Shubham Tomar
Digital Marketing for SAP Consultants & Implemented Companies | 50k+ Leads | Managed over 1 Crore+ in Ads | SAP Industry Focus
Customer Value Journey (The Process of Moving A Complete Stranger To A Raving Fan)
Firstly, it is important to understand what a consumer value journey is. Consumers take action to achieve a goal related to your firm as part of a consumer value journey. The customer journey divides an action process into small periods and analyzes them clearly. An example might include a customer journey to purchase a product, or to subscribe to your firm's newsletter. As a result, a consumer value journey helps businesses understand how customers behave.
Awareness Stage - Our very first interaction with our prospects is all about conveying the very best impression of your product.
Video, Image, Blog Post.
Engagement - It has to be good. Our prospects engage with our blog posts, watch your videos, or may like, comment, or share your content.
Subscription (Lead Magnet) - What you should ideally do is take the people to your blog where you have your signup forms all placed (strategically), giving away the lead magnets. The goal is:
- To generate Trust by giving Good Value in your blog post
- To collect that Optin
No.1 - You are going to give away some value to your prospects.
You will be throwing some more emails towards your prospects - some more learnings for them.
The goal is to Enhance the Trust.
Convert (Tripwire) - The aim is to sell a mini product.
This is ACTUALLY the REAL START OF THE BUSINESS RELATIONSHIP between you & your prospect.
In this conversion stage - you are selling a product which is a small value product.
Something which is of Huge Value - Even then you are offering it for $7-$9.
The reason for that is:
* That you want to start a Buying Relationship with your prospects
This step will involve: Customer Paying You Money | You giving them Huge Value in exchange
Your customer will feel safe about giving you money even in future.
Your customer knows that my money is safe with this person.
Tripwire - Tripwire can be ANYTHING where you are giving GREAT Value in exchange of a Very Very LOW Price.
Make your Tripwire in a way that you would want to spend at least $50 on it.
Our goal is to make every stage of the customer value journey a ‘No-Brainer’
Will the other person will pay $7 for it?
An Absolute Must - Giving them massive value in return.
Psychology - Pays $7/$19 - HUGE VALUE
“Oh my god.. In just $7 I have received so much.. What will happen if I buy other products from me’
Excitement Stage - Make sure that you are giving away HUGE value when you are giving away whatever you have in exchange.
- Prospects gain Money based Trust on you
- They know that you will deliver huge value in exchange
Ascend - Business end of the spectrum.
Now you are going to present to them an offer/product which is of good value in terms of money (that’s where you start making money).
Make sure (again) that you again are delivering a Product of Huge Value.
Core Product, Upsell 1 , Upsell 2, Upsell 3
Advocate - Your customers ARE SO HAPPY with what you offered to them that they are giving you testimonials, feedbacks.
To give away so much Value in your product that your customers are really happy with what they bought.
That is only how they will keep on buying from you over & over again.
Promotion Stage - With this step your customers will be RAVING about your product in their circle. You will be getting sales on autopilot.
Because your customers will become your sales representatives and praise you at every place.
In addition, you should review your customer journey every month to continuously improve it.
To conclude, Arrowtheme wishes you success in establishing and optimizing your consumer value journey.
Best wishes,
Shubham Tomar