason to engage with shared information.
Preparing for the Interview
Impending interviews makes most job searchers anxious. The questions of the RareCV Profile are a preparation for a job interview.
Digital interviews
A uniqueness of RareCV Profile – A candidate can take three digital interviews and then upload one they consider their best. Each interview has different questions randomly selected from a master list of 650 questions divided into two themes relating to competencies and behavioral roles. For reflective learning, a candidate can replay the interviews to identify issues they need to rework or need help with.
RareCV has a databank of interview questions based on the following:
·???????? Industry
·???????? Sector
·???????? Job role or position
A company using RareCV can customize the questions and upload their interview questions. ?
Job Readiness
RareCV has a Job Readiness Checklist - a candidate identifies what they need to prepare/be ready for a new job. Job Readiness helps candidates become self-aware about their strengths and areas for development. ?
Why did RareCV create a new Profile?
Problems with the modern CV.
Companies still heavily rely on CVs when assessing candidates for new open roles.?Difficult to change the format and influence the cognitive change of recruiters. Hence, RareCV created a format like the current format but added details and depth important for selection.
To overcome the challenge of candidates hesitating to fill out new applications versus sending a PDF file to the recruiter, RareCV created a profile using innovative multiple-choice questions and visual image-based cues. It is possible to create a RareCV Profile on a mobile phone.
Experience is not always a good predictor of new hire performance.?
Companies and hiring managers know that work experience and on-the-job performance in a new role in a new company are not correlated. A person may not fit the culture at a company, or their application of the skills in practical surroundings might not be at the level needed, etc. It becomes imperative to assess the application prowess of a person in a new context.?
Recruiters rely on the CVs for initial filtering but hire using other means that assess personality, skills, abilities, and cognitive skills using objective means.
Unconventional CVs
Sometimes, a candidate with weak language skills may send a CV that doesn't reflect their true abilities or someone with unconventional experience can be rejected.?Hence, some objective assessment is needed before filtering CVs.
Why RareCV?
CVs serve a purpose for hiring managers. Through the traditional CV format, Candidates showcase their professional and personal identity, skill set, work experience, hobbies, and interests.?
RareCV value add.
·???????? A unique candidate profile design.
·???????? Created using questions without taxing the candidate.
·???????? While creating the profile, candidates show?their skills, motivations, and proficiencies. ?
·???????? And indicate how well they will fit into the job role and organization.
·???????? The candidates also take a virtual asynchronous interview.
Preparation of the RareCV Profile creates a reliable way of selecting candidates.