Customer Support

Why is it so difficult to get good customer service these days? I've been in the customer service industry for many years now and the one thing that I learned very early is that keeping a customer updated goes a long way to keep that customer happy and less irritated with whatever issue they may have.

I have two issues that I need assistance with, the one I'm able to log a Support Request, however, I as the client need to follow up for an update, surely this is the job of the Support person that my request is assigned to? If you don't have time to get back to your clients, then a) your company is either understaffed or b) you as the Support person needs to manage your time better!

The other issue is being handled via email, this issue has been going on since July 2018, now this issue isn't critical, however again I find myself having to follow up and ask for an update.

Far too many companies these days that offer Customer Support fail their customers because of staff that either doesn't understand what customer support is or in some cases, those people just don't care. The same is especially true with retail stores, far too often I have walked into a shop and needed assistance and the staff are either nowhere to be seen or often those that are visible, are standing around chatting and laughing with each other. The fact that they have a job is all that matters, however, from time-to-time I have come across a few who think that they are doing you a favor by assisting you, you get a bit of attitude if you ask them for assistance.

Now I might be wrong, but if you are hired to be the face of the company or the first line of Support, is it not your duty to deliver your best performance and go out of your way to assist a customer as best you can?

I have had some exceptional service from various stores and companies, but I have also had such horrible service that I would rather walk out and go to a competitor and give them the business just because of that service. When I do get good or better service, I try to take the time to get hold of that person's manager and let them know that the person that just helped me was fantastic, I usually try to do this in front of the person that helped me so that if the manager doesn't convey the message, that at least that person knows that I appreciated the service!

"Customer service is the act of taking care of the customer's needs by providing and delivering professional, helpful, high-quality service and assistance before, during, and after the customer's requirements are met."
