Cutting Edge Steganalysis: Deep Dives (Ai/ML Detection Examples)
CWT (Continuous Wavelet Transform), Steganalyisis, Hinch, 2023

Cutting Edge Steganalysis: Deep Dives (Ai/ML Detection Examples)

Table of Contents


Part 1 - The Evolution of Steganography

Part 2 - The Need for Advanced Steganalysis

Chapter 1. RS Analysis

1.1 Methodology

1.2 Applications of RS Analysis

1.3 Challenges and Limitations of RS Analysis

1.4 Future Directions of RS Analysis

1.5 Go Code Example of using RS Analysis to detect simple LSB steganography

Chapter 2. Histogram Analysis

2.1 Methodology

2.2 Applications of Histogram Analysis

2.3 Challenges and Limitations of Histogram Analysis

2.4 Future Directions of Histogram Analysis

2.5 Go Code Example of Histogram Comparison

Chapter 3. Sample Pair Analysis

3.1 Methodology for Sample Pair Analysis

3.2 Applications of Sample Pair Analysis

3.3 Challenges and Limitations of Sample Pair Analysis

3.4 Go Code Example of Sample Pair Analysis for PNG Images

Chapter 4. DCT (Discrete Cosine Transform) Analysis

4.1 In-Depth on Discrete Cosine Transform (DCT) in Steganalysis

4.2 History and Methodology of Wavelet Analysis

4.3 Advanced Techniques of DCT Analysis

4.4 Go Code Example and Step By Step Summary for DCT detection in a PNG image

Chapter 5. Wavelet Analysis

5.1 In-Depth Dive on Wavelet Analysis

5.2 History and Methodology of Wavelet Analysis

5.3 Theoretical Functions of Wavelet Analysis

5.4 Go Example: Wavelet Analysis for Steganalysis

Chapter 6. Higher-Order Statistics

6.1 In-Depth Dive on Higher-Order Statistics

6.2 History and Methodology of Higher-Order Statistics

6.3 Concepts and Methodology of Higher-Order Statistics

6.4 Advanced Concepts of Higher-Order Statistics

6.5 Go Example: Higher-Order Statistics for Steganalysis

Chapter 7. CFA (Color Filter Array) Analysis

7.1 In-Depth Dive on CFA (Color Filter Array) Analysis

7.2 History and Methodology of CFA Analysis

7.3 Concepts and Methodology of CFA Analysis

7.4 Advanced Concepts of CFA Analysis

7.5 Go Example: CFA Analysis for Steganalysis

Chapter 8. Texture Analysis

8.1 Introduction to Texture Analysis for Steganalysis

8.2 Concepts and Methodology of Texture Analysis

8.3 Advanced Concepts of Texture Analysis

8.4 Go Example: Texture Analysis for Steganalysis

Introduction - Part 1: The Evolution of Steganography

Steganography, a term derived from the Greek words "steganos," meaning "covered" or "concealed," and "graphein," meaning "to write," is an ancient practice that has evolved significantly over the years. The art of steganography dates back to ancient civilizations, where it was used to encode messages in a manner that would make them unrecognizable to the casual observer. From hiding messages in wax tablets and using invisible ink to the more modern methods involving digital media, the evolution of steganography has been nothing short of remarkable.

In the early days, steganography was primarily used for espionage and secret communications. The methods were relatively simple, such as writing a message with invisible ink on a piece of paper or using a cipher to encode the text. However, the advent of the digital age has dramatically changed the landscape. Today, steganography is not just confined to text but extends to images, audio, and even video files. The digital revolution has provided a plethora of tools and techniques that have made steganography more sophisticated, versatile, and challenging to detect.

The digital forms of steganography often involve embedding secret messages within the least significant bits of image or audio files, making the alterations virtually indistinguishable to the human eye or ear. The rise of social media platforms and the ease with which digital files can be shared have made steganography an attractive option for those wishing to transmit information covertly. This has led to an increase in the use of steganography for nefarious purposes, including cyber-espionage, data exfiltration, and even cyber-terrorism.

The complexity of modern steganographic techniques has made it increasingly difficult for traditional detection methods to keep up. Simple statistical analyses and pattern recognition techniques that were effective in detecting older forms of steganography are often inadequate against the advanced methods used today. This has necessitated the development of more sophisticated steganalysis techniques, which is the focus of this article.

Introduction - Part 2: The Need for Advanced Steganalysis

As steganography has evolved, so has the need for advanced steganalysis methods. Steganalysis, the science of detecting hidden messages within digital media, has become a critical field in cybersecurity. The stakes are high; failure to detect a well-crafted steganographic message could result in significant security breaches, including the unauthorized access to sensitive information. This has led to a surge in research and development efforts aimed at creating more effective steganalysis techniques.

The challenges in steganalysis are manifold. First, the methods must be robust enough to detect a wide range of steganographic techniques. This includes not only the traditional least significant bit (LSB) methods but also more advanced techniques that use statistical and machine learning algorithms to hide data. Second, the steganalysis methods themselves must be efficient, capable of processing large volumes of data in real-time. This is particularly important in the context of network security, where the timely detection of steganographic messages is crucial.

Moreover, the rise of machine learning and artificial intelligence has added another layer of complexity to the field of steganalysis. Advanced steganographic algorithms now use machine learning models to optimize the embedding process, making the hidden data even more challenging to detect. This has led to an arms race between steganographers and steganalysts, each trying to outwit the other with increasingly sophisticated methods.

Given these challenges, this article aims to provide a comprehensive guide to advanced steganalysis methods, focusing on techniques such as Co-Occurrence Matrix Analysis, Local Binary Patterns, Wavelet Analysis, Higher-Order Statistics, and Color Filter Array Analysis. We will be using Go to demonstrate these methods, aligning with advanced cybersecurity practices and guidelines like NIST and SANS where possible in both operational 'attacker' security and on our defense and analytics code.

The Go programming language, known for its simplicity and efficiency, is widely used in systems programming, including cybersecurity applications. Our Go examples will provide a detailed, step-by-step guide to implementing advanced steganalysis methods, complete with optimizations and advanced coding techniques. Whether you're a cybersecurity professional, a researcher, or simply an enthusiast, this guide aims to equip you with the knowledge and tools to delve deep into the world of steganalysis.

By the end of this article, you should have a comprehensive understanding of advanced steganalysis methods, complete with practical code examples in Go. The stakes in cybersecurity have never been higher, and the need for advanced steganalysis methods has never been more urgent. Welcome to the fascinating, challenging, and incredibly vital world of advanced steganalysis.

Let's Begin and Happy Hacking!

1. RS Analysis

In-Depth Dive: RS (Regular/Singular) Analysis is a method that focuses on the regularity and singularity of pixel values in an image. It's particularly effective against LSB (Least Significant Bit) steganography.


RS Analysis, or Regular/Singular Analysis, is a steganalysis technique that focuses on the regularity and singularity of pixel values in an image. The method is particularly effective against Least Significant Bit (LSB) steganography, one of the most basic yet widely used steganography techniques. In LSB steganography, the least significant bits of the pixel values are altered to embed the secret message. While this method is simple and effective, it leaves behind statistical anomalies that can be detected through RS Analysis.

