Cutting the... Green... NO!, The HYDROGEN-HYPE Crap
Look our for the Green Streets Initiative from Humane Energy

Cutting the... Green... NO!, The HYDROGEN-HYPE Crap

ADVANCE NOTICE: It's time for an energy revolution to kickstart the transition and make it actually happen! Watch out for news Humane Energy of the Green Streets Initiative!
Sky's Climate Show: National Infrastructure Commission's Report rules out Hydrogen for homes

I can't help but wonder not just how many £Billions David Cameron's drive to 'Cut the Green Crap' has cost the UK - but also how many tons of Carbon emissions too. Not to mention making us all more vulnerable during the recent energy crisis attributed to the Ukraine war, and the profiteering that resulted.

Rishi Sunak is another conservative Prime Minister also responsible for untold additional damage, adding insult to injury.

So what are the chances that he will actually listen to the plain sense of his advisers?

Or continue to dance the tango with the hydrogen hype farago?

"It's goodbye to gas! We have to roll out, with some urgency and a lot of public support, heat pumps into homes."

National Infrastructure Commission's Report Key Points:

  • The National Infrastructure Commission, advising the government on infrastructure, has just released a new report
  • The report's main focus is home heating to meet carbon targets for 2035
  • The report is clear in ruling out hydrogen as a viable alternative for domestic heating
  • The report strongly recommends transitioning from gas to heat pumps for domestic heating
  • The government recently delayed the target date for transitioning away from gas and Rishi Sunak talked down heat pumps as expensive - also decreeing a five-year extension for the 2013 phase-out

Sky's Climate Show: National Infrastructure Commission's Report rules out Hydrogen for homes

Tom Heap interviewed Sky’s Science Editor Tom Clarke (for this week's Sky’s Climate Show):

This week we had the report from the National Infrastructure commission?

This is the body that advises governments on their big infrastructure priorities; what they should be doing. Every five years they come up with one of these [reports].?

"There is no place, they’ve concluded, for hydrogen in domestic properties."

It deals with rail, the rail network, water companies, but the real emphasis this time was on home heating.?

The fact if we're going to meet a very fast approaching carbon targets and 2035 the interim ones, we've really got to sort out how we heat Britain's domestic buildings…

And they're recommending it's goodbye to gas and we have to roll out with some urgency and a lot of public support,?heat pumps, ?into those homes - [so] they’ll? run on electricity and therefore get rid of fossil fuels.?

Tom Heap: So this is really fascinating, as we've just seen the government put off the target date for transitioning towards the pumps.

That's right...

Another very significant conclusion they came to is there is no place, they’ve concluded, for hydrogen in domestic properties.?

Tom Heap: It's black and white as that??

It's very, very clear hydrogen won't go through the existing gas infrastructure. The cost of replacing all that is just too high, from an infrastructure point of view.?

When it gets into your home into a boiler burning that hydrogen - since you've made the hydrogen using electricity, piped it all the way to the home and then burnt it to heat it [ie the home] it's five to six times less efficient than a heat pump!

How much did David Cameron's 'Cut the Green Crap' initiative REALLY cost us all?

I'll leave you to ponder that - see below... while, just a reminder... ;-)

Watch out for...

How much did David Cameron's 'Cut the Green Crap' initiative cost us all?


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