Cutting Through the Marketing Mumbo Jumbo
We’re nearing the fourth week of 2016, and if you’re a business owner, maybe you’ve heard some of the predictions of marketing trends and tools that will dominate the landscape this year.
Frankly, I read a ton of these articles every year, and the truth of the matter is that marketing is unpredictable. Sure, there will always be data and analytics that are measurable and can help you plan, no question there.
But that whole “Dunk in the Dark” thing that Oreo did during Superbowl a few years ago singlehandedly changed how brands approached their social media marketing. Nobody could have seen that coming.
To my mind, that’s what makes marketing so cool. But in the opinion of most of my clients, I would say that they find marketing anything but cool; many find it to be a stressful burden and a chore.
I can certainly understand that point of view – especially if you try to do any kind of research into ‘what social media platforms should my business join’ or ‘what is content marketing’ – the sheer volume of largely subjective articles can be paralyzing. It’s akin to trying to manage your health; one day drinking coffee will set you on the path to immortality, the next day it will strike you down sure as you’re born.
The good news is – there are marketing experts out there who can help you sift through it all. And when I say “out there”, I mean right here in Winnipeg’s west end!
We know marketing – it’s an art form that suffers greatly from “DIY disease”, and that stuff’ll kill ya.
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