The core idea behind RS Analysis is to examine the least significant bits of the pixel values and categorize them into "regular" or "singular" groups based on certain criteria. For example, a sequence of bits might be considered "regular" if flipping one of its bits results in a more common sequence. Conversely, a sequence is "singular" if it becomes less common when a bit is flipped. By analyzing the distribution of these regular and singular groups, RS Analysis can effectively detect the presence of steganography.

Applications of RS Analysis

RS Analysis is widely used in forensic investigations and cyber security operations to detect hidden messages in images. RS Analysis can be integrated into broader cyber security frameworks to enhance data loss prevention (DLP) and insider threat detection capabilities. It's also used in academic research to develop more advanced steganalysis techniques and to benchmark the effectiveness of new steganography methods.

Challenges and Limitations of RS Analysis

While RS Analysis is effective against basic steganography techniques like LSB, it has limitations when dealing with more advanced methods. Adaptive steganography techniques, which modify the embedding algorithm based on the image's properties, can effectively evade RS Analysis. Moreover, RS Analysis can be computationally intensive, making it less suitable for real-time applications.

Future Directions of RS Analysis

Given the increasing sophistication of steganography techniques, there's ongoing research to improve the effectiveness of RS Analysis. Machine learning algorithms are being trained to adapt the RS criteria dynamically based on the type of image and steganography suspected. This is an area where your skills in deep dive memory corruption and root cause analysis could provide valuable insights into optimizing the algorithm for better performance and accuracy.

Go Code example of using RS Analysis to detect simple LSB steganography:

import (
func rsAnalysis(img image.Image) (int, int) {
	var regular, singular int

	bounds := img.Bounds()
	for y := bounds.Min.Y; y < bounds.Max.Y; y++ {
		for x := bounds.Min.X; x < bounds.Max.X; x++ {
			r, g, b, _ := img.At(x, y).RGBA()

// Analyze the least significant bit of each color channel
			rLSB := r & 1
			gLSB := g & 1
			bLSB := b & 1

// Simplified RS criteria: A pixel is "regular" if all LSBs are the // same and "singular" otherwise.

			if rLSB == gLSB && gLSB == bLSB {
			} else {

	return regular, singular

func main() {
	// Open the image file
	imgFile, err := os.Open("example.png")
	if err != nil {
	defer imgFile.Close()

	// Decode the image
	img, err := png.Decode(imgFile)
	if err != nil {

	// Perform RS Analysis
	regular, singular := rsAnalysis(img)
	log.Printf("Regular pixels: %d, Singular pixels: %d\n", regular, singular)

// Simple detection logic: If the number of singular pixels is
// unusually high it may indicate steganography.

	if float64(singular)/float64(regular+singular) > 0.5 {
		log.Println("Steganography likely")
	} else {
		log.Println("Steganography unlikely")


2. Histogram Analysis

In-Depth Dive: This method involves analyzing the histogram of an image to detect any irregularities that might indicate steganographic activity. A sudden spike or dip in the histogram could be a sign of hidden data.

Histogram Analysis


Histogram Analysis is another popular steganalysis technique that focuses on the distribution of pixel values in an image. In a typical image, the histogram, which plots the frequency of each pixel value, should follow a certain pattern or distribution. Steganography often disrupts this natural distribution, creating anomalies that can be detected through careful analysis.

The core idea is to compare the histogram of the suspected image with that of a typical, non-altered image. Any significant deviations could be indicative of steganographic activity. This method is particularly effective for detecting steganography techniques that embed data in a non-uniform manner across the pixel values, thereby altering the natural distribution.


Histogram Analysis is widely used in both cyber security and forensic investigations to detect hidden messages in images. It's a versatile technique that can be applied to various types of images and steganography methods. Integrating Histogram Analysis into existing cyber security frameworks can significantly enhance data protection measures.

Challenges and Limitations

While Histogram Analysis is a powerful tool, it has its limitations. Advanced steganography techniques that employ statistical methods to preserve the histogram distribution can effectively evade detection. Additionally, the method may produce false positives if the image naturally has an unusual histogram.

Future Directions

With the increasing sophistication of steganography techniques, there is ongoing research to improve Histogram Analysis. Machine learning algorithms are being used to identify even subtle deviations in the histogram that could be indicative of steganography. Deep dive memory corruption and root cause analysis could be invaluable in optimizing these algorithms for better performance and lower false positives.

Go Code Example - Simple Histogram Comparison and Analysis using RS methods for comparison

Now, let's look at a Go code example that demonstrates how to perform Histogram Analysis on a PNG image for a suspect image versus a known example, using RS analysis (chi squared) against our histogram view.

package main

import (

// Generate a histogram from an image
func generateHistogram(img image.Image) map[uint32]int {
	// Initialize an empty histogram as a map
	histogram := make(map[uint32]int)

	// Get the boundaries of the image
	bounds := img.Bounds()

	// Loop through each pixel in the image
	for y := bounds.Min.Y; y < bounds.Max.Y; y++ {
		for x := bounds.Min.X; x < bounds.Max.X; x++ {
			// Get the RGBA values of the pixel
			r, g, b, _ := img.At(x, y).RGBA()

			// Calculate the average of the RGB values
			avg := (r + g + b) / 3

			// Increment the corresponding histogram bucket

	// Return the generated histogram
	return histogram

// Compare two histograms using the Chi-Squared statistic
func compareHistograms(hist1, hist2 map[uint32]int) float64 {
	// Initialize the Chi-Squared value to 0
	var chiSquared float64

	// Loop through each bucket in the first histogram
	for k, v1 := range hist1 {
		// Get the corresponding value in the second histogram
		v2, exists := hist2[k]
		if !exists {
			v2 = 0

		// Calculate the Chi-Squared value for this bucket
		chiSquared += math.Pow(float64(v1-v2), 2) / float64(v1+v2)

	// Return the total Chi-Squared value
	return chiSquared

func main() {
	// Open the known stego image file
	stegoFile, err := os.Open("known_stego.png")
	if err != nil {
	defer stegoFile.Close()

	// Decode the known stego image
	stegoImg, err := png.Decode(stegoFile)
	if err != nil {

	// Generate histogram for known stego image
	stegoHist := generateHistogram(stegoImg)

	// Open the suspected image file
	suspectFile, err := os.Open("suspected.png")
	if err != nil {
	defer suspectFile.Close()

	// Decode the suspected image
	suspectImg, err := png.Decode(suspectFile)
	if err != nil {

	// Generate histogram for suspected image
	suspectHist := generateHistogram(suspectImg)

	// Compare histograms using Chi-Squared statistic
	chiSquared := compareHistograms(stegoHist, suspectHist)
	log.Printf("Chi-Squared value: %f\n", chiSquared)

	// Simple detection logic based on Chi-Squared value
	if chiSquared > 1000 { // Threshold can be adjusted
		log.Println("Steganography likely")
	} else {
		log.Println("Steganography unlikely")


Summary of the above "Histogram Comparison" Go Code

The Go code provided is designed to perform steganalysis using histogram comparison, a technique that can be particularly useful for detecting hidden data in images. The code is divided into three main parts: generating histograms, comparing histograms, and the main function that ties everything together.

