Customisable business plan templates
Having developed two courses, one for refugees wishing to start their own business, the 9 Conversations (9C) course, and one for facilitators of the 9C course, Mastering 9 Conversations (M9C), the M9C project also tackled the issue of how to integrate these courses into the regular activities of refugee support organisations (RSOs). Since training is often not their main activity we decided to develop a tool for RSOs to consider how to integrate an activity which may be very distant from their core business and also infrequently needed. It may be that 9 Conversations is run once a year while Mastering 9 Conversations is needed perhaps once every five years.
We now have two business plan templates that you can use to analyse how the 9 Conversations programme could be part of your organisation's activities. The first one is based on the Business Model Canvas, the one page visualisation tool that we have been using throughout the 9 Conversations package. The second is rather more detailed and based on the classic business plan template including a SWOT analysis of Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities and Threats. Both are tailored to a social enterprise context. Still not sure? Then we have three examples, two using BMC and one based on the SWOT approach. Download the whole package from our website.
The business plan templates are the final piece of the puzzle that together make up the Mastering 9 Conversations package of two courses, an entrepreneurship readiness tool, a low tech digital course platform and guidance on how to issue secure certificates.