?CUTIE“ – the magazine without words in 20 countries already
Flintas Publishing
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?Cutie“ magazine has been published in Lithuania since 2009. Lithuanian children were the first to love it, and then, little by little, it found its way into the hearts of other European children. Since this year, ?Cutie“ has been launched in two new countries - Romania and Portugal - and the magazine is now read by children in 20 countries! To mark the occasion, we interviewed Jurgita Ju?kait?-Jakaitien?, editor of ?Cutie“.
What does ?Cutie“ mean to you?
?Cutie“ is like a third child for me, with whom I have lived for 16 years since the magazine was founded. The first years of my work were beautifully intertwined with the growth of my daughters. It was fun to watch the little hands at work, and it was a great opportunity to put everyday experiences into practice. Over the years, my daughters have grown up, but ?Cutie“ has remained a growing child, but never a grown-up, child. I can't help noticing toddlers on the street or in other environments. Interviewing mothers when I see little ones of ?Cutie“ age is always interesting.
Also, "Cutie" for me means COLOURS. I often think, "This is so "Cutie" — anything that is bright, colorful, visible, and clear."
What are the challenges you face while creating ?Cutie“? And what is the most rewarding part of the creative process?
The biggest challenge is to create an attractive, splashy cover. So that the child wants it at first sight and the mother immediately understands what she is buying and how it will benefit her.
Another challenge is that ?Cutie“ magazine has four main colors that change on the cover. They can't be repeated every month, and we have to mathematically plan all the covers for the year to find the most suitable and new characters. It is interesting, but not easy.
The most rewarding part is that my mind wanders to the mothers and their little ones. I imagine how they will decide, who they will gossip about, and how they will enjoy a warm coffee while their little one is engrossed in the magazine.?
Which character is your favorite?
I love the Kitty the most. When we decided to update the characters in 2018, he was the one I started with. I created the Kitty character first, and then I did the other pets. My second favorite animal is the Fox.
Where do you get your ideas for your work?
Creativity is an integral part of my life. It's not like you're out of office hours and don't think about work anymore. Sometimes you get ideas from observing nature – watching the sky and seeing some good clouds form stickers. Or a river meandering like a dot-connecting exercise. Sometimes I watch children, even in the shop. I visit kindergarten groups. I also search on the Internet, but not for tasks, more for interesting situations. For example, if you see foxes frolicking somewhere, or otters relaxing in the water, there is a good chance that these situations will make it into my illustrations. This is the most interesting place in my work.
Are mothers and children involved in any way?
Of course, how without mums? I had a community of mothers on social media who were very willing to interact, to get involved in the meetings by bringing their little ones, but it was quite a short-term process because the children are growing up fast. Another way to feel the "pulse of the little ones" is to keep in touch with kindergartens and teachers. They always have something to tell me because they are always with the toddlers, giving them tasks to do and thus "checking" my work. Sometimes I take the journals and go to the kindergartens myself to see how the children are doing, what they are most interested in, what is going well, and what is difficult to understand.? Sometimes I even meet with the same group of little ones in the autumn and spring, and then it's easy to compare the changes in the child's development.
I get a lot of benefits and inner satisfaction from the education we create. It's a time when I can observe the little ones and interact with the mums and dads.
What would you like to wish for little readers and their parents?
Enjoy every moment together. But make time for yourself too. And if you can't think of a way to do it, try ?Cutie“ magazines or books. They can help you make quality time together or, if you like, give your little one lessons in independence.