  1. Generating Histograms (generateHistogram function):This function takes an image as input and returns a histogram as a map. It iterates through each pixel in the image, calculates the average of the RGB values, and increments the corresponding bucket in the histogram.
  2. Comparing Histograms (compareHistograms function):This function takes two histograms as input and returns a Chi-Squared value, which is a measure of how different the histograms are. It iterates through each bucket in the first histogram, finds the corresponding bucket in the second histogram, and calculates the Chi-Squared value based on the difference and sum of the bucket values.
  3. Main Function:The main function opens and decodes two PNG images: a known stego image and a suspected image. It then generates histograms for both images using the generateHistogram function.The histograms are compared using the compareHistograms function, and the Chi-Squared value is printed.Finally, a simple detection logic is applied: if the Chi-Squared value is above a certain threshold, it's likely that the suspected image contains steganography.

Conclusion for Histogram, histogram comparisons, and future ideas...

The histogram comparison technique is a powerful tool for steganalysis, capable of detecting hidden data in images with a reasonable degree of accuracy. This Go code example can serve as a foundational element for more advanced steganalysis techniques. It can be further refined to include machine learning algorithms for better accuracy and can be integrated into broader cyber security solutions.

3. Sample Pair Analysis

In-Depth Dive: This technique is used to detect steganography that employs matrix encoding. It works by analyzing the relationships between pairs of samples (like pixel values) to detect any unnatural patterns.

Methodology for Sample Pair Analysis

Sample Pair Analysis (SPA) is another advanced steganalysis technique that focuses on the relationships between adjacent pixels or samples in an image. Unlike histogram-based methods, which look at individual pixel values, SPA examines how the values of neighboring pixels change relative to each other. This is particularly useful for detecting steganography methods that subtly alter these relationships to encode data.

In SPA, the idea is to examine pairs of adjacent pixels and observe how their values are altered. If the alterations follow a pattern that is statistically different from what would be expected in a non-stego image, it's likely that steganography is involved.

Applications of Sample Pair Analysis

SPA is often used in forensic analysis and cyber security to detect more sophisticated forms of steganography.

Challenges and Limitations of Sample Pair Analysis

SPA is computationally more intensive than histogram analysis and may produce false positives or negatives depending on the complexity of the steganography algorithm used. It also requires a good understanding of the statistical properties of natural images, making it a more advanced technique.

Go Code Example of Sample Pair Analysis for PNG Images

This is a fully working example of Sample Pair Analysis in Go. I will annotate the code in line and then summarize it behavior after.

package main

import (

// Perform Sample Pair Analysis on an image
func samplePairAnalysis(img image.Image) int {
	// Initialize a counter for altered pairs
	var alteredPairs int

	// Get the boundaries of the image
	bounds := img.Bounds()

	// Loop through each pixel row in the image
	for y := bounds.Min.Y; y < bounds.Max.Y; y++ {
		// Loop through each pixel in the row, except the last one
		for x := bounds.Min.X; x < bounds.Max.X-1; x++ {
			// Get the RGBA values of adjacent pixels
			r1, g1, b1, _ := img.At(x, y).RGBA()
			r2, g2, b2, _ := img.At(x+1, y).RGBA()

			// Check if adjacent pixels are altered in a suspicious manner
			if (r1-r2)*(g1-g2)*(b1-b2) < 0 {

	// Return the number of altered pairs
	return alteredPairs

func main() {
	// Open the suspected image file
	imgFile, err := os.Open("suspected.png")
	if err != nil {
	defer imgFile.Close()

	// Decode the suspected image
	img, err := png.Decode(imgFile)
	if err != nil {

	// Perform Sample Pair Analysis on the image
	alteredPairs := samplePairAnalysis(img)

	// Log the number of altered pairs
	log.Printf("Number of altered pairs: %d\n", alteredPairs)

// Simple detection logic based on the number of altered pairs

	if alteredPairs > 1000 { // Threshold can be adjusted
		log.Println("Steganography likely")
	} else {
		log.Println("Steganography unlikely")

Summary of the Sample Pair go code above...

  1. Sample Pair Analysis Function (samplePairAnalysis):This function takes an image as input and returns the number of altered adjacent pixel pairs. It iterates through each row of pixels in the image and then through each pixel in the row, except the last one.For each pair of adjacent pixels, it checks if the pixels are altered in a suspicious manner. If so, it increments the counter for altered pairs.
  2. Main Function:The main function opens and decodes a suspected PNG image.It then performs Sample Pair Analysis on the image using the samplePairAnalysis function.The number of altered pairs is logged, and a simple detection logic is applied based on this number.

Conclusion for Sample Pair Analysis

Sample Pair Analysis is a more advanced steganalysis technique that examines the relationships between adjacent pixels. It's particularly useful for detecting sophisticated steganography methods that subtly alter these relationships to encode data. This Go code example can serve as a foundational element for more advanced steganalysis techniques.

4. DCT (Discrete Cosine Transform) Analysis

In-Depth Dive: This method is often used for JPEG images. It involves analyzing the DCT coefficients of the image blocks to detect any anomalies.

In-Depth on Discrete Cosine Transform (DCT) in Steganalysis

The Discrete Cosine Transform (DCT) is a cornerstone in the field of signal processing and is widely used in image and video compression algorithms like JPEG. In the context of steganalysis, DCT serves as a powerful tool for detecting hidden information in the frequency domain of an image.

Why DCT?

The reason DCT is effective lies in its ability to transform an image from its spatial representation, where each pixel is considered individually, to its frequency representation. In the frequency domain, the image is represented as a sum of sinusoidal patterns with varying magnitudes and frequencies. Steganographic methods often introduce subtle changes in these frequencies, making them detectable through DCT-based steganalysis.

Advanced Techniques

Advanced DCT-based steganalysis techniques often involve examining the high-frequency components of the DCT-transformed image. These high-frequency components are usually the most altered when hidden data is embedded using steganography. Techniques like "DCT coefficient analysis" can be employed to statistically analyze these components for anomalies. It aligns well with NIST and SANS guidelines, offering a scientific and robust approach to detecting hidden data in images.

Go Code Example and Step By Step Summary for DCT detection in a PNG image

package main

import (

// Perform DCT on an 8x8 block of image pixels
func performDCT(block [8][8]float64) [8][8]float64 {
	var result [8][8]float64

	for u := 0; u < 8; u++ {
		for v := 0; v < 8; v++ {
			sum := 0.0
			for x := 0; x < 8; x++ {
				for y := 0; y < 8; y++ {
					cosineX := math.Cos((float64(x) + 0.5) * float64(u) * math.Pi / 8.0)
					cosineY := math.Cos((float64(y) + 0.5) * float64(v) * math.Pi / 8.0)
					sum += block[x][y] * cosineX * cosineY
			result[u][v] = sum

	return result

func main() {
	// Open the suspected JPEG image file
	imgFile, err := os.Open("suspected.jpg")
	if err != nil {
	defer imgFile.Close()

	// Decode the suspected image
	img, err := jpeg.Decode(imgFile)
	if err != nil {

	// For demonstration, let's consider only the first 8x8 block of the image
	var block [8][8]float64
	for y := 0; y < 8; y++ {
		for x := 0; x < 8; x++ {
			r, _, _, _ := img.At(x, y).RGBA()
			block[y][x] = float64(r)

	// Perform DCT on the 8x8 block
	dctResult := performDCT(block)

	// Log the DCT result (for demonstration, we're logging only the first value)
	log.Printf("DCT result (first value): %f\n", dctResult[0][0])

	// Simple detection logic can be applied here based on DCT results
	// ...

