Cutting down your Azure Spend
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Cutting down your Azure Spend

One of the challenges I had starting this article was how to present this in text. I may need to do a video/screencast inorder to do justice to this, I’m assuming you already have a number of resources on Azure. Later on I will share another article on how to get the best value for money before creating a new resource on Azure. Please bear in mind the suggestions shared here are actions I carried out to reduce my Azure spend and remain my personal recommendations.

My first question, How many App service (Azure App Service Plan is the container for hosting Web Apps, API Apps, Mobile Apps and Function Apps) do you have within your current subscription ?

Did you know that the charge for an App service is not significantly influenced by the number of web apps that you have within the same app service. What that means is that you can reduce your current cost by hosting a couple of your web apps in a App service plan. App service depending on the specific one that you choose (a couple of other factors like auto-scaling, CPU, storage) could allow you host as much as 20 web apps or more within a single app service plan. An app service is a virtual machine instance and could host a couple of apps in it, so no need to have multiple app services.

Azure app service is charged as a single unit cost i.e you will be charged based on the app service option that you choose.

Secondly, what Azure region are your services hosted/deployed at the moment ? Are they close to where your existing users are ?

Azure regions have different prices due to the varying cost for each region, cost of electricity in Europe is not the same as it is in Africa (South Africa North Region). So also the cost of land, construction and other necessary components required for the smooth running of a Data center. Together with varying Data center cost we also have the transfer data cost. Data transfer in and out of an Azure region away, where your users are is also another factor to consider. The closer the data center(where your resources are hosted) to your users the better.

Read the full Article here Cutting Down Your Azure Spend Full Article


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