The Customer wants a new computer. Do we just sell them one, or review? Sometimes what they think is needed is not the answer...
Phillip R Newberry
IT Project Manager (Agile-Waterfall) and Leader, ITIL, and PMP Candidate. ? Open for new opportunities and business leads. Successful History
During my consulting time, my employer, asked me to go visit a customer, as they wanted a new computer. They expressed frustration as their previous vendor had always sold them a computer and it was always breaking. When I arrived, I noted the business in front of them in the same building was an Electrical Motor Repair shop.
I consulted with the customer and sat at her desk to gather information. I validated the PC was in need of hardware replacement. I could have at that point easily have sold them a new one but I paused as I felt there was a larger problem. I noticed the lighting was flickering which probably was a result inconsistent voltage due to the Electrical Motor Repair shop. I asked them if they replace light bulbs frequently and they said yes, which didn't surprise me. I asked them if the building was wired on the same circuit. They did not know. I suggested before we get a new computer, they hire an Electrician to verify the wiring was ok and asked them if they knew someone they could trust. They didn't so I did my research and interviewed the one whom I felt could address the problem. Once found, I asked them to have that person review and repair if there was a problem. The Electrician verified my assumption that the electrical circuits needed work was accurate.
The Electrician repaired the wiring and I sold them a new computer. The customer was very happy and didn't have those problems any longer plus they told me their light bulbs were lasting longer, which didn't surprise me.