Differences and Advances

  1. Simple DCT Detection:Only looks at the highest frequency component.Less computationally intensive but may produce false positives.
  2. Advanced DCT Detection:Performs statistical analysis on multiple high-frequency components.More computationally intensive but likely to be more accurate.

Examples of Go Code for Simple and Advanced Techniques. We will summarize and talk more about the code after.

Advanced DCT Detection Using Entropy

Entropy measures the randomness in the data. In the context of DCT coefficients, higher entropy in high-frequency components could indicate steganography.

func entropyDCTDetection(block [8][8]float64) bool {
	dctResult := performDCT(block)

	var entropy float64
	for u := 4; u < 8; u++ {
		for v := 4; v < 8; v++ {
			p := dctResult[u][v]
			if p != 0 {
				entropy -= p * math.Log2(p)

	entropyThreshold := 10.0
	if entropy > entropyThreshold {
		return true
	return false

Advanced DCT Detection Using Skewness

Skewness measures the asymmetry of the data distribution. A skewed distribution of high-frequency DCT coefficients could indicate steganography.

func skewnessDCTDetection(block [8][8]float64) bool {
	dctResult := performDCT(block)

	var sum, sumOfSquares, sumOfCubes float64
	count := 0
	for u := 4; u < 8; u++ {
		for v := 4; v < 8; v++ {
			sum += dctResult[u][v]
			sumOfSquares += dctResult[u][v] * dctResult[u][v]
			sumOfCubes += dctResult[u][v] * dctResult[u][v] * dctResult[u][v]
	mean := sum / float64(count)
	variance := (sumOfSquares / float64(count)) - (mean * mean)
	stdDev := math.Sqrt(variance)
	skewness := (sumOfCubes / float64(count)) / (stdDev * stdDev * stdDev)

	skewnessThreshold := 1.0
	if math.Abs(skewness) > skewnessThreshold {
		return true
	return false

Machine Learning in DCT-based Steganalysis

Machine learning can significantly improve the accuracy of DCT-based steganalysis. Features can be extracted from the DCT coefficients of an image, and these features can be used to train a machine learning model. Once trained, the model can accurately classify images as either containing steganography or not. This approach aligns well with NIST and SANS guidelines, offering a scientific and robust method for steganalysis.

Machine learning can be a powerful addition to your steganalysis toolkit. It allows for the automated detection of steganography in large datasets, making it particularly useful in threat hunting and forensic analysis.

AutoGluon is a powerful library for automating deep learning, and it can be used to train a model that predicts whether an image contains steganography based on its DCT coefficients.

Here's a Python example that demonstrates how to use AutoGluon along with DCT for advanced steganalysis. This example assumes you have two sets of images: one with steganography (stego_images) and one without (clean_images).

import cv2
import numpy as np
from skimage import io
from autogluon.tabular import TabularPredictor

# Function to perform DCT on an 8x8 block
def perform_dct(block):
    return cv2.dct(np.float32(block))

# Function to extract features from an image (mean and std_dev of DCT coefficients)
def extract_features(image_url):
    image = io.imread(image_url, as_gray=True)
    h, w = image.shape
    features = []
    for i in range(0, h, 8):
        for j in range(0, w, 8):
            block = image[i:i+8, j:j+8]
            dct_result = perform_dct(block)
            mean = np.mean(dct_result)
            std_dev = np.std(dct_result)
            features.append([mean, std_dev])
    return np.mean(features, axis=0)

# Prepare training data
stego_images = ["stego1.jpg", "stego2.jpg"]  # Replace with your stego image paths
clean_images = ["clean1.jpg", "clean2.jpg"]  # Replace with your clean image paths

train_data = []
labels = []

for img in stego_images:
    features = extract_features(img)
    labels.append(1)  # 1 indicates steganography

for img in clean_images:
    features = extract_features(img)
    labels.append(0)  # 0 indicates clean

train_data = np.array(train_data)
labels = np.array(labels)

# Train AutoGluon model
train_df = pd.DataFrame(train_data, columns=["mean", "std_dev"])
train_df["label"] = labels

predictor = TabularPredictor(label="label").fit(train_df)

# Perform prediction on a new image
new_image = "new_image.jpg"  # Replace with your new image path
new_features = extract_features(new_image)
new_df = pd.DataFrame([new_features], columns=["mean", "std_dev"])

prediction = predictor.predict(new_df)
print("Prediction:", prediction)  # 1 indicates steganography, 0 indicates clean


  1. Feature Extraction:We perform DCT on 8x8 blocks of the image and calculate the mean and standard deviation of the DCT coefficients. These serve as our features.
  2. Training Data Preparation:We prepare a dataset with these features and labels indicating whether steganography is present.
  3. Model Training:We use AutoGluon's TabularPredictor to automatically train a machine learning model on this dataset.
  4. Prediction:We then use this trained model to predict whether a new image contains steganography based on its DCT features.

This approach combines traditional DCT-based steganalysis with machine learning for more accurate and automated detection of hidden messages in image data.

Conclusion for DCT Detections

DCT-based steganalysis is a powerful tool for detecting hidden data in JPEG images. It transforms the image into the frequency domain, where steganographic alterations are often more easily detected. This Go code example can serve as a foundational element for more advanced DCT-based steganalysis techniques.

Deep Dive into Neural Network-Based Steganalysis

Neural networks, particularly Convolutional Neural Networks (CNNs), have shown remarkable capabilities in image analysis tasks, including steganalysis. These networks can automatically learn relevant features from raw pixel values, making them highly effective for detecting even sophisticated steganographic techniques.

Advantages of Neural Networks in Steganalysis:

  1. Automated Feature Learning: Traditional steganalysis methods often require manual feature engineering, which can be time-consuming and less effective. Neural networks can automatically learn the most relevant features for steganalysis.
  2. High Accuracy: Neural networks can capture complex, non-linear relationships in the data, which is crucial for detecting advanced steganographic techniques that may evade traditional methods.
  3. Scalability and Speed: Neural networks are highly scalable and can be parallelized easily, making them suitable for real-time steganalysis and large-scale forensic investigations.
  4. Adaptability: Neural networks can be fine-tuned or retrained as new steganographic techniques emerge, ensuring that the steganalysis methods remain effective over time.

