Cutting Ties With The Past - Boosting Revenue Now
We fly the radio encouragement flag here. Join us.

Cutting Ties With The Past - Boosting Revenue Now

You own or manage a radio cluster.

2025 feels different than what you've experienced in the past.

Things are changing. You know it. You see it.

You've thought, "What do I really have to do to jump-start my revenue?"

Subscribe to our free only-once-a-month Audio eBoost? newsletter to have resources and ideas drop in your email once a month.??

How can I take the resources I have and not the resources I don't have and create growth this year?

Maybe it is time for transformation for your business.

This is where we can help you and your team.

Let's ask some transformational questions.

  1. When is the last time you reviewed the available programming options and positions in your market? Many clusters haven't really done this in years. However, it is often our starting point figuring out where your stations.
  2. When is the last time you have an external advisor review your local radio brands? In some markets, it has been a long time since individual stations have gone through a freshening of music selection, imaging and even promos.
  3. When is the last time you had an external advisor review your cluster sales strategy? You know what they say: If you don't know where you are going, you might end up somewhere else and - besides - 2025 should be a year of adjustment and opportunity.
  4. When is the last time you had an outside objective advisor coach the individuals on your sales team? Many have never done this or they think of it as "too expensive." It truly represents one of the biggest benefits you could have as an ongoing advantage for your sales team to help you produce more revenue growth.
  5. When is the last time you've done external marketing for your individual radio stations and do you know the most effective updated methods of generating higher profile for your brands? We talk all the time about the radio visibility problem. What if you could revolutionize this with very little cost?
  6. When is the last time your music brands experienced having well-tested music? This may seem like a trick question, but the only trick here is continuing to go on with untested or unsafe music.
  7. Do your stations utilize an internal database for listeners? How about an internal database for client/advertisers? We literally live in the data century. What if you could be shown how to generate a database and turn it into all kinds of opportunity, including a rev gen opportunity.

Perhaps you know Rainmaker Pathway Consulting Works (RPC) as "encouragers. That's true. Encouragement lives at the center of our practice benefiting our clients, but we are the only consulting practice we know with a deep focus in both programming and sales. That's because we are a branding company and we know that your local cluster should have a brand with advertisers just as your local radio stations should have a brand with listeners.

If your revenue isn't what it used to be, maybe you should check in with us. You shouldn't be alone facing 2025 and you don't have to be.

We work with local cluster owners and managers to make sure your local radio brands are positioned correctly and have the best and sharpest programming on board. We also work with your sales manager and directly with your sales team in coordination with your sales manager and you to refocus, fire up and encourage your team to grow revenue.

Why would you hire a consultant?

  1. Because they can help you transform your radio brands.
  2. Because they can help you transform your sales department.
  3. Because they can encourage, give outside objective advice and cost less than you think.
  4. Because they can help transform the value of your business.

Rainmaker Pathway Consulting Works (RPC) does all this work when others only consult programming or sales.

We believe these things go together:

Encouragement - Accountability

Better coached talent - Higher ratings.

Higher ratings - Higher revenue

We don't change our clients; we help them transform their results.

We begin our process with clients by asking questions. We want to know what everyone thinks is happening. We've learned over the years that everyone on your team - and we mean everyone - wants to win. In fact, they are doing what they think winning looks like. So our job is to ask questions, find out where everyone IS and work for and with our clients to establish the best strategy for revenue growth in their market in 2025.

No one can stop you with great strategy and solid process when you are committed to passionate execution.

What percentage growth in revenue do you want to see this year? Do you have a plan to make that actually occur?

You'll likely find us to be a breath of fresh air and a propellant of momentum. And who doesn't need momentum this year?

The clock is already ticking on 2025. Are you ready to GROW? Come on board for the win! 864.448.4169.

Brand + Relationship + Great Products + Consistent Problem-Solving = Higher Revenue.?

- Loyd Ford, Rainmaker Pathway Consulting Works (RPC)

We know that local radio can be larger than it is - not smaller. Join us.?

Catch my weekly radio sales column each Monday @

P.S. When you’re ready, there are two (2) ways I can help you.

  1. Grab any of our free blogs on this site. (There are almost 1,300 available to you). We cover a lot of ground, including sales, talent, sales coaching, creativity, digital content and rev gen, company culture, endorsements, podcasting, and – of course - ideas (the lifeblood of local radio).
  2. Join our VIP program “I Want Our Brand To Be Growth” by becoming a client. Finally, an affordable and complete consulting practice that creates growth engines in programming and sales. It all starts with a free consultation. ?Email [email protected] or call me directly 864.448.4169.?

Everyone needs revenue, but we ask clients to think about what happens when you yourself come to represent growth in your market. 864.448.4169.


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