Customer vs Client

People often use the words "customer" and "client" interchangeably; they say there isn't much different between them. Its makes a whole lot of difference at least that's what I learned and thought to share.


  1. A person who purchases goods or services from another person or company.
  2. Implies a short term relationship. Primarily its economic relationship, for example: you buy grocery from a super market, so you become a customer for super market.
  3. If you as a company emphasis your business on selling; then your goal is to get the customer to buy the stuff from you.


  1. Person who purchases goods or services and seeks professional advice/services from another person or company.
  2. Implies a long-term and ongoing business relationship. for example: when you employ the services of a chartered accountant you are his/her client.
  3. If you as a company emphasis your business on serving; then your goal is to look for your client needs and provide them with the best services you can.

There is a difference between the terms "customer" and "client", as well as between the companies who sell to customers and those who serve the clients.

knowing the difference affects the way you do the business.