Go Example: Simple Neural Network for Image Steganalysis

Go doesn't have native libraries for deep learning that are as extensive as TensorFlow or PyTorch in Python. However, you can use libraries like Gorgonia to build simple neural networks. Below is a Go example that demonstrates a rudimentary neural network for steganalysis. This example is highly simplified and serves mainly for educational purposes.

package main

import (

// Define the neural network
func simpleNN(g *gorgonia.ExprGraph, x *gorgonia.Node) (y *gorgonia.Node, err error) {
	// Initialize weights and biases with random values for demonstration
	w0 := gorgonia.NewMatrix(g, tensor.Shape{784, 100}, gorgonia.WithShape(tensor.Shape{100, 784}), gorgonia.WithInit(gorgonia.GlorotU(1)))
	b0 := gorgonia.NewMatrix(g, tensor.Shape{100}, gorgonia.WithShape(tensor.Shape{100}), gorgonia.WithInit(gorgonia.Zeroes()))

	w1 := gorgonia.NewMatrix(g, tensor.Shape{100, 1}, gorgonia.WithShape(tensor.Shape{1, 100}), gorgonia.WithInit(gorgonia.GlorotU(1)))
	b1 := gorgonia.NewMatrix(g, tensor.Shape{1}, gorgonia.WithShape(tensor.Shape{1}), gorgonia.WithInit(gorgonia.Zeroes()))

	// Define the forward pass
	layer1 := gorgonia.Must(gorgonia.Add(gorgonia.Must(gorgonia.Mul(x, w0)), b0))
	layer1Act := gorgonia.Must(gorgonia.Rectify(layer1))

	layer2 := gorgonia.Must(gorgonia.Add(gorgonia.Must(gorgonia.Mul(layer1Act, w1)), b1))
	y = gorgonia.Must(gorgonia.Rectify(layer2))

	return y, nil

func main() {
	// Use all CPU cores for maximum performance

	g := gorgonia.NewGraph()

	// Simulated input tensor (1x784) - 28x28 image flattened
	x := tensor.New(tensor.WithShape(1, 784), tensor.Of(tensor.Float32))
	xNode := gorgonia.NewMatrix(g, x.Shape(), gorgonia.WithValue(x))

	// Build the neural network
	output, err := simpleNN(g, xNode)
	if err != nil {

	// Simulated label
	y := tensor.New(tensor.WithShape(1, 1), tensor.Of(tensor.Float32))
	yNode := gorgonia.NewMatrix(g, y.Shape(), gorgonia.WithValue(y))

	// Loss function (Mean Squared Error)
	loss := gorgonia.Must(gorgonia.Mean(gorgonia.Must(gorgonia.Square(gorgonia.Must(gorgonia.Sub(output, yNode))))))

	// Gradient descent
	grads, err := gorgonia.Gradient(loss, gorgonia.Nodes{xNode, yNode})
	if err != nil {

	fmt.Printf("Gradients: %v\n", grads)

Annotations on the optimizations above are below..remember folks...This is for educational purposes only - production ready code will take much more consideration.

  1. Concurrency:The runtime.GOMAXPROCS(runtime.NumCPU()) line allows the Go runtime to utilize all available CPU cores, which can significantly improve the performance of the neural network training process.
  2. Weight Initialization:Proper weight initialization can speed up the training process and lead to a more accurate model. Here, we use the Glorot Uniform initialization.
  3. In-Place Operations:Functions like gorgonia.Must(gorgonia.Add(...)) perform operations in-place wherever possible, reducing memory allocations and improving speed.
  4. Data Types:Using float32 instead of float64 can also speed up operations at the cost of some precision. This is often acceptable in deep learning tasks.
  5. Batch Processing:Although not demonstrated here, using mini-batch gradient descent can also improve performance.
  6. Memory Management:Gorgonia attempts to minimize memory allocations. Reusing tensors and other data structures can further improve performance.

By applying these optimizations, the Go code should run more eff

5. Wavelet Analysis

In-Depth Dive: Similar to DCT, wavelet analysis decomposes an image into its constituent frequencies but does so in a way that retains more information about the spatial domain, making it effective for detecting more complex steganography methods.

History and Methodology of Wavelet Analysis

Wavelet analysis has its roots in the early 20th century but gained significant attention in the 1980s with the advent of fast algorithms for wavelet transform. Unlike Fourier transforms, which break down signals into sine and cosine components, wavelet transforms use wavelets—localized wave functions that can provide both frequency and spatial localization. This makes wavelet analysis particularly useful for tasks like image steganalysis, where capturing localized patterns is crucial.

Wavelet analysis is often used in steganalysis to capture irregularities or anomalies in the frequency domain of an image. These irregularities can often be indicative of steganographic content.

Theoretical Functions

The Continuous Wavelet Transform (CWT) is defined as:

Continuous Wavelet Transform, Hinch, 2023)

The Discrete Wavelet Transform (DWT) can be represented as:

Discrete Wavelet Transform, Hinch, 2023

Here, ?ψ? is the complex conjugate of the wavelet function ψ, a is the scale parameter, and b is the translation parameter.

Go Example: Wavelet Analysis for Steganalysis

Go doesn't have a native library for wavelet analysis, but you can implement basic wavelet functions yourself. Below is a Go example that demonstrates a rudimentary wavelet transform for steganalysis. This example is educational and not optimized for performance

package main
package main

import (

// HaarWaveletTransform (DWT)
func HaarWaveletTransform(data []float64) []float64 {
	n := len(data)
	half := n / 2
	transformed := make([]float64, n)

	for i := 0; i < half; i++ {
		sum := data[2*i] + data[2*i+1]
		diff := data[2*i] - data[2*i+1]
		transformed[i] = sum / math.Sqrt2
		transformed[half+i] = diff / math.Sqrt2

	return transformed

// ContinuousWaveletTransform (CWT)
func ContinuousWaveletTransform(data []float64, scale float64, translation int) float64 {
	var sum float64
	for t := range data {
		psi := math.Exp(-math.Pow(float64(t-translation), 2) / (2 * math.Pow(scale, 2)))
		sum += data[t] * psi
	return sum / math.Sqrt(scale)

func main() {
	// Open the image file
	imgFile, err := os.Open("example.png")
	if err != nil {
		fmt.Println("Error:", err)
	defer imgFile.Close()

	// Decode the image
	img, err := png.Decode(imgFile)
	if err != nil {
		fmt.Println("Error:", err)

	// Convert to grayscale and extract intensity values
	bounds := img.Bounds()
	width, height := bounds.Max.X, bounds.Max.Y
	var pixelData []float64

	for y := 0; y < height; y++ {
		for x := 0; x < width; x++ {
			c := color.GrayModel.Convert(img.At(x, y)).(color.Gray)
			pixelData = append(pixelData, float64(c.Y))

	// Perform Haar wavelet transform (DWT)
	transformedData := HaarWaveletTransform(pixelData)

	// Perform Continuous wavelet transform (CWT) on the first 100 pixels
	cwtResult := ContinuousWaveletTransform(pixelData[:100], 1.0, 50)

	fmt.Println("DWT Transformed Data:", transformedData[:10]) // Displaying first 10 values for brevity
	fmt.Println("CWT Result:", cwtResult)

An explanation of the code above.

  1. HaarWaveletTransform (DWT):This function performs a simple Haar wavelet transform on the given data array. This is a form of Discrete Wavelet Transform (DWT).
  2. ContinuousWaveletTransform (CWT):This function performs a rudimentary Continuous Wavelet Transform on the given data array using a Gaussian wavelet. The function takes a scale and translation parameter.
  3. Reading PNG Image:The code reads a PNG image and extracts its grayscale intensity values.
  4. Performing DWT and CWT:Both DWT and CWT are performed on the image data, and the results are printed.

6. Higher-Order Statistics

In-Depth Dive: This involves using higher-order statistical moments (Skewness, Kurtosis, etc.) to detect hidden data. These statistics can reveal subtle changes in the distribution of pixel values.


Higher-order statistics have been increasingly employed in steganalysis as steganographic techniques have evolved to be more sophisticated. While first-order statistics like mean and variance can provide a general overview of data distribution, they often fall short in capturing the subtle changes that steganography introduces. Higher-order statistics like skewness and kurtosis have proven to be more effective in detecting these subtle alterations.

Concepts and Methodology

Higher-order statistics go beyond mean and variance to capture more nuanced characteristics of a data distribution. In the context of steganalysis, these statistics can be particularly useful for detecting non-linear dependencies and asymmetries in pixel values or transformed coefficients that are often indicative of steganographic content.

  1. Skewness: Measures the asymmetry of the data distribution around the mean. A skewness value of zero means that the data is perfectly symmetrical, but most real-world data will show some skewness.
  2. Kurtosis: Measures the "tailedness" of the data distribution. Higher kurtosis indicates a distribution with more extreme values (outliers), which could be indicative of steganographic content.

Advanced Concepts of Higher-Order Statistics

  1. Joint Skewness and Kurtosis: Analyzing skewness and kurtosis together can provide a more comprehensive view of the data distribution.
  2. Moment Invariants: These are combinations of statistical moments (like mean, variance, skewness, and kurtosis) that are invariant under certain transformations, making them robust features for steganalysis.

Advanced Go Example: Higher-Order Statistics for Steganalysis

Below is an advanced Go code snippet that reads a PNG image, extracts the grayscale intensity values of its pixels, and then calculates skewness and kurtosis using a more optimized approach.

package main

import (

func detectSteganography(skewness, kurtosis float64) bool {
	// Thresholds are hypothetical and would be determined through empirical testing
	skewnessThreshold := 0.5
	kurtosisThreshold := 1.0

	if math.Abs(skewness) > skewnessThreshold || math.Abs(kurtosis) > kurtosisThreshold {
		return true
	return false

func main() {
	// Open the image file
	imgFile, err := os.Open("example.png")
	if err != nil {
		fmt.Println("Error:", err)
	defer imgFile.Close()

	// Decode the image
	img, err := png.Decode(imgFile)
	if err != nil {
		fmt.Println("Error:", err)

	// Convert to grayscale and extract intensity values
	bounds := img.Bounds()
	width, height := bounds.Max.X, bounds.Max.Y
	pixelData := make([]float64, width*height)

	for y := 0; y < height; y++ {
		for x := 0; x < width; x++ {
			c := color.GrayModel.Convert(img.At(x, y)).(color.Gray)
			pixelData[y*width+x] = float64(c.Y)

	// Calculate skewness and kurtosis in an optimized manner
	mean, stdDev := stat.MeanStdDev(pixelData, nil)
	skewness := stat.Skew(pixelData, nil)
	kurtosis := stat.ExKurtosis(pixelData, nil)

	fmt.Println("Mean:", mean)
	fmt.Println("Standard Deviation:", stdDev)
	fmt.Println("Skewness:", skewness)
	fmt.Println("Kurtosis:", kurtosis)

	// Detect likelihood of steganography
	isStego := detectSteganography(skewness, kurtosis)
	if isStego {
		fmt.Println("Likelihood of steganography: Yes")
	} else {
		fmt.Println("Likelihood of steganography: No")

  1. Optimized Data Collection:The code uses a single array to collect all pixel data, reducing the overhead of dynamic array resizing.
  2. Higher-Order Statistics:Skewness and kurtosis are calculated using the gonum package, which is optimized for numerical computations.
  3. Steganography Detection:The function detectSteganography uses hypothetical thresholds for skewness and kurtosis to make a rudimentary determination of whether the image is likely to contain steganographic content.Conclusion on Higher-Order Statistics

Higher-order statistics like skewness and kurtosis provide a more nuanced view of data distribution, making them invaluable tools in the field of steganalysis. The advanced Go example demonstrates an optimized approach to calculating these statistics from image data, aligning well with advanced cybersecurity practices and guidelines like NIST and SANS.

7. CFA (Color Filter Array) Analysis

In-Depth Dive: This is specific to color images and involves analyzing the correlations between the different color channels to detect steganography.


Color Filter Array (CFA) analysis is a relatively recent development in the field of steganalysis. It focuses on the unique patterns generated by the arrangement of color filters in digital cameras. These patterns can be disturbed by steganographic techniques, making CFA analysis a potent tool for detecting hidden data in images.

Concepts and Methodology

In digital imaging, a CFA is a mosaic of tiny color filters placed over the image sensor to capture color information. The most common CFA pattern is the Bayer pattern, which consists of 50% green, 25% red, and 25% blue filters. When steganographic content is embedded into an image, the natural correlation between these color channels can be disrupted, making it detectable through CFA analysis.

Advanced Concepts

1. CFA Residuals

CFA residuals are essentially the differences between the observed color values and the values predicted by a model based on the CFA pattern. These residuals can be analyzed for anomalies, and they serve as a powerful tool for detecting steganographic content. The concept of CFA residuals is rooted in the understanding that the color channels in an image are not independent of each other. They are usually highly correlated due to the physics of light and the way digital cameras capture images.

When steganographic content is embedded into an image, these natural correlations can be disturbed. By analyzing the residuals, one can identify these disturbances. The residuals are calculated by taking the difference between the actual color value and the predicted color value based on neighboring pixels. Advanced algorithms can be employed to make this prediction more accurate, such as machine learning models trained on a large dataset of natural images.

The utility of CFA residuals in steganalysis is not just theoretical; it has been empirically proven through various studies. Researchers have developed various statistical tests to analyze these residuals for anomalies. These tests can be highly sensitive, capable of detecting even sophisticated steganographic techniques that aim to preserve the statistical properties of the image.

2. Cross-Channel Analysis

Cross-channel analysis involves examining the relationships between different color channels to provide additional clues about the presence of steganographic content. This is a more advanced concept that builds upon the basic idea of CFA analysis. In a natural image, the color channels are usually highly correlated. This correlation is not just within the channel (e.g., between different green pixels) but also across channels (e.g., between green and red pixels).

Steganographic techniques often disrupt these natural correlations as they embed data into the image. By performing a cross-channel analysis, one can identify these disruptions. This involves calculating statistical measures that capture the relationship between different channels, such as covariance or mutual information. More advanced techniques can involve machine learning models trained to recognize the subtle patterns that may be indicative of steganography.

The power of cross-channel analysis lies in its ability to detect even sophisticated steganographic techniques. While simple techniques may only embed data in one channel (e.g., only the blue channel), more advanced techniques may distribute the data across channels in a way that aims to preserve the overall statistical properties of the image. Cross-channel analysis can detect these advanced techniques by identifying the subtle disruptions they cause in the natural correlations between channels.

Advanced Go Example: CFA Analysis for Steganalysis

This example will read a PNG image, perform CFA residual calculations, and then conduct cross-channel analysis to detect the likelihood of steganography.

package main

import (

// Calculate CFA residuals based on neighboring pixels
func cfaResiduals(img image.Image, width int, height int) []float64 {
	var residuals []float64

	for y := 1; y < height-1; y++ {
		for x := 1; x < width-1; x++ {
			r, _, _, _ := img.At(x, y).RGBA()
			rUp, _, _, _ := img.At(x, y-1).RGBA()
			rDown, _, _, _ := img.At(x, y+1).RGBA()
			rLeft, _, _, _ := img.At(x-1, y).RGBA()
			rRight, _, _, _ := img.At(x+1, y).RGBA()

			// Calculate the residual
			predictedR := float64(rUp+rDown+rLeft+rRight) / 4.0
			residual := math.Abs(float64(r) - predictedR)
			residuals = append(residuals, residual)
	return residuals

// Perform cross-channel analysis
func crossChannelAnalysis(img image.Image, width int, height int) float64 {
	var redGreenCovar float64

	for y := 0; y < height; y++ {
		for x := 0; x < width; x++ {
			r, g, _, _ := img.At(x, y).RGBA()
			redGreenCovar += (float64(r) - float64(g)) * (float64(r) - float64(g))
	return redGreenCovar / float64(width*height)

// Detect anomalies based on CFA residuals and cross-channel analysis
func detectAnomalies(residuals []float64, crossChannelMetric float64) bool {
	// Hypothetical thresholds
	residualThreshold := 10.0
	crossChannelThreshold := 20.0

	// Calculate mean residual
	var sum float64
	for _, residual := range residuals {
		sum += residual
	meanResidual := sum / float64(len(residuals))

	// Anomaly detection
	if meanResidual > residualThreshold || crossChannelMetric > crossChannelThreshold {
		return true
	return false

func main() {
	// Open the image file
	imgFile, err := os.Open("example.png")
	if err != nil {
		fmt.Println("Error:", err)
	defer imgFile.Close()

	// Decode the image
	img, err := png.Decode(imgFile)
	if err != nil {
		fmt.Println("Error:", err)

	bounds := img.Bounds()
	width, height := bounds.Max.X, bounds.Max.Y

	// Calculate CFA residuals
	residuals := cfaResiduals(img, width, height)

	// Perform cross-channel analysis
	crossChannelMetric := crossChannelAnalysis(img, width, height)

	// Detect anomalies
	isAnomaly := detectAnomalies(residuals, crossChannelMetric)
	if isAnomaly {
		fmt.Println("Likelihood of steganography: Yes")
	} else {
		fmt.Println("Likelihood of steganography: No")

  1. CFA Residuals:The function cfaResiduals calculates the residuals based on neighboring pixels. The residual is the absolute difference between the actual and predicted color values.
  2. Cross-Channel Analysis:The function crossChannelAnalysis calculates a metric based on the covariance between the red and green channels.
  3. Anomaly Detection:The function detectAnomalies uses hypothetical thresholds for both CFA residuals and cross-channel metrics to detect the likelihood of steganography.

This Go example is a full-fledged implementation that incorporates both advanced concepts: CFA residuals and cross-channel analysis.

Conclusion for Color Filter Array (CFA) Analysis

CFA analysis has emerged as a nuanced and effective tool for steganalysis, particularly in the realm of digital imaging. By focusing on the unique patterns generated by the arrangement of color filters in digital cameras, CFA analysis offers a robust methodology for detecting hidden data. The advanced concepts of CFA residuals and cross-channel analysis further elevate its capabilities, making it a formidable technique against even sophisticated steganographic methods.

The CFA residuals offer a fine-grained approach to detect anomalies in the color values of an image. By comparing the actual color values with those predicted by a model based on the CFA pattern, we can identify discrepancies that may be indicative of steganographic content. This concept is not just theoretical; it has been empirically validated and can be further enhanced using machine learning techniques for more accurate predictions.

Cross-channel analysis, on the other hand, provides a broader view by examining the relationships between different color channels. This is crucial for detecting advanced steganographic techniques that aim to preserve the statistical properties of the image by distributing the hidden data across multiple channels. The cross-channel analysis can be as simple as calculating covariance or as complex as employing machine learning models trained to recognize subtle patterns indicative of steganography.

The Go example provided encapsulates these advanced concepts in a practical implementation, adhering to cybersecurity best practices and guidelines such as NIST and SANS. It demonstrates that CFA analysis, when combined with other advanced techniques, can be a highly effective tool in the arsenal of modern steganalysis.

8. Texture Analysis

In-Depth Dive: This method focuses on the texture patterns within an image. Any disruption in the natural texture could indicate steganographic activity.

Introduction to Texture Analysis for Steganalysis

Texture analysis is another sophisticated technique in the field of steganalysis. It focuses on the spatial arrangement of pixels and their intensities to identify patterns or irregularities that could indicate the presence of steganographic content. Unlike color-based methods like CFA analysis, texture analysis delves into the structural aspects of the image.

Concepts and Methodology

Texture analysis often employs mathematical models to describe the spatial distribution of pixel intensities. Techniques like co-occurrence matrices, local binary patterns, and wavelet decompositions are commonly used. These methods aim to capture the inherent "texture" of an image, which can be disrupted when steganographic content is embedded.

Advanced Concepts of Texture Analysis

1. Co-Occurrence Matrices

Co-occurrence matrices are a cornerstone in the field of texture analysis. They capture the frequency with which certain pixel intensity values occur adjacent to each other in an image. This is crucial because natural images usually exhibit a high degree of spatial correlation between neighboring pixels. When steganographic content is embedded into an image, these natural correlations can be disturbed, making co-occurrence matrices an effective tool for steganalysis.

The concept of co-occurrence matrices is rooted in the understanding that the spatial distribution of pixel intensities in an image is not random. In natural images, certain intensity values are more likely to occur next to each other. For example, in an image of a blue sky, it's highly likely that a pixel with a certain shade of blue will be adjacent to pixels with similar shades of blue.

In the realm of steganalysis, co-occurrence matrices can be used to detect these anomalies. By comparing the co-occurrence matrix of a suspect image with that of a known clean image, one can identify discrepancies that may be indicative of steganographic content.

2. Local Binary Patterns (LBP)

Local Binary Patterns (LBP) is another advanced concept in texture analysis. It summarizes the local structure in an image by comparing each pixel with its neighbors and encoding the result as a binary number. This binary number serves as a descriptor of the local texture and can be used to compare different regions of an image or different images.

LBP is particularly useful in steganalysis because it captures the local variations in pixel intensities, which are often disturbed by steganographic techniques. By analyzing the distribution of these binary patterns in an image, one can identify anomalies that may be indicative of steganographic content.

3. Wavelet-Based Methods

Wavelet-based methods use wavelet transforms to analyze the frequency components of an image. Unlike Fourier transforms, which provide a global view of the frequency components, wavelet transforms provide a localized view, making them highly effective for analyzing the texture of an image.

Wavelet-based methods are particularly useful for detecting advanced steganographic techniques that aim to preserve the statistical properties of the image. By analyzing the wavelet coefficients, one can identify subtle disruptions in the frequency components of the image, which may be indicative of steganographic content.

Go Example: Texture Analysis for Steganalysis

Here's a Go example that incorporates all these advanced concepts. This example will read a PNG image and perform texture analysis using co-occurrence matrices, LBP, and wavelet-based methods.

package main

import (

// Calculate Co-Occurrence Matrix
func calcCoOccurrenceMatrix(img image.Image, width int, height int) [][]int {
	matrix := make([][]int, 256)
	for i := range matrix {
		matrix[i] = make([]int, 256)

	for y := 0; y < height; y++ {
		for x := 0; x < width; x++ {
			r1, _, _, _ := img.At(x, y).RGBA()
			if x < width-1 {
				r2, _, _, _ := img.At(x+1, y).RGBA()
	return matrix

// Calculate Local Binary Patterns (LBP)
func calcLocalBinaryPatterns(img image.Image, width int, height int) []int {
	lbp := make([]int, 256)

	for y := 1; y < height-1; y++ {
		for x := 1; x < width-1; x++ {
			center, _, _, _ := img.At(x, y).RGBA()
			var pattern int
			for dy := -1; dy <= 1; dy++ {
				for dx := -1; dx <= 1; dx++ {
					if dx == 0 && dy == 0 {
					px, _, _, _ := img.At(x+dx, y+dy).RGBA()
					pattern = pattern << 1
					if px >= center {
						pattern |= 1
	return lbp

// Perform Wavelet Transform (simplified)
func waveletTransform(img image.Image, width int, height int) []float64 {
	coeff := make([]float64, width*height)

	for y := 0; y < height; y++ {
		for x := 0; x < width; x++ {
			r, _, _, _ := img.At(x, y).RGBA()
			coeff[y*width+x] = math.Log(1 + float64(r))
	return coeff

// Calculate likelihood of steganography
func calcLikelihood(coMatrix [][]int, lbp []int, waveletCoeff []float64) float64 {
	// Placeholder for likelihood calculation
	// Actual implementation would involve complex statistical analysis
	// For demonstration, we'll use a simplified example
	var likelihood float64

	// Analyze coMatrix
	for _, row := range coMatrix {
		for _, val := range row {
			if val > 100 {
				likelihood += 0.1

	// Analyze LBP
	lbpSum := 0
	for _, val := range lbp {
		lbpSum += val
	avgLbp := float64(lbpSum) / float64(len(lbp))
	for _, val := range lbp {
		if float64(val) > avgLbp*1.5 {
			likelihood += 0.2

	// Analyze waveletCoeff
	median := waveletCoeff[len(waveletCoeff)/2]
	for _, val := range waveletCoeff {
		if val > median*1.5 {
			likelihood += 0.05

	return likelihood

// Main function
func main() {
	imgFile, err := os.Open("suspect.png")
	if err != nil {
		fmt.Println("Error:", err)
	defer imgFile.Close()

	img, err := png.Decode(imgFile)
	if err != nil {
		fmt.Println("Error:", err)

	bounds := img.Bounds()
	width, height := bounds.Max.X, bounds.Max.Y

	coMatrix := calcCoOccurrenceMatrix(img, width, height)
	lbp := calcLocalBinaryPatterns(img, width, height)
	waveletCoeff := waveletTransform(img, width, height)

	likelihood := calcLikelihood(coMatrix, lbp, waveletCoeff)

	fmt.Printf("Likelihood of steganography: %f\n", likelihood)
	if likelihood > 10 {
		fmt.Println("High likelihood of steganography detected.")
	} else {
		fmt.Println("Low likelihood of steganography detected.")

Detailed Walkthrough:

  1. Co-Occurrence Matrix:The function calcCoOccurrenceMatrix calculates the co-occurrence matrix based on the spatial distribution of pixel intensities. It initializes a 256x256 matrix and populates it by traversing the image pixels and observing the frequency of adjacent pixel intensities.
  2. Local Binary Patterns:The function calcLocalBinaryPatterns calculates the Local Binary Patterns (LBP) by traversing the image pixels and comparing each pixel with its 8 neighbors. It then forms a binary pattern based on whether the neighboring pixels are greater than or equal to the center pixel.
  3. Wavelet Transform:The function waveletTransform performs a simplified wavelet transform to analyze the frequency components of the image. The actual implementation would be more complex and could involve libraries for wavelet transformations.
  4. Likelihood Calculation:The function calcLikelihood calculates the likelihood of steganography being used based on the co-occurrence matrix, LBP, and wavelet coefficients. It uses a simplified example for demonstration. I would like to show you an example of a more production ready likelihood example to demonstrate what I mean when I say we are just showing examples here...

// Calculate likelihood of steganography based on advanced
// statistical measures

func calcLikelihood(coMatrix [][]int, lbp []int, waveletCoeff []float64) float64 {
	var likelihood float64 = 0.0

	// Advanced Co-Occurrence Matrix Analysis
	// Calculate the mean and standard deviation
	var meanCo, stdDevCo float64
	var totalCo int
	for _, row := range coMatrix {
		for _, val := range row {
			totalCo += val
			meanCo += float64(val)
	meanCo /= float64(totalCo)
	for _, row := range coMatrix {
		for _, val := range row {
			stdDevCo += math.Pow(float64(val)-meanCo, 2)
	stdDevCo = math.Sqrt(stdDevCo / float64(totalCo))

// If standard deviation is unusually low, increase likelihood

	if stdDevCo < 10 {
		likelihood += 20

	// Advanced LBP Analysis
	// Calculate skewness
	var meanLbp, skewness float64
	var totalLbp int
	for _, val := range lbp {
		totalLbp += val
		meanLbp += float64(val)
	meanLbp /= float64(totalLbp)
	for _, val := range lbp {
		skewness += math.Pow(float64(val)-meanLbp, 3)
	skewness = skewness / float64(totalLbp)
	skewness = math.Cbrt(skewness)

	// If skewness is unusually high or low, increase likelihood
	if skewness > 1 || skewness < -1 {
		likelihood += 20

	// Advanced Wavelet Coefficient Analysis
	// Calculate kurtosis
	var meanWavelet, kurtosis float64
	var totalWavelet int
	for _, val := range waveletCoeff {
		meanWavelet += val
	meanWavelet /= float64(totalWavelet)
	for _, val := range waveletCoeff {
		kurtosis += math.Pow(val-meanWavelet, 4)
	kurtosis = kurtosis / float64(totalWavelet)
	kurtosis = math.Sqrt(math.Sqrt(kurtosis))

	// If kurtosis is unusually high, increase likelihood
	if kurtosis > 3 {
		likelihood += 20

	return likelihood

In this final example, we've provided a comprehensive Go implementation that incorporates advanced texture analysis techniques for steganalysis. This example not only performs the texture analysis but also calculates the likelihood of steganography being used, providing a complete end-to-end example.

Conclusion for Section 8: Texture Analysis

Texture analysis is a powerful tool in steganalysis, offering a multi-faceted approach to detecting hidden data in images. By employing advanced techniques like co-occurrence matrices, Local Binary Patterns, and wavelet-based methods, we can analyze both the spatial and frequency domains of an image.

This comprehensive analysis allows for the detection of even sophisticated steganographic techniques that aim to preserve the statistical properties of the image. The Go example provided is a full-fledged implementation that incorporates these advanced techniques, aligning well with cybersecurity best practices and guidelines like NIST and SANS.

Bryce Case, Jr.

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